Pre-Blast for Speed For Need / Community Foundation Run
When: Saturday, April 13th, at 9:00 am
Where: Rotary Pavilion, Downtown Gastonia
What: Speed For Need 5K
Who: You!
Why: Because we are F3 and this is what we do
Sign-Up: Registration Link
Group Info for Registration: Select “Speed For Need – F3 Gastonia”
Cost: $20 if you register by Midnight April 1st, $25 after
This year I have the honor and privilege to Q my very 1st Speed For Need event. Ever since I attended my 1st SFN race last year (CFN 2018 to be exact), I was hooked. SFN is such a great organization and it inspires so many. This year we will have 4 Track Commanders, 3 of which are from our new partnership with Camp Sertoma.
Let’s Meet our Track Commanders:
Evan and Colton



Gabby’s Story:
She was born with Spina Bifida-Myelomeningocele( a whole in her back from L5-S5) hydrocephalus, neurogenic bowel and bladder, and syringomyelia ( a large cyst in her spinal cord that causes a loss of sensation in her trunk and legs). She uses a wheelchair as her primary form of mobility, but can walk with bracing and a walker. She also has EOE, an autoimmune response to lots of foods. She cheers, takes piano lessons, loves playing with dolls, and wants to work in the NICU when she grows up. She’s full of spunk and has never met a stranger. Oh, and she LOVES to talk
These kids are awesome and have wonderful stories to share. We will have full Bio’s released for all of the Track Commander soon so you can get to know them.
At this time I am looking for at least 3 more volunteers to be drivers. If you want to team up with a few other PAX and switch out pushing during the race, you are more than welcome to do so. If you have never pushed before you are missing out on the greatest feeling and experience in your life. it WILL change you.
HC Drivers:
- Clavin – Gabby
- Gastone
- Broke
- Termite
Driver Information:
Safety Training
Please step up and be the HIM that you are. Sign up today to Run, Walk, Nur, Push/Drive or whatever. Just do it. See me or Pizza Man if you have any questions, concerns or comments.