Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 24, 2022

Like Riding a Bike

It’s been a minute as I hear the cool kids say these days. EH’ing isn’t just for FNGs – it works on aging veterans as well. Thanks to Flintstone for being persistent. Breaker also had a hand with a verbal jab to my M last week at the coffee shop asking when I would ever post during the week – it takes a village! A few weeks out I claimed Monday June 20th as the re-entry to the gloom and to Q the Sandlot. There were regulars along with Shooter McGavin for his 2nd dip into the pool after having posted Saturday as EZ Rider’s FNG. As much for Shooter, I gave the disclaimer to hear it myself. No printed Weinke or notes except for a few ideas in my head. Let’s see if I recall how this goes.

Warm-up: Alternating single-arm chest openers (think seal jacks w/o the jack and only moving one arm at a time), Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, Side to Side Lunge, and Don Q’s all at 10 reps in cadence. We stood for the Pledge.

Mosey out of Snoballs across the street to the old bank. We took 2 laps around the building – the PAX followed wondering if I had lost my mind and that is why I’ve been absent at this AO for the past few months. Really I was marking the time as this lap would serve as the timer for some partner work. So…the light run got our heartrates going a bit. Now for some strength work.

Walk the Plank – everyone find a parking lot line. 6 Merkins on the open side – plank walk right toward the curb then do 1 Mtn Climber (count 1 side). Plank walk left back to the open side for 5 Merkins and continue until reversing numbers like you would w/ 11’s. Why not 11’s you wonder? Try this burner and you’ll feel why. Some general complaints and Flintstone stirring the chatter got us through the first set of non-sense. Time for PAX choice: A, B, or C? Cinderella chose B – he chose poorly. What begins with B? You guessed it – burpees. I set the timer on my phone for 60 seconds – 10 burpees. Reduced the time to 55 seconds for 9 burpees, then 50 for 8 and so on so the last burpee to be completed was 10 seconds. The PAX requested Cinderella not speak for a while.

Down to two choices – A or C. It really didn’t matter, this is an old trick Freight likes to pull from time to time to make it seem like the PAX are involved, really the Q knows we’re doing partner work next so with that – find a partner.

Partner 1 runs around the building that we practiced earlier. Partner 2 performs the core exercises. Each PAX did 2 laps and 2 sets in each circuit.

  1.  Flutter kicks
  2. Crunchy Frogs
  3. Alternating Straight Leg Toe Touch (like a straight leg dying cockroach)

The purpose of this set of core exercises was intentional in their order to maximize the burn for each part of the abs. Full stretch of Crunch Frogs worked lower abs. The crunchy frogs collapse the mid-abs. Then the toe touch of the straight leg worked the upper abs – which Defib commented we don’t do much of the time. With only a few minutes left, we moseyed back to base and did a bit more core work to finish the experience.

Announcements – PT Test Saturday at GasHouse. Prayers – Turtleman. I took us out.

Thanks to Flintstone for getting me out. I need to work to become more than a Weekend Warrior. Hopefully the next Q is sooner rather later.

Inspired by your motivation

7 Pax showed at Midoriyama on an especially hot and humid day. We were all motivated after Def Leppard’s Q on Tuesday. It inspired me to fill my Q full of inspirational quotes much like he did.


SSH, Grasspickers it was getting unruly so let’s just get on with it! Let’s mosey down the road.

The Thang:

We would mosey to a spot and I would read a quote then call the exercises. Rinse and repeat for until time. This is what was said and done.

-Whatever you do always give 100% unless it’s donating blood

Ascending burpees running between light poles up to 5

At the picnic shelter

-If at first you don’t succeed then skydiving isn’t for you

20 dips, 20 diamond merkins, 20 stepups

At the lake hill

-If you think you are too small to be effective then you’ve never been in a dark room with a mosquito

Suicides on the lake hill-run to the bottom and back, to the gazebo and back, to the bench and back

At the parking lot across the road

-Look if cauliflower can become pizza then you can do anything

Ascending tiger squats from curb to curb up to 5

Back on the road at the poles

-People say that motivation doesn’t last, well neither does bathing, that’s we recommend it daily

Ascending burpess to 5 again

At the steps

-Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there

10 calf raises on each step(13 I think) seal jacks while you wait

At the playground

-When something goes wrong in life just yell PLOT TWIST and move on

5 pullups, 5 dips x 3times

At the hill on the road

-The only time you should look back is to check out dat botty

5 hillbillies ic at the bottom, 5 jump squats at the top x 3 times

Back at the turd shack

-When tempted to fight fire with fire remember that the fire department uses water

10 hipslappers ic, wall sit 1 minute, rinse and repeat


Final quote-Life is too short to be serious all the time. So if you can’t laugh at yourself call me, I’ll laugh at you!

Announcements-PT test this Saturday followed by adopt a street cleanup

Prayer Request-Turtleman, Several Pax kids


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