Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2022 (Page 4 of 10)

Another Leaderless Coconut Horse

EZ Rider and YHC got a little EC before the start of the Horse…very little EC at that.

Whoopee joined and the three ran off into the distance not knowing that Short Sale had a dog that was backed up and would make him three minutes late.  Just before the Waffle House YHC needed to turn back and walk due to some IR type aggravation in the lower leg.  Short Sale passed and then YHC spotted Drug Dog who was running solo.

We all finished about the same time, Flintstone arrived and got in the COT and led the QSource discussion on Mammon.  It was lively and lessons were reinforced.

It was a great morning.  When we went to the parking lot, Short Sale was with us and then he disappeared and almost went head on into a car and then sped out of the parking lot.

Plan on a Memorial Day Murph on Monday, May 30th.

Plan on a CSAUP on Saturday, May 21st.


F3 250 at the Gashouse

The morning gloom was awesome and during EC Whoopee and I spotted an owl on the greenway so I took a pic.  If I were an owl, the Greenway would be where I would hunt too.  Lots of birds, rabbits, crayfish, salamanders, and other vermin would round out the diet with the trees giving you the high ground.

Anyway Bondo had the Q at the Pain Lab and let us borrow a 20# cool sandbag type coupon to go along with Whoopee’s GoRuck sandbag.  After a brief warmup, the Gashouse PAX moseyed to the flag with coupons in tow and stopped for the pledge before heading to the track and the picnic tables.  The picnic tables disappeared so we were left with one bench to start sandbag step ups.  The idea was for one PAX to be working at a time while the others waited their turn.  We did 250 reps total so each PAX would do two rounds of 25.  YHC could sense that Nutria and Whoopee were disappointed with that pace so we started doing two at a time. Mosey around the track for dips on the bleachers, then mosey around the track for 250 burpees, first by five each and then by two, and then by one to finish them.  Then we moseyed to the church for SSH at the bottom of the steps.  Les Nessman walked over from the Boy Scout hut side.  They were getting ready for pine needle delivery.  It was at this point that Short Sale started talking about Primus posters at Ray Nathan’s.  There is a wall of framed Primus posters that one of the owners collects.  The goal is now to get Primus to do a concert at Ray Nathan’s.  Does anyone know Les Claypool to make this happen?

Anyway we moseyed to the top of the stairs for 250 merkins.  Linus was doing an inverted Def Leppard Merkin and got called out.  We moseyed to the basketball court for sandbag slams and lunges and we listed to Primus “Jerry was a racecar driver” on the speaker.  Whoopee isn’t into that kind of music so I switched to “Amarillo by Morning” from George Straight before we moseyed back to the start.  We did a few sandbags tosses and then the PAX from the PainLab joined for five burpees for the train we heard earlier.  We closed out with COT and named Whoopee’s hernia Luigi.

Good times as always at the Gashouse.

Prayer Requets:  Bondo’s M,  Turtleman, Huckleberry,  Luigi


Always a pleasure to lead










10 PAX posted on a gorgeous Saturday morning for BOS’s last ride as Site Q of The Fighting Yank.  Burpees were in the forecast, and the cops were shutting down streets.  Here’s what I remember:

Belmont had it’s Belmont Classic 5K at 0800, so the police had eyes on shutting down parts of Main St.  Tiger and Breaker caught it and threw enough warning out there so our chariots didn’t get blocked in.  Anyways, 0700 came and Virus was antsy, letting YHC know it was time to get started, so started we got.  A piss-poor disclaimer followed, and we moseyed to the Bunker for warm-ups.

The Thang:

  • 1 x Burpee (OYO)
  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

We left the Bunker boys back with Breaker to babysit them as they played with their toys and sidewalk chalk and we headed across the train tracks for:

  • 2 x Burpees (OYO)

Hardly worth the effort of calling them

Mosey to Phil Champion State Farm where we’d set up shop to get a good look at the runners as they warmed up, and they’d get a good look at our best sides as we put in work.  For the next 30-40 minutes, every time we went anywhere, we always came back to the State Farm to hang out with Belmont’s finest and our Good Neighbors.

  • 3 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO – Train #1)
  • 10 x Hip Slappers (IC)
  • 10 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 10 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 10 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 10 x Calf Raises (IC)

Next, we got in our pre-race warmup by running the block up to Todd, back to Center, and around to the State Farm, returning for

  • 4 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO – Train #2)
  • 15 x Hip Slappers (IC)
  • 15 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 15 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 15 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 15 x Calf Raises (IC)

Next up, partner up.  One partner runs a similar loop, but the other way, going up to Circle, running all the way down Circle, and coming back to State Farm.  While that partner is running the other stays for:

  • Wall Sits

So we were probably looking at 4 minutes or so of Wall Sits, so to break it up, we did Wall Sits to failure, but when failure set in, PAX did:

  • 10 x Dwight Howards (OYO)

When partners returned, we switched and did the other part.  Once the second partner got back, Doodles wanted to go again, but we resisted, and cranked out

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 20 x Hip Slappers (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 20 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 20 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 20 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 20 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)
  • 20 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 20 x Calf Raises (IC)

Time for some Traveling Lindsay, with the catch being every time we traveled on the day, we stopped and added another burpee to the set, so sets looked like this:

  • State Farm
    • 30 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 10 x Diamond Merkins (OYO)
  • Mosey to Glenway & Woodrow
    • 6 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 25 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 15 x Diamond Merkins (OYO)
  • Mosey to shopping center at Kenwood
    • 7 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 20 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 20 x Diamond Merkins (OYO)
  • Mosey to Kenwood & Main
    • 8 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 15 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 25 x Diamond Merkins (OYO)
  • Mosey back to the Yank
    • 9 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 10 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 30 x Diamond Merkins (OYO)

That was enough.  Finished right on time.  No time to make up for the “No Reps” on that last set of Diamonds.

Breaker Breaker took COT


  • Gavel is the new Site Q @ The Yank
  • Golf Tournament – Check Buckshot’s post in Slack


Congrats to both BOS and Gavel on a strong body of work.  I have a ton of respect for both men, and believe that good things are in store as they keep punching the clock in the Gloom.  One man’s finish line is another man’s starting line.  Just a reminder that this thing is bigger than any one of us, and yet, we are heavily influenced by the HIMs that are posting beside us every day.

It’s been a while since I Q’d at the Yank, but I love the site.  So many different ways to go.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo



9 for Old School today..including FNG

Nice work and good push amid injuries and other things. At one point, we were 9, then Leppard’s calf began to give him trouble. He pushed until he could push no more. Then we were 8..until Wirenut ambles off to the port-o-john..then we were 7. He was followed by FNG, then we were 6.  FNG was called out for going bathroom during workout..he’ll fit right in;). Leppard was found in his truck; the others emerged in time for some 40’s to end it.


Warm Up

SSH, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers



Jacob’s Ladder:

Run up, 1 Burpee at the top, Run back down.  Repeat until you get to 7 Burpees.


 50 Merkins,  100 Squats, 150 Flutters, 200 Rocky Balboas, 250 Monkey Crunches 

Partner 1 does the exercise. Partner 2 runs from Library to a chosen intersection.


50 Werkins,  100 Monkey Humpers, 150 LBCs, 200 Reverse Crunches, 250 Mountain Climber

Partner 1 does the exercise. Partner 2 runs in front of courthouse.

Mosey back to start for:

Lindsay’s at picnic tables

Dips/Bridge Thrusters: 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30


Baseball Game tomorrow night

Prayer Requests:


Gump and family

Broke MRI

Leppard calf



But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14

“Many of God’s promises do not depend on our character but on His faithfulness. Believers must go on to maturity and God has made it possible to do so. If we start to drift from the Word, we’ll also start to doubt the Word, get dull toward the Word and become lazy believers. The best way to keep from Drifting is to lay hold of the anchor.” Wiersbe

Naming of FNG..Double Stack

Leppard took us out

Thanks for coming out! So thankful for you guys! Nice camaraderie!


Westnut Swole

10 took the call to get swole like Westside and Wirenut at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is what we did.


Blah blah it’s 5:30 in the evening you better be loose by now!

The Thang:

A throw back 2018 IPC

We grabbed some blocks out of Wirenut’s truck since he happened to have them left from his morning beatdown and headed to the bottom of the parking lot.

4 sets of 8 minutes. Do 25 reps then run to the end of the parking lot and back. Rinse and repeat for the 8 minutes. Rest for 2 minutes in between each set.

Set 1-Thrusters

Set 2-Curls

Set 3- block swings

Set 4-Man makers aka blockee

That was terrible!




Prayer Request-Broke, Gumby’s mom, Praise for Termites brother

Yellow Shirts, Green Lights


6 ran and 2 rucked at the Pub this morning. Most of us had on our yellow shirts, and it seemed like we had to slow down more at intersections as the lights turned green and traffic had the right-of-way.


Ray Nathan’s 2nd F Lunch today at Noon

Honey Hunters game this Sunday

Prayer Requests:

Purple Haze’s mother

Virus-family concerns

Broke MRI on Friday




Thanks for coming out!

It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right!

In the Gloom this morning is just me and Hermie. We rucked to the Waffle House stopping for various exercises along the way. We chattered about home improvement to hair salons, lol. Mine and Hermie’s knees were acting up, so we passed ourselves at a comfortable pace. We did the work, but more importantly we got to mumblechatter 👊. Good work!

Midoriyama 3/29/22

Can’t remember exactly what we did.  I know we tried a game that didn’t work out as I was hoping so I did some freestyling. Lots of work on the legs, especially the hip flexors. Go Heels!

It’s 4/20 – You Know What That Means…..

It’s my mom’s birthday! What did you think I was talking about?!? There were some snickers and comments made when I kept the Q at Prison Break for 4/20 and announced I had something special planned. The plan: I wanted to have the guys sing Happy Birthday to my mom. Thanks to all the HIM at PB for playing along. I sent it to mom around 8:30 this morning and she said it made her day. I could share the video but I think it’s more of a ‘show to know’ type of thing!

It wasn’t all singing though. Most men ran 3-6 miles while Wirenut and I logged some mall-walking.


  • Smoky Mountain Relay needs 2 runners next weekend
  • Honey Hunters game this Sunday
  • 2nd F Lunch tomorrow at Ray Nathan’s

Prayer Concerns:
– Broke and his back injury
– Big Pappy and his family
– Huck
– Tesla
– Striper’s brother

YHC took us out in prayer.

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