Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 25, 2023

Hyper-Vigilance at the Pub

12 Pax enjoyed fellowship, a cool morning and opportunities to either run or ruck.

We had to be hyper-vigilant as we dodged cars on what seemed to be a busy traffic morning; and Roscoe and I shared how we both seemed to have a feeling of PTSD as he ended his career and I ended a year of constantly being watchful, aware of everything going on around, and ‘on stage’.

Stroganoff was far ahead for about half of the run, just to suddenly appear beside us in the neighborhood. He got a little lost. Suddenly, Defib and Waterboy, who were also ahead, passed us going the opposite direction..having gotten a little turned around, and returned a little late..having done some hill repeats. (Wow, I wasn’t the lost one for once).

Great fellowship and laughs today..much needed.


Snooze begins in Mcadenville on 6/2 at 6:45 am

Special Guest Q at Folsom this Saturday, if you would like that option.


Termite’s boy


When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

John 19:30 ESV

“‘Tetelestai’ means it is finished, it stands finished, and it will always be finished! The debt is paid in full! When He gave himself on the cross, Jesus fully met the righteous demands of a holy law. He paid our debt in full. The Lamb of God shed His blood, and that blood can take away the sins of the world.”

Always great being out there; thanks for the opportunity to lead,



Park to Park to Park 5/24/23

Five runners, mostly old, four ruckers, all old, and a spectator, also old showed up at Stowe Park for Ground Assault.

Runners traced the Park to Park to Park route out to Kevin Loftin Park and back for 5ish miles.  Ruckers rucked off into the shadows for 3ish miles. Upon return the spectator was still waiting on the park bench.

Announcements:  Memorial Day Murph at Sandlot.  Thermal Trail Ride/ Run/ Walk/ Ruck + Lunch & Arcade 6/3.

Prayers for students and teachers finishing up the school year.

Doodles closed us out in prayer.

Thw RB Brings Out the Nascar Faithful

Beautiful morning at the Ricky Bobby.  A little cool and dry.  Almost perfect.

As YHC arrives the are some new faces.  Seems that this young man and what appeares to be a counselor are in town to visit the Nascar Hall Of Fame and catch the Memorial Day race.  They were looking for a Wed morning workout when lo and behold, The Ricky Bobby.  It must be fate.

There were some familiar faces also.  The tried and true.

Nutria runs up and plants the flag, a few hellos, and its time to get busy.

Started with some lite stretching, 22 merkins, squats, and LBC’S in honor of Memorial Day.

Mosey to rear parking lot of school for Dora. Partner up. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s.  P2 runs down the length of parking lot and flapjack.

3 nickel across track.  Bobby Hurleys and mountain climbers.

120 calf raises.

10 merkins, squats, and lbcs at each pole in front of school.

Almost a Q fail until the PAX remained about the Pledge.


It was good to see the new faces as well as the regulars.  All were great guys and we had a good time.

It was an honor and a privilege.



German Geriatric Porn, channel 46

German Geriatric Porn, who knew?  Pilgrims Progress that’s who.  And now you do to.  So, unstrap your buckles, and check your knees, Tesla’s working on livestreaming that s&*t to you for free.  10 or 11 HIM Pax at The Storm this morning, I’m still looking for that odd man.

Warm up:
The Thang:
Exercise and short lap around building……numbers may not reflect accuracy
SSH- 30
Calf raise-30

Street Sprints – OYO and then partner.

Return back to do below while still taking laps.
Big Boy -10
5 burpees
20 Heels to heaven
15 CDD

Partner Exercise/Run:  Partner 1 mosey while Partner 2:  Rinse and repeat.
Lunge walk
Bunny Hop

Mary:  Short Round of Mary

Tequila Sunrise:  Maybe it’s Maybelline with the Q
6/3 Forest City – Ride-along event with arcade games
Memorial Day Murph, Monday 5/29 7:00 am Sandlot

Radar’s sister, McKenzie
Watts Up Father In Law
Graduations tomorrow
Tigers Family
Bubba Sparxx and Gearwrench injuries

I had a great time this morning, honored to Q


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