Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 14, 2022

Folsom 5/3


15 gravel pickers IC

5 burpees OYO


Grab your favorite Rotor


Dora 123

100 Thrusters

200 LBC

300 Lunges

50 American Hammers

100 Presses

Plank for the 6

10 Merkins

50 Weighted V ups

10 Mike Tysons

10 Merkins



Snowbird late Sept/Oct

Rice and Beans Tuesdays @ 6

Murph at Martha Rivers on Memorial Day

Prayer requests: Turtle Man, Huck, Broke, Oompa, School Staff, Leopard, Pappy, Patrick, Striper’s Brother

Share the Load

3 of F3 Gastonia’s finest ruckers got some work in holding each other’s sacks.  Here’s what I remember:

Tube’s been leading the charge, EHing guys to get back out in the Gloom, and doin a great job of it.  Nobody took the bait this week though, and it was just YHC and Tube at 0530.  Castle Rock rolled in hot, and we skipped a warm up and got after it.

The Thang:

Ruck to the parking lot of the Dollar General and stop and unstrap the rucks for some work:

  • 10 x Overhead Presses (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (IC)
  • Circle up hold your rucks out straight.  YHC put down his ruck, so we had 2 rucks being held, and we just held the rucks in front of us with straight arms, then turned clockwise to pass the ruck to the guy with empty arms.  Complete 10 passes, then flapjack and go counterclockwise for 10 passes.  Let’s call this “Hot Potato” so YHC doesn’t have to describe it over and over again.
  • 6 inches (Count down from 30)
  • 10 x Squats (IC – Pack on)

Ruck back to Riverwood, and down Plantation Trail to the back entrance to Martha’s.  After passing through the woods to the park, we did it again:

  • 10 x Overhead Presses (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (IC)
  • 10 x Hot Potatoes CW
  • 10 x Hot Potatoes CCW
  • 6 inches (Count down from 30)
  • 10 x Squats (IC – Pack on)

Ruck through the park, up the gravel entrance, and back to the bank besides Snoballs for some Group Work:

  • 1 person in the group keeps their pack on and grabs another group member’s pack and rucks around the bank, carrying both however they choose
  • 2 of the group members do Wall Sits until the other partner gets back
    • If they have to break the Wall Sit, stop for
    • 10 x Dwight Howards (OYO)
  • Each partner takes 1 turn carrying 2 rucks

Wrapping that up, we were close to time, and finished a little more work before heading back to the flag

  • 10 x Overhead Presses (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (IC)

45 minutes on the nose!


  • Memorial Day Murph – The Sandlot @ 0700
  • 5/21 – CSAUP

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • PAX Traveling & on IR

Always a good time and good mumblechatter at Diablo.  It really is a fun place to Q.  If you haven’t, you should.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Core group of HIMs

Warmup at the flag.
18ish Seal jacks IC, disclaimer given
18 overhead claps IC
18 toy soldiers IC

A good group of regulars so this didn’t go as planned but we did it anyway. Test on core principles as listed on our website. A wrong answer = 5 burpees for the group. Correct answer = 10 squats for the group. They were solid on the order once it was clear what my instructions were so only 5 burpees and 40 squats.

  1. Free of charge
  2. Open to all men
  3. Outdoors, rain or shine
  4. Peer led
  5. Ends in COT

No bunker crew so we stuck together.

The thang:
Route 66 hand release merkins.

Mosey to the parking lot behind the station for 11’s – big boys and CDD’s

Mosey to the track through the park and partner up for booya merkins starting at 10 counting down to 1 but needed to Omaha stopping at 5.

Fellowship mosey to old middle school for Dora 100 shoulder taps, 200 calf raises, 300 LBCs. Partner one runs while #2 does the work then switch.

Mosey to The Fighting Yank for a little Mary.


Lunch May 18th noon at Sammy’s in Dallas.
F3 Dads this summer see posts from Mayor.
CSAUP next Saturday at 0630. Yank will be open at 0700 for those of us that need it.
New F3 shirts are in the works, lookout for them and support.

Prayer requests:
Marathoners running and traveling.
Turtle man
EOG tests for kids and teachers giving them.
Growing families Buckshot and Pillager’s M’s and babies.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Pleasure to lead this group, thanks.

Gavel out.

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