Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 28, 2022

First Fall day at Tequila Sunrise!

Welp, it is that time of year again! Time to drop the humidity and temps AND get back in the gloom. Went like this:


SS – burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Gravel pickers X 20

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Tesla Stretches X 20

Mosey over the field for Blimps as follows:

Half way – 10 reps

End  – 15 reps

Mosey back

Do it all as a team

Burpees, Lunges, IWs, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats.

Over to the benches for some work:

Step ups, Dips, inverted big boys, dirkins 10X

Parking lot suicides 1st round

Burpee Broad jumps 2nd round

Suicides again 3rd round

Mosey back to the field for a Tesla special: Bear crawl slalom! Everyone gets 3 runs.

SSH X 10

Hand release merkins X 10

Back to COT, 2 minute plank to end – pledge.


Good crowd, good workout, everyone got it done! Amazing community we have here men. Let’s keep pushing the rock and getting better!




Round 3

Three Q’s in a row for me this week. The Back Blast begin to struggle to say the least.

Grammer slips and Laziness can take place when realizing you got some paperwork to complete.

At least for me it does.

Warm Up!

Mosey to the Ampitheatre

Australian Mountain Climbers and Rocky Balboas three rounds each

dips and foxholes three rounds each.

To the Court!

Tennis court that is.

Dora 1,2,3, with Merkins Flutters and Seal Jacks.

Total recall!

Time for a little triple Nipple I mean triple Nickel to finish the morning.

Burpees and squats.

We finished with some Sarlacc Cherry Pickers.


I encouraged the Men at the end to step and Q! We are only as good as the Men who Lead. Take the next step this aint a game where you ride the bench and the coach puts you in. This is a Game that you can step in at any time and lead others to Greatness. I believe any Man in F3 can run a Q.


The Bed Pan is full…


1 Samuel 13:14

Samuel told Saul:

The Lord has found a Man after his own heart.

1 Samuel 13:14

Saul fit all the criteria of a king. The Bible says he stood a head taller than everyone else.

But there was one problem, he didn’t seek the Lord for guidance. So God found someone else David!


David Chased after the Heart of God!

In order to have a better relationship with the Lord our aim should be to please the Lord in everything we do.

Chase after his word, and let it come alive in you, and watch your relationship with HIM grow.


The Bed Pan is full,

On a Mission

After the Pax ran and the pledge was pledged we prayed for the request and discussed Missionality.

Q source is a great way to bond with your brothers of F3 and gaining some great Knowledge about life.


The Bed Pan is Full.



Fly like a butterfly, Sting like a bee

We did neither of those things this morning at The Ricky Bobby, but HIM’s Orangeman and Tesla get some credit for showing up with multiple bee stings from a run through Rocky Branch park yesterday.  Gator, Slim Shady, and late-arriving J2C rounded out the six of us in the Gloom.

Started at 0530 with a brief disclaimer and warmup of SSH, Hillbilly walkers, gravel pickers, Nolan Ryans (all 10xIC), and 5 burpees OYO.   Got a quick count off, then moseyed to the back parking lot, but first stopped at the wall facing the softball field.  Half of us took a seat on the wall while the others did hip slappers (10xIC), then we switched.  Continued to mosey around to the edge of the parking lot near the playground.

The Thang:

One HIM called an exercise.  The HIM to his left ran to the other side of the parking lot and back while PAX do the exercise AMRAP.  We started with hand release merkins and did a variety of other stuff.  After 2 full rounds, moved to the other side of the lot (bear crawl halfway, high knees the rest) for “rinse and repeat.”  Good mumblechatter during this, including speculation about why Tom Brady’s wife doesn’t like him playing football (huh?), and Gator even spotted a shooting star while doing flutter kicks (or Freddy Mercurys or LBC’s).  After 2 more rounds, carioca-ed back to the playground side and changed it up a bit.  Instead of a there-and-back run, we circled up.  Bear crawl around the circle marked the time for each exercise.  Got in 3 rounds of this, then moseyed back to the wall facing the softball field for alternating hip slappers (10xIC) and wall sits.  Moseyed back to the flag for a rapid-fire round of Mary during the final 2 minutes.

2nd F lunch TODAY at Vietnamese place near Adventure Landing (Franklin and Cox Rd)
Oct 8 Amoeba Ruck – check Slack for details
Oct 15 Convergence with Lake Wylie at Bulldog

Prayers:  Tesla’s family, Nutria’s brother-in-law, Orangeman’s daughter and other Florida residents in the path of Ian.

Glad to have these 5 HIM’s out this morning to help push the rock!
 – Nutria

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