• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 03/20/2022
  • AO: Crossroads
  • QIC: Purple Haze (R)
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Broke (R), Slaw, Gumby, Wirenut, Blart, Mayor

Perfect morning for a run and 7 PAX agreed and showed to swallow the DRP.  We scattered then returned for COT and Q-Source.

Announcements:  Convergence @ Yank @ 7am on 4-2-22 / SMR Team meeting following the Convergence / Community Foundation Run & Speed for Need on 4-9-22 / Honey Hunters Game 4-24-22 @ 4:15 $9 a ticket – see BOS post for signup link / Roadside cleanup 4-16-22 after Gashouse

Prayers:  Huck / Breaker Breaker’s list / Wirenut’s friend’s sister that was in wreck / Gumby’s mom