Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 13, 2022

To complete or not to complete all reps.

Here is the workout details. As to the personal stuff that goes down, that’s left to the workout. STK, STG


IC x 10
5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking spaces on Main Ave. 5 Burpees
Let’s do Suicides.
2 sets of regular suicides. Skip to every other parking line. Plank for the six.

Mosey to S South ST.
5 Burpees
Next will be 11’s
Bobby Hurley’s and mosey to the third light post on the right and perform Calf Raises.

Mosey to the parking deck.
5 Burpees.
Next we will complete all exercises then run to the top of the parking deck. Complete all exercises at the top and run back down. Continue till I say stop.
Exercises are
5 Burpees

Bottom level was
10 Bobby Hurley’s
10 Squats
10 merkins

Top level was
10 Dying Cockroaches
10 WW1
10 flutter kicks. Count the right leg.

Mosey back to the start for some AB Mary.


Backpacking with Termite.
Honey Hunters game 24th
16th road cleanup
2nd F lunch @ Ray Nathan’s 21st


Prayer Request

Breakers M


Watts Up father-n-law




Mnt Hollywood

IC x 10
5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot at Rankin school. 5 Burpees
2 sets of regular suicides. Stop at every other parking line. Plank for the six.

5 Burpees
Next will be 11’s
Bobby Hurley’s and mosey to the other side of the parking lot and perform Calf Raises.
Next set will be Squats and SSH.

Mosey back to the start.
10 Burpees

Next we will complete an exercise then run a lap around the parking lot. Complete 5 rounds.
Exercises are
5 Burpees
10 Bobby Hurley’s
10 Squats
10 merkins

Stop for some AB Marry.



Backpacking with Termite.
Honey Hunters game 24th
16th road cleanup
2nd F lunch @ Ray Nathan’s 21st


Prayer Request

Breakers M


Watts Up father-n-law





Rough start at the Rooster

The Rooster.

What more to say. Always a great event!!

In the words of Haze.

Awesome!! Weather sucked at first, then the rain stopped but next came the cold and the wind.

A lot of PR’s set and good food and fellowship afterward.


Thanks men!!

Mt. Hollywood brings the heat

Warm up: SSH x15, Hillbilly walkers x15, Toy soldiers x10, Gravel pickers x10

Route 66 – burpees, downhill around Rankin Elementary

11’s – Diamond merkins and Bobby Hurleys , downtown

Captain Thor 1:4 big boys and American hammers, behind the bank (note: stay clear of the corner for early morning ATM users)

Mary, bear crawl around circle while others complete exercise

Announcements: Adopt a highway clean up at GasHouse 4/16, Rice and Beans sign up contact Virus, 2nd F lunch at Ray Nathans on 4/21 (Thursday this month), Honeyhunters game 4/24, Sunrise Easter service at Mclean marina

Prayer requests: Hufstetler family, Pax on IR, Turtleman, Big Pappy, Broke

This was a high intensity work out. Honored to lead these men.


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