Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 27, 2023

What exactly would you say you do here?

As Site Q at The Sandlot, YHC tries to take the Q from time to time. PAX have been great at stepping up so taking Q this last Monday in November was by choice and not necessity. Little did the Site Q know that this was an unannouced audit. Former Sandlot Site Q and current 1F Q, Flintstone, was part of the PAX shaking off the calorie cobwebs from a long holiday weekend. This felt a little like the two Bob’s from Office Space showing up to see how things were running at the the premiere Monday SOGA AO. “What exactly would you say you do here?” He did such a great job leading this workout for so long, and I’m sure he wanted to make sure we hadn’t let things go downhill.

0530 so let’s get going

SSH IC x 12
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

The Pledge

Mosey to the top of the parking lot in the park.

Quick background on the design of the weinke. While watching in horror and embarrassment at what was taking place on that ill-kept football field in Raleigh on Saturday night, YHC tried to distract himself with thoughts of literally anything else. Thoughts of how to better condition this soft team led to the idea of running, lots of running.

Thoughts of using the islands in the parking lot to run suicides seemed a little much given the number of islands and distance involved. So we’d improvise to shifting suicides.

Run to the second island for 10 Merkins. Then, run back an island for 10 Reverse Crunches. Then, forward two islands for 10 Merkins. Then, back an island for 10 Reverse Crunches. Rinse and repeat until you reached the other end of the parking lot. That would be 100 Merkins and 100 Reverse Crunches. This two steps forward and one step back mirrored YHC’s favorite college football team (except it was more like one step forward and two leaps back the last couple of years).

Mosey down to the soccer fields. Here were’d run some Suicide Triple Nickle.
Start at midfield and run towards the sideline stopping at a line conveniently drawn on the pitch for 5 Mike Tysons. Run back towards the line at midfield. Run back past the first line to the sideline for 5 Jump Squats. Then back to the line at midfield. Rinse and repeat this 5 times.

We weren’t done though. Much like Kurt Russell playing Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle, the Q said, “Again!”

Another round of Suicide Triple Nickle with Seal Jacks and Plank Jacks.

“Again!” this time with PAX choice. Flintstone chose American Hammers and Maybelline chose Nolan Ryans.

Time to mosey back. After passing the turd shack, stop at each light pole for 5 Merkins. This continued outside the park and all the way back to Snoball’s.

Back in time for one round of Mary in which Winehouse chose LBCs.

Convergence/Christmas Party ($10 per person) 12/2
Beer Ruck 12/9
Beer Mile 12/30

Prayer Requests
Simpson family – Maybelline’s Co-worker, potential treatment
Bubba Sparxxx family
Jackson Hall
Kids as they finish the semester

Prayer to take us out.

Maybe it was the thoughts of concern for the prayer request, maybe it was the lack of blood flow to the brain after all the suicide runs, or maybe it was the distraction of the bright, flashing “OPEN” sign at Snoball’s, but YHC had forgotten the Name-o-rama. The 1F Q was standing there will his clipboard to call out the oversight. That will surely be a significant point reduction on the audit score. Hoping The Sandlot can retain the A rating.

Until next time…

New AO Soft Launch Life Church 11/27/23

Round 4 of soft launch at Life Church gear workout


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Willi Mays De Hays, Ring of Fire to 100

5 Burpees for the late comer that was 5 minutes late.

The Thang

With the Carolina Panthers at a delicious 1-10 I took it out on the PAX this morning

1st and 10 with the blocks.

25 reps of an exercise and 25 lunges in between.  Complete for 100 yards.  Exercises included Curls, Squats, Irkins, Overhead press.

Bataan Death Crawl with 20 lb chain.  Single file bear crawl with the Pax in front wearing chain around neck. Pax in the 6 drops for 5 Hand release Merkins and all you got to the front to take chain.  R&R until we completed 100 yards.

Rifle carry blocks to bball hoop and circle up.  Q calls out exercise while the timer carries two 50 lb sandbags to top of hill and back. Exercises include.

Swings, Overhead Press, Squats, Sumo Squats, Curls, Chest Press, Block Burpees, WW3’s for 1 round

Finished with Big boy sit ups to Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


New AO Soft Launch Life Church 11/20/23

Round 3 of soft launch at Life Church gear workout


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Willi Mays De Hays, Ring of Fire to 100

The Thang

Rifle carry block and circle up by bball hoop. Q calls out exercise and timer runs to hill and chooses 50 or 75 lb bag to carry up the hill and back. Exercises include

Swings, Squats, Deadlift, Overhead press, Sumo Squat, Curls, Chest press, Nose breakers, WW3, Big Boy sit ups X 3 rounds.

Finished with Irkins on the block to Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down and a minute of Mary


New AO Soft Launch Life Church 11/13/23

Round 2 of soft launch at Life Church gear workout


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Willi Mays De Hays, Ring of Fire to 100

The Thang

50 yard lunge walk with block stopping at every parking space line for 5 Irkins.  R&R for another 50 yards.

Rifle carry block and circle up at bball hoop

Q calls out exercise and timer runs to the bottom of hill and farmer carries both 35 lb kettlebells to the top of hill and back.  Exercises included

Swings, Overhead press, Bent over rows, Upright rows, Single arm rows, Deadlift, Squats, Sumo Squats, Chest Press, WW3, Big Boy sit ups.

Finished up with the Cheddar Shredder and 1 min of Mary


Midoriyama 11/21/23

A rainy, cold evening at Midoriyama. Of course Slaw has the Q. YHC figured one maybe two PAX would post but we had 5 total. Staying under the picnic shelter, we performed the “moist millenium”. YHC knew we would stay moving the whole time and get a good total body workout.

10 rounds of 10 exercises. 10 reps per exercise.

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Big Boys
  • Derkins
  • Calf Raises
  • Leg Lifts
  • CDD’s
  • LBC’s (IC)
  • Dips
  • Mountain Climbers (IC)

We got through 9 rounds when time was called. After the COT, the 1t F Q asked “anyone else want to finish that last round?”.  All PAX  returned to the picnic shelter and finished the last round for 1000 reps. Outstanding work, men!



  • Convergence on 12/2 at the Yank
  • Christmas party 12/2 at Lewis Farm @1800
  • Beer Ruck on 12/9 (BOS has the lead)
  • Beer Mile on 12/30 (Sargento has the lead)

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Nation of Israel
  • PAX traveling

YHC took us out in prayer.

Stay moist, gents


Turkey day Frisbee 2023

I’m going to do my best to account for all that were present. Some signed up and didn’t show, some were late, some showed up even though they didn’t sign up, and some did that but were late.  Herding cats! We had some good games. For the most part people were on their best behaver. Some are still sour. In the end Team Wikileaks won the championship after a double header championship round!

Team Wikileaks:

Wikileaks, Montross, Mabelline, Broke, Slaw, Chubb’s 2.0 I think they decided to name him Gator because when facing off against his dad he ate his butt up!

The Sword 27-Nov-23

Runners today.

1 Cor 13.  How many have heard this and just glossed over?  I have.  I have heard this at every wedding and funeral.  What was broken down for me is Love and Patience. It was good to be humbled by this breakdown.
If you love someone or have patience with someone you:
Don’t snap at people when they frustrate you.
Won’t make critical or rude remarks to others.
Won’t be easily angered.
Assume the best about others.
Don’t respond impatiently in stores or on the road.
Are a patient spouse or parent.
Don’t become frustrated by the passage of time in any given situation.
Don’t expect Christians to be perfect and have patience in their spiritual growth, just as God has with us.
Have patience at all times and in all things.

Announcements:  Convergence 12/2 at The Yank, Christmas Party 12/2 at Lewis Farm at 6:00pm > $10/person, Beer ruck with BOS on 12/9 at 11:30, Beer mile 12/30.

TAPs: Wichita’s father, Ratchet ‘s son Jackson, Turtle Man, Sgt. Porkchop has a sick child, Bedpans boss’s spouse, Doug Dellinger


Careful how you read the title. Schlogg means a slow run. We did not do this, instead we did this:

Warm Up:

Imperial walkers

Toy soldiers

High knees



Flutter kicks

American Hammers


Around the world, 10 each way
5 halo each way
Squat curl press 10
Merkins 10
Knee to elbows – slow
KB Swing 15


5 Burpies

Monkey humpers 10 IC
Zombie walk
Monkey humpers 10 IC
Zombie walk back


5 Burpies



American Hammers



Calf Raises

5 Burpies


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