Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 30, 2022

Maybelline Q’s The Goat 10.27.22

Tesla rolled in for the EC ruck at 4:57 am, a full 3 minutes ahead of launch.

Had a great chance to catch up a fine HIM before leading what would’ve been a hellacious beatdown if we’d had the 3 hours or so needed to complete it…..

7 PAX in all came out for this beatdown, primarily to witness the one and only Tesla, demonstrate the one and only acceptable merkin in his territory.  In case you’re wondering, the hand release requires a full outward arm extension for credit.

I originally had 11 sets of 11 workouts planned, but time simply didn’t allow it.  The PAX enjoyed a wide array of workouts, burpees and an insane set of 121 morrocan nightclubs were demanded by Watts Up, so the workout couldn’t continue until he’d had his fill of burpees.

rounded up with COT

Prayers for:

Tooth Fairy – Big Meeting w/ execs

Stinky Bird – Health in household

Saul – Associate Pastor at Southminster Presbyterian Church.

Those suffering with depression and thoughts of suicide.

Nutria’s brother in law

EZ-riders son

  • Maybelline


Happy Gio Day

PAX showed up. Near perfect morning for a mosey.

The Pledge

We ran the Wells Fargo Route.

Sat Folsom Halloween edition (whoops)
Morons for Beer in Columbia 11/12 (talk to Gearwrench)
Christmastown 5k (talk to Broke)

Prayer Requests
Sargento’s recovery
Tube’s M kidney stone surgery went well
Purple Haze’s mom
Sister Act with the flu

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

In COT, YHC noted that is was 10th annual Gio Day which celebrates Giovani Bernard’s 73-year punt return touchdown which helped the Tar Heels defeat the Workpack. For all but a handful of people to ever walk the Earth, this is an irrelevant event. However for those that care, it mattered. If you ever want to hear why, post at The Pub one morning, and we’ll talk about it during a mosey around SOGA.

Squatin’ in the Rain

Woke up to the sound of rain drops falling outside my window. It was unexpected, but it wasn’t going to be an obstacle for 5 PAX this morning.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

The Pledge

Mosey down the road behind Pelican’s. Stop at each light post for 5 squats. One light was out so 5 burpees at that post as a penalty for the light being out.

Stop as Gastone’s Hill. Up the hill and back down with 3 merkins at every mail box on the right (27 in total). Continue mosey down the road with 5 more squats at the last light post.

Mosey over to the covered walk at Robinson. Round of 11’s starting with 10 Dips on one side and 1 Big Boy on the other. We made it to 5 Dips and 6 BB’s when an Omaha was called.

YHC was mesmerized by the bright lights overhead in the walkway so we used those lights for what was called BSB (BrightLight Suicide Burpees). One burpee at the start. Run to the first light for a burpee. Back to start. Run to second light and a burpee. Back to start. Continue until we’d done a burpee at each light down the walkway.

Time was short so quick mosey back to start.

New Q November
Keep an eye out for a new Downtown shirt

Prayer Requests
EZ Rider’s son
Sargento’s recovery
Amazon’s M and upcoming birth

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

I can

There is just no substitute for nantan Saturday – With former nantan Stroganoff out sick I was called up from the bullpen to sub in at the gashouse. Most pax were smart to stay away.  With a sparce crowd the weinke needed significant modification.  So keep it simple – I challenged pax to push themselves to perform to the best that they can.  I knew they were going to push themselves physically (afterall they showed for my Q) but I challenged then to take this home and do more in the their second and third F.  Ask yourself – what are you capable of… what can you do?

Warm -up  SSH, merkins, LBCs

Mosey to Grier parking lot for 11’s with big boys and American hammers with lounge walk in between.

Mosey to football field for starfish work.  Starting in the center mosey to first corner for 10 burpees back to center for 10 flutters, mosey to second corner – 20 merkins. Back to center for 20 flutters, mosey to third corner for 30 LBCs and back to center for 30 flutters and mosey to 4th corner for 40 LBC and back to center for 40 flutters.  Somewhere along the line Tube mentioned that burpees are one of his favorite exercises.  That was a mistake.  YHC called EMOM burpees with sets of 8,9,10,11,12,11,10,9,8.  Real crowd pleaser.  Closed out workout with triple nickel with LBC and CDDs.  Mosey back to flag for 3 min of Mary.

Announcements: Christmas time 5K 11/6, Christmas party 12/3

Prayers: JJ’s church members, Huck, Turtleman, Pax on IR including those with flu and broken elbows


As always leading these pax is an honor.  Until next time

Defib out


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