Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 13, 2022

Constant Mission

9 ran and 2 rucked at the Pub for, as it turns out, the 1500th post for YHC.  We ran the “Sargento Route” backwards..and Sargento still managed to clock in just under the prescribed milage:/..good grief!


7am Saturday Convergence at Bulldog (WA Bess)

Christmas party-December 3


Termite’s brother-healthcare issues


Sargento’s friend-cancer

Waterboy took us out.

Word from recent sermon at Parkwood: see God move in our daily lives: live in a constant awareness of the Holy Spirit, bathe ourselves in prayer, trust God every day. If we did, we’d be living on a constant mission trip, which is God’s design. God has given us that message..along with the provision of the Holy make that message known. The Lord is still working His story through our lives..individually and together.



Easy Peasy

YHC has been working his way back into the gloom on a regular basis. So far so good. It’s been a while since I’ve had the Q, but ready to at least pull off a strong JV, at minimal, workout.

Arrived early for a little mumblechatter and stretching.I had intended on getting our morning showers during the event, but Mother Nature pushed the rain on out of the area. My watch strikes time. No FNGs, so quick disclaimer and we get to work.


SSH x10 IC, mosey to the tennis courts. Mumblechatter about how we had no warm up….

Line up for the Sparky inspired routine. Sparky used a 20-1 several exercise workout with coupons quite a few times. I decided to use the 20-1 factor and apply it to something extremely simple, yet effective. It might just be the easiest written Weinke in Folsom history?


20-1: 3 exercises; merkins, Squats, big boys; start with 20 each, run the tennis court and back and get 19 each, repeato until you finish with 1 rep each. This would put the total reps at 630 and the run distance at right about 2.25 miles. It seemed so easy. I wasn’t exactly sure if this could be completed in 45, but I knew some batflippers would definitely push it and everyone else to get it done.

It’s time, so we mosey back to start.



Announcements, Stanley creek 5-10k, convergence at Bulldog

COT; Huck, Westside traveling, Striper’s brother, Purple Haze mom, Roundup’s baby, all  babies on the way

Always an honor to Q the greatest AO in all of the Gastonia region…..maybe even in all of eastern US regions? Blessed to among you men.

MDUB out!

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