Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 26, 2022

Gashouse BLOCKS

It’s been a minute since I’ve been to the Gashouse on a Saturday morning, Whoopee reached out a couple weeks ago and asked if I’d Q? I text him yesterday and asked how many blocks should I bring, he thought 15 would be more than enough, that’s what I brought, we had 16 men show! We made it work!

Warmup- SSH ic, Gravel Pickers ic

Then we head over to the truck, everyone grabs a block! Roundup and myself got there a little early to find a hill, and we found a good one for this exercise! Starting at the trail head doing the 1st exercise, run down the trail to the bottom near the bridge and do the 2nd exercise! Easy enough?

1st set of exercises 10 Blockees at the top of the Hill, 10 Burpees at the bottom, 4 sets!

2nd set of exercises, 15 Thrusters at the top, 15 squats at the bottom, 4 sets!

3rd set, 20 alternating block merkins at the top, 20 regular merkins at the bottom, 4 sets!

4th set, 25 American Hammers at the top, 25 LBCs at the bottom, 4 sets!

Everybody killed it! And pushed hard! After we finished this, we all circled up to close it out!

Announcements- Chad 1000 at Gashouse next Saturday, Christmas party also next Saturday

Prayer request- Huck, each other, family members

Thanks for the invite to Q, it was good to see everyone and an honor to lead!

Fighting Yank 11/26/22

Seven HIM made their way to the Yank to burn off some of their Thanksgiving leftovers.  After a quick warm up in the Bunker Gavel and Main Frame headed out for a ruck/ walk tour of Belmont.  The remaining five took their own tour.  It went a little like this.

Belmont Ladder

From the Bunker run to Main and Airline – One Burpee.  Run to Nellies – One Burpee + 5 CDD.  Run to String Bean – One Burpee + 5 CDD + 10 Lunges.  Run to Woodrow – One Burpee, + 5 CDD + 10 Lunges + 25 Merkins.  Run to Glenway – One Burpee + 5 CDD + 10 Lunges + 25 Merkins + 50 Mountain Climbers.  Run to Chronicle/Police Station – One Burpee + 5 CDD + 10 Lunges + 25 Merkins + 50 Mountain Climbers + 75 Squats. Run to Chronicle Mill – One Burpee + 5 CDD + 10 Lunges + 25 Merkins + 50 Mountain Climbers + 75 Squats + 100 LBCs

At the Mill we made our way down the ramp to the empty garage.  After a quick look see we ran out back and back up to the top where we attempted a round of I go You go.  No partners so we deescalated 10 Merkins on one side of the parking lot and 10 American Hammers on the other.

Mosey back to the front for a taste of Reverse Spiderman Merkins up the stairs.  Our spidey skills were tested after the earlier merkins, burpees and CDDs.  We will revisit that another time.

Mosey back to the bunker for a quick game of tic tac toe.  This one will come back too.  Show to Know!

Quick mosey back to The Yank to meet up with Gavel and Main Frame and finish up the last 3 minutes with Mary.



Speed For Need tonight.

Christmas Party Dec 3rd.  RSVP and Vote

Shirt orders are live.  Both Downtown and Goat orders have not reached minimums to go to print.

Prayers for all those traveling!

Listening at Folsom

Folsom 11/26/2022
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slow Squats, Right over Left, Left over Right,
On your six Right foot over left knee and reach hands through and around left knee and stretch it out, repeat for opposite side,
Squat stretches both sides, MNC’s.

Mosey up the hill stopping for 3 burpees at each light pole.

Pledge at the flag, except the flag was missing from the Citizens Center. There was a flag at Walmart in the distance.
1 minute 6”, 1 minute elbow Plank.

Mosey down to smooth parking lot to find blocks.
30 Curls.
30 on your six Chest Press.
30 Overhead Press.
30 Tricep Extensions.
30 2 hand rows.
30 Shrugs.
Run a parking Lot Lap. REPEAT the exercises and then Farmer carry the block a lap.

Mosey back to tennis court.

AB Circle
LBC’s x 20, WW2’s x 15, American Hammers x 15, Penguins x 15, Reverse Crunch x 15, Pretzel Crunch right and left, Flutter Kicks x 15, 1 minute 6”, 1 minute elbow Plank.

4 corners
10 perfect form Merkins, next corner.
10 PF Merkins, next corner.
10 PF Merkins mosey back after 3 corners for time.

Return to Parking Lot and line up for Route 66 with CDD’s and Bear Crawl to next space.

Announcements: Christmas Town 5K tonight, 12/3 Party, need an HC and vote on awards. T-Shirts order extended.

Prayers: Turtleman, Huck, Wichita Baby and wife, Pillager family, Deal family.

Throughout the workout I read some quotes and verses about being a better listener mainly speaking to myself. Several guys also had some good words about listening. I think probably everyone could try to be a better listener especially to our family members.

Westside declared we were light on the legs today. There was a lot less running than I usually do due to a calf muscle but a good full body workout. Thanks to the guys for coming out.

Listening To Others
1. “It takes a great man to be a good listener.”― Calvin Coolidge
2. “Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.”― Graham Speechley
3. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant H. McGill
4. Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. – Proverbs 17:27
5. When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. – Proverbs 10:19
6. “A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak.” – Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬
7. “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have rather talked.” – Mark Twain
8. “There’s a lot of difference between listening and hearing.”― G. K. Chesterton

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