• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/03/2022
  • AO: Crossroads
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Double Stack, Dr Seuss, Wirenut, Slaw, Sister Act, Purple Haze, Blart, Gumby

Run, Ruck, Ride – those were the options.

Announcements: 7/5 Dads Camp Tickets on sale, 7/16 Convergence at Folsom, 7/23 Dads workout at Gashouse, 7/30 Tubing Green River,

Prayers: Huckleberry, Turtleman, Wirenut, Broke




We discussed the Jester.  That is the temptation of the flesh that pulls you away from your personal alignment.  Figure out what that is and keep peeling the onion to make sure you know and identify what your jester is.  If a drinker, why do you drink, etc.  Come and support Double Stack on his lead next week where we are discussing the M.  He’s a young man that is stepping up.  It should be interesting to see a different perspective.