• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 04/10/2022
  • AO: Coconut Horse
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Whoopee (R), Defib (R), Flintstone

On April 10th, there was only one F3 vehicle in the parking lot. I arrived late due to the dog’s extra time to take care of business. It is also possible the Q could have got out of bed earlier and arrived on time. I was not in the running mood anyway, so I grabbed a ruck sack and walked the standard route in reverse. After a few miles, I arrived back to base and then caught sight of Whoopee chugging along. His determined look broadened into bit of a smile. I’m sure he would have appreciated seeing me at 0629 or so as he confided jumping in his truck and going home but he’s not one to turn away from a challenge, even if it is all his own. He escaped the fart-sack which is a good thing.

Flintstone and Defib joined us claiming a “smart-sack.” The cool thing about Sunday mornings is we have a buffet of 1st, 2nd and (sometimes 3rd) F offerings. So the four of us gathered inside to review the Whetstone chapter of Q-Source. Some of the PAX are part of the current program. Some of us shared a few of the challenges in the past. The concept is good as we can always benefit from a mentor. None of us have all the answers but life’s experiences do provide some calluses that can aid another who is trailing behind.

Dr. Seuss is the current Q of Whetstone – seek him out if you would like to be a Stone or Blade. There are benefits to both roles.