Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2024 (Page 15 of 16)

Downtown 2/2/24

The site Q of Downtown knew YHC owed him a Q due to my persistent sickness through the months of December and January. YHC finally got to feeling better and took the Q on 2/2/24. Being the blissfully ignorant idiot YHC is, he completely forgot it was groundhog day! YHC could’ve compiled a better Weinke if he would’ve remembered it was groundhog day! Oh well. 0530 struck and it’s time to clock in.

W/U: SSH, Don Q’s, Arm circles

Thang: Mosey to the parking deck. Along the way, a former Nantan was heard saying “slow down!”. You really hate to see it! Once we get to the parking deck, the Q calls the exercise.

The “Laredo” consists of 6 rounds of:

  • After 24 Squats
  • 24 Merkins
  • 24 Walking Lunges
  • 400 meter run

Since we didn’t have 400 meters (that’s what she said), we ran the straights and nurred the ramps. Once at the top, take the stairs back to start. This took longer than the Q anticipated, but it was a burner.

Next, we lined up at the top of one of the ramps for some triple nickel. 5 rounds of:

  • 5 Mike Tysons at the top
  • Bear crawl down the ramp
  • 5 Flutter kicks IC
  • Joe Hendricks back up

After the first round, the realized that only he and Short Sale were the only ones doing the bear crawl down, Joe Hendricks up. Everyone else Joe Hendricks’ed down and bear crawled up. Whatever. At least work is getting done.

Mosey back to the start, stopping along the way for 10 H/R Merkins, 20 SSH. A train rolls through, so 5 Burpees.

Finish up the last 2 minutes with some Mary.


  • Folsom Nationals on 2/10 @0630. Park in the lower lot.
  • Bring canned food to the Folsom Nationals. BOS will be collecting cans for a canned food drive.
  • 2nd F lunch on 2/21 @ Estia’s in Belmont (the old Quincy’s in Belmont for the RESPECT crowd)

Prayer requests:

  • Wirenut’s family
  • EZ Rider’s dad
  • Luke Newsom
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • The family of Dr. Skeet

Thank you for all the PAX who came out to support YHC. He truly appreciates it. Keep pushing the rock, men!





The Sandlot 1/29

N.B. Captain Stubing sent me a video of name-o-rama so that the final backblast could be written.

As this ghost rider was not present, he relied on ChatGPT to explain what happened Monday morning. @Captain, feel free to edit.


Early Monday morning at 5:30 am, the Sandlot bootcamp was alive with energy as Captain Stubing, EZ Rider, Maybelline, Winehouse, Stroganoff, JJ, Timeframe, and Clutch gathered for an intense workout session. The air was crisp, and the atmosphere was filled with determination and camaraderie.

Captain Stubing, the seasoned leader of the group, barked out commands like a ship captain navigating through rough waters. EZ Rider, with a cool demeanor, effortlessly breezed through the warm-up routine, embodying the essence of his easygoing persona.

Stroganoff, the muscle of the group, lifted weights with ease, showcasing his strength. JJ, the agile and quick-footed member, weaved through the obstacle course, leaving everyone in awe of his agility. Timeframe, always punctual and efficient, kept the group on track, ensuring each exercise was completed within the allotted time. Clutch, with a determination like no other, pushed through the most challenging routines, living up to his name.

As the sun began to rise, the group transitioned from the intense workout to a cool-down session. Captain Stubing gathered everyone in a circle for a brief pep talk, praising their dedication and hard work. The camaraderie among the group was evident as they exchanged high-fives and encouraging words.

After the workout, as they headed towards the refreshment area, Captain Stubing suggested a toast to their achievements. JJ raised his water bottle, saying, “Sincerely, to a great workout and an even greater team.” The sentiment was echoed by the group, with cheers and laughter filling the air.

The Sandlot bootcamp had not only tested their physical limits but had also strengthened the bond among Captain Stubing, EZ Rider, Stroganoff, JJ, Timeframe, and Clutch. As they left the field, the sunrise marked the beginning of a new day filled with triumphs and shared memories forged in the crucible of the Sandlot bootcamp.

Tesla Names an FNG

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.  FNG enters the circle, tells his life story, Tesla chimes in, and everyone… approves?  And we go with that name?  All parties are satisfied?  You just never know with Tesla.  There are few in our region that keep us all guessing like he does.

17 bootcampers and 2 ruckers put in work on the first day of Pushing Rocks 2024.  There’s that same kind of excitement that this year might be the year that your team turns it around and wins it all.  Or at least they’re competitive.  Or maybe they post at least once in March?  Or the offensive line blocks a little bit?  Or we just win a game?   Well at least the worst record gets the number 1 pick next year, right?  Sorry, what were we talking about?

Ah right, we’re excited, probably just about a Flintstone Q at The Goat, but maybe it’s Challenge season.  And my teammate brought an FNG, so even better.  Disclaimer, then some dumb stuff as follows:

The Thang:

  • 10 x Goofballs (IC)
  • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 10 x Monkey Humpers (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Short mosey to the stop sign for a simple:

Triple Nickel:

  • Hillbillies at the bottom of the hill
  • Mike Tysons at the top

All just part of the warm up

A brief meander in lieu of a Ten Count, and a mosey around the building to the bottom of the steps

  • 1 minute Plank

YHC brought a Form Police badge today to make sure the PAX’s first points weren’t easy ones.

Next was this circuit:

  • Buy in: 10 x Squats (OYO)
  • Cadence work:
    • American Hammers x 10
    • Flutter Kicks x 10
    • Toe Touches x 10
    • Shoulder Taps x 10
    • Merkins x 10 (My “down”)
  • Round reset: Run a lap around the Cramerton shops and plank for the Six
  • Each round increase the cadence work by 1

We kept a pace through this.  Little transition time, just rolling through the exercises.

We stopped after the “11” round and held plank to tell the FNG about the 5 Core Principles and 5 other things they need to know.  Wise words were shared about fellowship, our mission, our credo, and Tesla, and who knows what else.  Dad jokes got mixed in too.  And probably a few “That’s what she saids” for good measure.

Anyways, after the 13 round, it seemed like we’d had enough, so we switched it up.

Partner work:

  • Bottom of the stairs:
    • 10 x Jungle Boy Squats (OYO)
  • Top of the stairs:
    • 10 x Booyah Merkins (w/Partner)
  • Run the lap around the building
  • Repeato until time called

A train came in the distance:

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

and it eventually got closer, but we already paid.

My partner was Blackout, who pushed hard the whole time.  Kudos to the group of 3 who did Booyah Merkins somehow.

We wrapped up and headed back to the flag for Tiger’s Protractors and Stinky Bird’s American Hammers.

And that was it.

Welcome Todd Smith, better known in The Gloom as Seasick for his work with the Coast Guard.

Had a blast y’all.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Groundhog Day @ Tequila Sunrise


Some PAX suggested we did the warmup multiple times but I saw no evidence of this.

Triple Nickel

  • Location: Street in front of Belmont Foursquare
  • Trivia: How old is the movie Groundhog Day?
    • A: 30 years. 31 in 10 days.
  • Format: Triple nickel (run to top of the hill, 5 reps, run to bottom, 5 reps)
    • 1st run: 5 Merkins
    • 2nd run: 5 Hand release merkins
    • 3rd run: 5 Carolina Dry Dock (CDD)
    • 4th run: 5 Peter Parkers
    • 5th run: 10 Booyah! Merkins

Four Corners

  • Location: Upper parking lot for Belmont Foursquare
  • Trivia: What does Ned Ryerson do for a living?
    • A: Sells insurance.
  • Format: Four corners, 10 reps each exercise with 2 rounds
    • Bobby Hurley’s
    • Makhtar N’Diaye’s: Plank down to forearms one at a time and back up in 4 count.
    • Freddie Mercury’s: Bicycle crunch
    • Mike Tyson’s

Wall work

  • Location: School entrance or walls near playground
  • Trivia: What does Ned Ryerson say to Phil after he steps off the curb, into a puddle?
    • A: “Watch out for that first step, it’s a doozy.”
  • Format: Exercises using the wall
    • Wall sit for 30 seconds
    • Balls to the wall for 30 seconds

Wrap Up

  • Location: Playground circle
  • Trivia: Phil’s love interest Rita is played by Andie MacDowell. What SC city was Andie born in?
    • A: Gaffney
    • Orangeman got the correct answer and he selected our last exercise, which was of course Six Shooters.


Frozen lizard

11 HIMs came out to ruck/run in the 14 degree the gloom blessed us with today. Q source topic was Lizard building the last of the quadrant.  No bullfrogs or leeches to be found in this group.

Newest AO – F-That!

Day 1 of the Pushing Rocks’ Challenge I intended to post at the Pub but my M said she already had plans with her workout group. Well, what to do? Party of 1 at the newest AO that no one knew about. We’ve had defections in our region. F4, the Rhyne Alliance so now it’s just in time for the Pushing Rocks Challenge: F-THAT!

As it says in our guide manual DRED says we are “Freed to Lead” and with that as of 6:00 am this morning I executed that very plan to perfection. My alarm rang and I did what any Fartacker would do, I contemplated hitting snooze. Which I executed in one singular arm-swipe – oh Hell yeah, it’s on MFer. I snoozed for a good 9 minutes until the bell sounded once again. This time it’s REAL my friend. I sprang out of bed, went to piss and promptly returned to the fartsack for another Snooze period. At 6:18, I realized I was not going back to sleep (dammit) so I begrudgingly put on 8 layers of clothes so I could handle the shock of 29 degrees and walked outside to the launch point of the newest AO: Short Sales Driveway. I quietly wonder, ‘Where is Everyone? Don’t the other PAX know this AO begins promptly at 6:30 am sharp?” Huh, guess it’s a solo start – F-That!

So I moseyed 4 miles around my neighborhood (check Strava if you want to validate). It mostly sucked because my legs are tired from this half ‘thon training Sargento is forcing me to run. But fortunately for the Q, the mumble chatter was damn near silent.

After 39 minutes, I crossed the finish line and called it a day. At most running AO’s like the Pub, this is the time when bat flippers  like SA and Seuss bemoan the slow-pokes with expressions like “it’s 6:42, don’t this jack-legs know I need to get to work?” or so I hear…but not today, it was eerily quiet as I waited on the 6 to arrive – oh yeah, that was me. TIME!

COT: Prayers for my family, Turtleman, and batflippers. Announcements – Pushing Rock’s Challenge begins today, Folsom Winter Nationals on 2/10, and the Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh – Sargento, JJ, and Short Sale are making the trek for this epic CSAUP, see Sarge for details.

Just like FRC and the Half-pipe got approved for the PRC, I’m excited to see F-That build roots as one of the newest AO’s in our region. The last time Short Sale (yeah I went 3rd person on you) started a cool new AO in McAdenville called Snooze, this must be an awesome place I should visit to get an exquisite workout from the First F Champion. Well you better check yourself before you commit to this epic endeavor. But if some of you PAX are wondering – what, where and when is this exciting new AO?

F-That –

  • what day of the week? Whatever day Short Sale doesn’t post at F3 and decides to workout
  • what time? when Short Sale quits hitting snooze and rolls out of bed
  • where is the workout? Normally Short Sales house (bring your own block or kb)
  • how long – depends on the activity
  • what do you get? an epic beatdown

If anyone is interested to learn more – DM me. SYITG (or not)

Hey Hunchback – put me down for a point!


Bulldog Twenties

SSH 20, squats 10, air press 10, waist bends KB, around world 10, merkins 20, plank Jack’s 10, lbc 10, flutterkicks 20, american hammers 10.

20 KB swings
20 Monkey Humpers
20 Curls
20 Chest Pulls
20 Merkins
20 Dips
20 LBCs
20 Reverse LBCs
20 American Hammers
20 Big Boy sit ups
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Merkin pull through
20 squat curls press
20 lawnmowers
20 Around the world
20 lunges
20 Calf raises
20 Incline merkins
5 burpies

Completed 1.7 rounds!

A Bulldog Mess


Warmup: SSH, Squats 10, Air Press 10, Waist Bends 10, Around the World 10, Merkins 20,  Plank Jacks 10, LBC 10, Flutterkicks 20, American Hammers 10



20 Squat Curl Press
10 Burpies
10 LBCs
10 American Hammers
10 Burpies

10 Big Boy Sit Ups
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Freddie Mercuries
10 Merkin Pull Through

15 Squat Curl Press
10 Burpies
10 Lawnmowers each side
10 Flutterkicks
10 Burpies

15 Dips
10 Incline Merkins
10, 10, 10, Calf Raises
20 Curls

10 Big Boy Sit Ups
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Freddie Mercuries
10 Merkin Pull Through

10 Squat Curl Press
10 Burpies
10 Lawnmowers each side
20 Flutterkicks
10 Burpies

15 Dips
10 Incline Merkins
10, 10, 10, Calf Raises
20 Curls


You can’t drink all day if you don’t start early at the PUB

The Pub was open early this morning as there was some EC going on.  “Allegedly” two PAX ran four miles extra, but YHC believes that to purely bravado.

Termite’s truck was there so “allegedly” he was putting in some miles, or he could have been drinking coffee at McDonald’s, only to appear after we were well into COT.  Does he get credit for the workout?  Maybe only his truck.


In any event, Waterboy and I came in hot from a little EC to find 8 other PAX raring to go.  At 0529 instructions were given for two run options.

Option One:  Run to Parkwood Baptist and back for 5 miles OR:

Option Two:  Run Gaston Day School Road to E. Perry to Lee to S. New Hope (but run North), left on Robinwood, left on Hoffman and back to Pub.  YHC didn’t use up to date run mapping software from Silicon Valley.  It ended up being 5.5 miles, but everyone ran fast and returned by 0617 and an abbreviated COT transpired.  Apparently, no one had to leave early as there was some good second F afterwards.  I think JJ and Waterboy. wanted to stand around and let the sweat freeze before running back to their homes.  Do hard things as they say.

It was a great day at the PUB.  It is race season if you weren’t aware.  Points given out today to Breaker Breaker and YHC.  One can only hope Tube and Maybelline posted today as well.

For Recording Purposes it’s Timeframe, not Time Frame or Time Phrame

Welcome to day 1 of the Pushing Rocks Challange, Part 2.

With better numbers than usual and weighted packs on tow we clocked in just over 2 miles this morning.  Left out of Pelican’s Snoballs just after the 5:30 pledge headed for Robinson School.  Rucked around the rear for the school where the stairs the go down to the baseball field is located.  Just eyeballing I would estimate the number of the stairs to be around 30.  From the bottom of the staircase 3 calf raises per stair.  Pax waiting to go at the bottom and Pax at top waiting for everyone to finish do AMRAP squats.

Scrat had to modify because it was needed.

Headed back in the direction of Snoballs we took a quick trip up Gastone’s hill.

Return to flag and time.

Everyone here now has 1 point.

Nice start to the day, month, and challenge.

It as always was an honor and privilege.




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