• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/18/2022
  • AO: Downtown
  • QIC: Amazon
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Balljoint, Sister Act, Camellia, Slaw, Easy Rider, Mayor, Westside, Gearwrench, Wichita, Captian Stubing, and Amazon

It was Sunny and 72… wait… that’s backwards, dark and 27!

Warm-ups by the Pavillion, then moseyed down Main St. until FUMC. During the mosey, Mayor hit the ole elbow and went on his own run while all others did four corners in the FUMC parking lot; burpees, merkins, squats, and dyeing cockroaches rinse and repeat 2x. Then lunges down the long sides of the parking lot, and bunny hops on the short sides. Then we went to the wall and did wall squats and hip slappers! Moseyed to the parking garage; burpees at the bottom ran the steps to the top and squats at the top (Westside busted Amazon doing 1/2 squats, man up Amazon), Rinse and repeat 3 times. Moseyed around downtown linked back up with Mayor and landed back at the Pavillion for round robin.