Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 22, 2020

Prison Break

We ran 5 miles and everyone was getting stuff done!

continue coming out to Prison Break it’s a good midweek run and fellowship that we all need to stay in physical and spiritual shape! Hopefully we will have a big crowd this coming Wednesday! Look forward to seeing you there.

convergence 31 Martha rivers

PT  test Nov 14 Gashouse


Prayer Request

Sister Acts daughter and family

Max Johnson’s daughter she is recovering from open heart surgery. She’s 4 months old




Round Up

Back to back at the Goat!

So YHC took on a back to back following Ricky Bobby yesterday and the Goat today. So after a late night “rescue” of my M and 2.0 from the rally last night so they wouldn’t  get home @ 1 am YHC relied on a basic program to deliver a  decent beatdown for the pax. Went like this:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevines Right and Left.

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey across the South Fork and over both bridges, lunge walk across the bridges to the parking lot for the following:

Partner up

P1 – transports to the second light and back.

P2 – do called work, then flapjack.

Repeat 5X

Set 1 – Merkins (5 sets), run to light and back.

Set 2 – Big boy situps, Karoake to light and back. (5 repeats)

Set3 – Squats, skip to the light. (5 repeats)

Set 4 – CDDs, run to light and  (5 repeats)

Mosey back across the bridge to the playground and picnic table shelter.

Dips X 10 (cadence)

Step ups, 10 total

Homicide Dirkins – 10 total (cadence)

Inclined situps with a twist – 11.

mosey back to the flag and COT, pledge.


Pretty effective plan, simple and consistent. Everybody got a good push today and we stayed together. No risky road crossings, used the toys the AO has available all the time. Textbook stuff.

Prayers for Timeframe’s aging parents and health things they have going on.

Great AO and pax, love to lead here.


Fall morning at the Bobby!

We had se ven show up at the Ricky Bobby with an FNG  as YHC lined everybody up for a six pack around the track this humid hazy morning. Went like this:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mtn Climbers X 20

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Time for the six pack on the track!

1st set: 10 burpees, take a lap.

2nd set: 20 jump squats, lap

3rd set: 30 merkins, lap

4th set: 40 Big boy situps, lap

5th set: 50 SSH, lap

6th set: 60 CDDs, lap

Mosey to the center of the field for some 4 corners work

1st corner: 10 merkins in the center, mosey ot the corner, 10 plank jacks

2nd corner: 10 merkins in the center, mosey to corner 2, American hammers X 10 (in cadence)

3rd corner: 10 merkins in the center, mosey to corner, 10 HR merkins

4th corner: 10 merkins in the center, 10 Turkish getups at the corner.

mosey over to the benches:

10 dips, 10 step ups, 10 dirkins, 10 inclined situps.

Mosey across the field, 25 squats, mosey back

Repeat above except 15X apiece

Bear crawl half way, burpee broad jump halfway.

25 squats, mosey to COT.




Great morning and great push by the pax. Welcome FNG Tricycle. look forward to having you out on a regular basis. Couple of events as follows to put on the docket:

10/31 Convergence, Martha Rivers Park, 6:15 EC, 7:00 am main event.

11/14 PT test. Not sure where. 7 am. If you were at the last one in the summer this is a great chance to measure your progress and how you do under cooler conditions.

Prayers for the country, SA’s daughter, and Sargento’s M and her knee replacement Monday. Apparently doing well.

Pleasure and honor to lead the Bobby!





You Dropped the Bomb on My Banana Boat

It has been a while since I have Q’d a boot camp workout. To my surprise we had an FNG come out this morning.
The ThanG:

Warm Up, SSH, Gravel Pickers, “Montross comes in Late so we do monkey humpers facing Him, well kind of” until he gets up to the group.
Lets Mosey, Nolan Ryan’s at each light then to the flag for the pledge, lets have some fun with a little core work.
10 each then take a lap, LBC, Flutter, LBC, Leg Raise, LBC, MTN Climbers, LBC, Freddy Mercury’s, LBC.
We did this twice then back to the Tennis Court. I stayed back with our FNG and noticed that he has sunglasses on his hat at 530 in the morning. Also they were not coming off.
We met in the middle of the tennis courts for some partner work. Partner One goes to one end and does 5 merkins same for partner 2. Meet back and do 10 squats. continue going down to one merkin.
The Fun confusion is about to begin. When I Q I like some music and today was no different. Except my blue tooth speaker failed bitgtime. Luckily Wire Nut brought his truck up to give us some help with the music.

The Pax at Folsom LOOOOve Burpees heck if you don’t have a couple they start complaining. So I brought out a little song by the “Gap Band” you may have heard of it ” you dropped the Bomb on Me”. Burpee each time they say ” you Dropped the Bomb on me”
Needless to say we did a few. The next song is an oldy but goody made more famous from the movie Beetle Juice. The Banana Boat song by Harry Bellafonte, or “Day O”. The Pax Circled up and planked but each time he says “daylight come and me want to go home” we shift to the right. Once back to beginning go to the left. This sucked in more ways than one and cooked the shoulders. I guess happy early Halloween on that one. I looked down and Time.
Regardless of how we got there the Pax were sweaty and laughing after we finished up and that’s all that matters.

Convergence 10/31/20 at Martha Rivers all other AO’s will be closed, PT test 11/14
Prayer Request: SA’s family, Sargentos M, AT’s Arm, and many others.

The Bed Pan is Full

Mark: 1, 16-20

Sparky had reached out to the pax asking for a Q at the Sword. I gladly to the opportunity.
We talked about how Jesus walked the bank of Galilee, calling the future disciples to follow him.
These men simply dropped there nets and followed Jesus.

We also ran some too.

Announcements: Convergence 10/31/20, PT test 11/14/20

Prayer request: SA’s Family, Sargento’s M,

The Bed Pan is full!

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