Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 5, 2019

Crossroads – P200 Training Hits the Home Stretch

17 posted for Crossroads on this wonderful Sunday. A few ruckers and a lot of runners. Props to the guys who participated in the Rooster the day before and made it out today. Pizza Man grabbed a recovery ruck while Gold Digger, to no one’s surprise, was seen burning up the streets as he normally does. Keep up the great work.

We went through announcements and, as we were wrapping those up, we were introduced to Sgt. Big Country. This a REAL hero and HIM folks! He saw the flag and came by to ask what we were about. He told us he had lost his leg while serving our country and just told us how seeing those colors just triggered something in him. He does some motivational speaking as well. Sgtbigcountry is his Instagram handle.
YHC asked him if he’d lead us in the pledge and a prayer and, I must say, that was one of THE most inspiring and emotional pledges I’ve ever been a part of. We gave him all the info so don’t be surprised if you see him around some of our AOs soon.

Anouncements: P200 upcoming, 2nd F on 3/22 at the Ole Dallas Brewery to watch some roundball, Joe Davis run, 3/9 Nomads to F3 Metro (ask Freight for details)

Folsom Pays For It’s Actions

By now, many of you are well aware of the ongoing butt-hurt I (and Allen Tate) have experience since last Thursday. Allen Tate was originally scheduled as the Q for today and was dying (maybe that wasn’t the best term to use!) to take revenge on all of the PAX today. Unfortunately, after a bit too much rock-pushing Sunday and some health worries, it wasn’t a good idea for him to Q and I was more than ready to step in! I felt like my Trail O Tears workout from Painlab this weekend was a real crowd-pleaser and, considering I was still sore from it on Monday, I knew it was just the type of thing to bring to Folsom for “revenge”.

Let me say this first, what a crowd at Folsom today! 15 men posted this morning. We have had a steady influx of FNGs so far this year and they keep returning. Our newer guys are bringing FNGs so the fever is spreading. It really is exciting!

We did have a FNG this morning so the disclaimer was given! We welcome Lion King to Folsom!


Let me just tell ya, ol’ Tee-ron was pretty fired up and ready to bring the heat today! I intentionally came out of the gate with a fast pace to set the tone with 20 SSH in cadence. FNG was probably like “Oh crap, what am I doing here”.

Also, we did:
10 Toy Solders in cadence
10 Cotton Pickers in cadence

Grab a block and let’s move to the tennis courts.

Beatdown: This is the Trail O Tears!

First up, Route 66 with Mike Tysons at each mid-court and between courts across the Tennis Courts (1 MT at the first stop, 2 at the 2nd, 3 at the 3rd, etc). Being that this is Folsom and we push rocks ’round these parts, we did a 12th set at the end of the courts. (a suggestion to all of you who want to work the quads, do Mike Tysons without the curb. It is a different exercise!)

Plank for the 6 and some Nolan Ryans to mix it up. Pause for a Countoff and back to it.

For our trip back, a modified Route 66. Bear Crawl across the courts, and do Low Squats at each mid-court and between courts (1 Squat at the first stop, 2 at the 2nd, 3 at the 3rd, etc)

Plank for the 6. Recover.

I altered a bit from the Painlab version to give the shoulders a quick rest. Rudolph commented Saturday that I had totally blasted the shoulders going back to back with Route 66’s and blocks so I felt like breaking it up would be better and I think it was. Let’s work on those abs.

2 circuits of:
LBCs 15 IC
Rosalitas 15 IC
Big Boy Situps 10 single count

1 circuit of:
Flutter Kicks 15 IC
American Hammers 15 IC
X-Crunches 10 single count

I debated another set but time is flying by so time to grab a block. Walk with your block across the court and between each court, do 10 curls and 10 overhead presses (yes Medicine Woman, both exercises) including the end (Rock-pushing!). Plank for the 6, let’s bring it back. Plank for the 6.

Now we return, doing 10 Cinder Block Swings between each court (like kettlebell swings). That ends up being 60 swings for everyone except Roundup who did like 1,387. Plank for the 6.

I had a few minutes before my finale so I turned the planks into Blood on the Concrete (Makhtar Ndiayes) – 10 in cadence.

Recover….errr…wait, let’s grab the blocks and do 10 Get-ups! Lots of modifying here but I’m not judging. Those are hard to do! I think my long lanky body helps here!

Ok, circle up, we have about 4 minutes left. Time for some Chumbawumba! Everyone left it on the courts as we did Side Straddle Hops through the song and Burpees for every “I get knocked down”. Way to push guys!

Return to the parking lot. 22 for the Vets. Now I’m done! Time.

Announcements: Pledge. Convergence on 3/30 at Folsom, P-200 on 3/22 and 3/23. I forgot to announce there is also a 2nd F event at Old Dallas Brewery this month on Feb. 22nd. Prayer Requests: Allen Tate, AT’s mom, Rockabilly’s mom, MW’s 2.0 and a family member. YHC took us out in prayer.


Thanks everyone for coming out today. I always enjoy Q’ing. I was especially excited today to try this Trail O Tears workout with Folsom. It was tough Saturday and it pushed Painlab so while I wanted to wear you guys out, I mostly wanted to bring a workout that would push us all. I think I did both. It fires me up to see a big group out there and I’m really excited about Folsom right now. Also, props to AT for getting out there, but mostly for playing it smart today and modifying as needed! We joke around all the time but that is not always an easy thing to do.

5k at The Storm

With the P200 getting close, YHC needs to start logging a few more miles each week. Hopeful that a couple of other P200 PAX would post today, I decided to plan a Weinke that involved a good amount of running. After the typical Broke warmup of SSH’s, Don Q’s and Moroccan Nightclubs x10IC, we started on our journey.


Mosey out the lower entrance to Lakewood Road and stop for some Merkins, Plank Jacks and Shoulder Taps, all x10IC. Back to your feet and across Lake Drive and up Armstrong to the roundabout for a salute to the morning commuters. Monkey Humpers, Rosalita’s and LBC’s x15IC. After a mosey down the main entrance we paused in front of the school for three rounds of Dips and Derkins x20OYO. Mosey through the parking lot and around the back of the school for a stop at the back entrance. Mike Tyson’s and American Hammers x10OYO, run to Hwy. 74 and back and repeat. Around the back of the school and up to the baseball field for 10 Burpee’s then backtrack around the rear of the school and back to the start. Still got some time and only at 2.90 miles so let’s knock out 10 more Burpee’s and mosey around the parking lot to get in a total of 3.15 miles.


Still had time for 6 minutes of Mary and 5 Burpee’s for an imaginary train heard by Sister Act.


Moleskin / COT

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

If you’ve ever heard Tiger pray, he almost always quotes this verse at the start. God didn’t design us to go non stop and never rest. He told us to rest on the seventh day, HE rested after creating the Heavens and the Earth, and Jesus found time to rest even when he was surrounded by people. Examine your life and find time to rest.



Convergence 3/30 at 7am at Folsom

Nomads 3/9 heading to AG Middle in Charlotte

May 5th Mt. Mitchell hike

March 22nd 2nd F event at ODB in Dallas (M’s welcome)


Prayer Requests

Allen Tate – health issues

Sargento and Family – loss of M’s aunt

Each other


Strong work by the PAX this morning. You guys continue to push me to get better.


YHC took us out.




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