Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 8, 2022

First time in a long time

The gloom was perfect for getting some work in on the Mexican celebration day known as Cinco de Mayo. 6 HIM showed to give it their best. This is what happened…


Pledge of Allegiance


Mosey around the green space but keep going to the railroad underpass an hold Peoples Chair for the 6. Keep moseying down the sidewalk to the cage for the first round of pain.

Elevens – On one end do 10 Mexican Jump Squats, run to the other end of the cage and do 1 Dying Cockroach (think “La Cuca Rocha” from Looney Tunes days). Switchi it up until the numbers are flipped.

Mosey back toward downtown, stopping at the underpass for the 6 and end up at the secret parking lot at the top of the shops.

Dora 123 – Partner up, do 100 Merkins, 200 of something else and 300 LBCs. While partner 1 is doing reps, partner 2 would run around the building and up the stairs.

Mosey around city hall and down to the bridge onto Goat Island. Bear crawl the wooden part of the bridge. After that, karaoke to the other bridge. Hold plank for the 6. Karaoke back to the other bridge and mosey to the start.

We finished up with a very brief round of mary and wrap up reps.

There was plenty of mumblechatter and countoffs today. A small crew still makes for a great workout and fellowship! It had been a long time since YHC Qed Goat Island since it operates at the same time as the Pub but filling in for Bubba Sparxxx at the last minute was a welcome surprise. AYE!!!

Announcements: 2nd F lunch on the 18th at Sammy’s in Dallas, CSAUP on 21st at the Storm

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Tesla’s family, end of school and exams for kids, Chad McGhee

Sandbags and more

Pretty good crowd this am, Flintstone rolled in hot but was there when we started so (I guess) he gets full credit…

Started with Disclaimer, Pledge, and warmup because that’s what we do. Tube texted me that he had gotten into a case of Old Milwaukee beer, Funyons, and some Slim Jim’s the night before. Well, he must have overdone it because during the night, he pooped himself while sleep walking and it was a big mess. He had to go to the store to get some chlorox and a bunch of towels because his dog Fred got into it and ran all over the house making an even bigger mess. Apparently the dog knocked over the bird cage and his bird Lamont got out of it’s cage and got into it too, flapping it’s wings in it and causing a major $hit-storm. Well, then Fred got into the half empty bag of Funyons and a few Slim Jim’s and then all hell broke loose. Fred started yakking everywhere. Eventually Fred yakked on Grady the cat and then the stuff really hit the fan. Basically it was a poop/yak-fest so after all that, he was not going to make it to Q the PainLab-sounded like he had enough pain by 0630 anyway. In the end we decided we would just combine the boot campers and pain labbers so some minor modifications were made at the last minute, but no big deal, at least not for me….

After the warm up, most of us moseyed up to the parking lot at Grier. Flintstone drove, but that’s ok. I just said to get up there any way you wanted-you could walk or mosey because we were combining the PainLab and Bootcamp because of Fred, Lamont, and Grady spreading Tube’s excrement all over creation…..but we don’t need to go thru that again. Once we got to Grier, I ‘splained the plan. I had laid out some things on the parking lot and we were gonna do some suicides. When you got to an object, you had to pick it up and bring to the other side and put down. Someone else would pick it up and bring to the other side. We hit 20 lines in the lot for our suicides and the objects were the following: football, 10-ish # weighted ball, granite-wrapped in a towel, bucket o turds, 30 # ruck plate, 30-ish # ruck sack, 40# sandbag (Alberta), 60# sandbag (thanks Boudin). I believe that was it….I thought this actually went pretty well. We added 1 merkin every time you got back to start at Shortsale’s request which was a great idea and probably should have been on each end or maybe more than just 1 rep….will remember that for next time.

We picked up all the stuff and moseyed down to the track for the main thang…..I had some papers with instructions on them and we divided up the work that would be done at stations. This is what I remember: the “timer” would be someone who either ran around the track or lunged across the field and back. While he was doing that, the rest of us would being doing whatever was called at the different exercise stations which included the following:

tire flip (thanks Roscoe for the suggestion as this was not part of the original plan but fit in nicely

sandbag burpee (optional 40# vs 60# sand bag)

football throw and run after it then repeat

bear crawl with ball up the hill, walk down, repeat

bucket o turd farmer carry  bucket around the Stroganoff Memorial Baseball Field (he helped build the pitcher’s mound years ago)

flutter kicks alternating with bench press granite or ruck plate

bear with me using ruck sack (look it up, it sucks, had to be there)

I wanted to work the sandbags into the Weinke and I think it went ok. I’ve recently gotten into using the sandbags. It definitely is a challenge and worth trying sometime. We collected the stuff and carried back to start for some Mary then finished with COT.

When you see Tube, I suggest you wave hello or at most, knuckle bump him and avoid the handshake for a week or so.



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