• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 09/19/2022
  • AO: The Sandlot
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Watts Up, Roscoe, Maybelline, Cinderella, Linus, Flintstone, Amazon, JJ, Tricycle,

Thanks to Flintstone for the reminder yesterday about my Q this am, otherwise would not have been prepared. We started AT 0530 with Disclaimer, Pledge, and Warm Up. Flintstone requested a 5 burpee penalty during WU-had to be there to know why,  then we moseyed to turd shack to knock out the mandatory hip slappers despite the lack of enthusiasm. It made me sad to hear the lack of passion for such a magnificent exercise. I got over it quickly then we moseyed over to the picnic tables for step ups and Derkins. We did a bunch and I counted so that the mumble chatter was not affected. Maybelline and Cinderella counted on the sets of Derkins then we moved over to the parking lot for the main event (sort of). Island Suicides: start at far end of lot, mosey to an island for a burpee then back to start. Mosey to next island and stop and each island for burpee. Every time (coming and going) do this and do a squat (coming and going) at each light. We made it to about 7 or 8 islands then called it. Next time will do more reps of exercises (not just 1). We still had time so we did 11’s with BigBoys and Jump Lunges-Watts Up had done a bit of gravel spreading (2 tons) over the weekend and wanted to avoid upper body stuff. Bet you will feel those jump lunges tomorrow…think I’m already feeling them now. At this point, I was in the mood to cause some complaining so we started doing SSH and went to 50 IC. I don’t think anyone stopped as far as I could tell. We moseyed back to start with a squat at each light post on the way home. At some point we talked about EHing and what that means. You might think that was for the newish Amazon to hear, but I was really talking to ALL OF US (MYSELF INCLUDED). Actually, Flintstone did not need to hear this, but the rest of us, we all needed it. Flintstone might be the headlockingest mofo around, at least when it comes to Kotters. Give him an attaboy next time you see him Sargento. I know he’s making you proud.

We got back right at 0615 for COT and got outta there.

thanks guys-Whoopee