Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2021 (Page 7 of 12)

Peeping Tacoma @ PB

17 men logged miles at PB this morning and a peeping Tom in a Toyota Tacoma seen Sparky’s butt cheeks while he was changing in the parking lot! The guy even turned his headlights on lol!!

Good work brothers and sparky….I’m sorry that happened to you lol


New AO 27 

PT 24 Gashouse 

Lincoln 5k 

Prayer request 

Prayer for all the pax 


Mayor daughter 

Pappy son





Wojo injured his back preparing for March Madness on Monday and reached out to see if I would take the Q. No worries, we’ll find something to do. Weather was crappy and attendance was light, but 5 PAX in total decided to put in some work. No reason to warm up in the rain, let’s head down to the lake and find a shelter.


Old School Deck of Death

Who need’s to pay $20 for a “special” deck of cards when a $.99 regular deck works just as good.

Number on card = number of reps

Face Cards = 20 reps

Aces = 25 reps of all exercises

Joker = 100 reps of PAX choice

Hearts – Merkins

Diamonds – Dips

Spades – Squats

Clubs – Big Boys


We made it through the entire deck and back to the start at time.



New AO in Dallas on March 27th at 0700 at Cloninger Park

Convergence at Bulldog on April 17th

PT Test at Gashouse on April 24th


Prayer Request

Mayor 2.0

SA and family

Gold Digger 2.0

Watts Up – major life decision pending

Big Pappy and family

Ooompa Loompa M’s new job

Praise for Tater Hole’s cousin’s daughter coming home from hospital


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Stacking Bricks

The Ricky Bobby has a lot to offer but the numbers have been low so when I found 12 bricks in my garage I thought that would be enough. I planned a workout but I was not prepared. 13 men showed and I freaked out a little. I mentioned that I was going to use bricks but did have enough. Flintstone says “how many you need, I got like 40.” We scrambled to get bricks and then this is what happened.

Warmup: 15 Toy Soldiers IC, 15 SSH IC, 15 Imperial Walkers IC, 15 Overhead Press IC. Lap around the track.

Work: 20 of each OYO and with bricks in hand. Seal Jacks, Oblique Crunches, Squats, Overhead press, Hand Release Merkins, Curls.

Lap around the track.

15 of each then a lap
10 of each then a lap
5 of each, no lap

Build it back up. 10, 15, and 20. Laps in between each set.

1 minute left so we did the Tesla stretch. Time.

Flintstone reminded me about the pledge and then we hit the COT. Welcome FNG Bambi.

Rebar heart test results
Relay race runners this weekend
Mayors 2.0 broken arm
Successful heart surgery on Bubba Sparxxxs’ 2 month old neighbor.

PT April 24
New Folsom AO
Young Life Golf event May 10

Thanks for another opportunity to get better.


Name that tune

It was rainy this morning, so much so that Dirt and Watts Up suspended their EC until YHC arrived for the beatdown. We even drove over to the covered area at the school building in order to stay dry.

After a head count it was determined that 4 guys were manly enough to come out this morning. Rocks were found and pushed. Here’s what happened…

With YHC being pressed for preparation time, I went with old faithful, The Deck Of Death! We did whatever the card said to do. It was fun.

Probably the more important part of todays workout was that there was musical accompaniment to go along with the beatdown. YHC has had this playlist ready since January but hadn’t found the right time to bless the HIM with it. Unfortunately, Big Pappy coincidentally beat me to the punch with his 80s TV show theme song playlist several weeks ago. Gotta strike while the iron is hot! My TV theme song list was a little broader in scope though, covering shows from the 50’s all the way til now.

The songs we heard this morning included the themes from Rawhide, Mr. Ed, Sesame Street, What’s Happening!!, The Andy Griffith Show, The Monkeys, Stranger Things, The Brady Bunch, Knight Rider, The Mandalorian, The Muppet Show, The Addams Family, Twilight Zone, Mission: Impossible, Fresh Prince of Belair, Gilligan’s Island, Hawaii Five-0, The Jeffersons, The Simpsons, Sanford and Son, GI Joe, Scooby Doo, The A Team, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, CHiPs, Family Ties, Yellowstone and even the Olympics. We didn’t have time to get to Fat Albert, Inspector Gadget, The Pink Panther, The Golden Girls, The Flintstones or The Beverly Hillbillies but rest assured, the hits will be back.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. I hope you had fun!

Announcements: New AO in Dallas starts March 27th, PT Test April 24th

Prayer requests: Watts Up dr appointment today for shoulder, Dirt has 2nd interview today, CPAP looking for work

YHC took us out.


Voting Irregularities

I put a poll on GroupMe for input yesterday: Rain was expected this morning so should I 1)Q the whole workout in the shelter or 2) stay in the rain the whole time. The final vote was 9-3 to stay in the rain. Despite having 12 votes, only 7 posted on a wet and chilly morning at Folsom. I think there may have been some absentee Kotter votes!!!!

No FNGs, we did a quick warmup and off we went.

11s on the hill between the parking lot and driveway to the old animal shelter – Merkins on one end, Jump Squats on the other.

Mosey to the flag pole. Roundup called some more Merkins while I grabbed the six. Elbow to knee in cadence and b
Big Boys to give the six a quick opportunity for a breather.

Short mosey to the upper parking lot. Originally, I wanted to do more 11s but time was running low so we just did the exercises – 2 sets – 15 each in cadence of Mike Tysons and Tiger Squats.

Mosey to the ampitheater for wall work. 3 sets of Australian Mountain Climbers and Elbow to Knees – 15 in cadence. As a bonus, Roundup called 30 Hip Slappers.

Mosey back to the parking lot.

Prayer Requests: MW’s family and friends, Pappy’s family, Stogie’s dad, all the men here today, the 5k

I heard the rain pouring at 4:30 am amd I knew it would be a rough one. It was, however, a great time spent with great men and I think I got a little better. Thanks for the push from you all and for the opportunity to lead!

  • Montross

These guys are quick

I watched the weather all week to make sure there was no rain in sight as I was preparing for a little mosey. 5:30 came as Red Ribbon appeared from the dark. Something like this happened.

Warm up:
20 Seal Jacks IC
20 Squats OYO
20 Goofballs IC
10 Hand Release Merkins OYO

Mosey around town stopping at each street or intersection for burpees, start with one then add another at each street. We got to 8 before stopping at Ida Rankin. If my maths right that 36 total.

My Sister-in-law is a machine so I stole something I saw on her Instagram page. We did a donkey kick against the pillars then went right into a Merkin, Bubba Sparxxx says we should call them Donkins, I like it. We did 10 then I checked the time, these guys are quick so I had to improvise.

We did a triple nickel of American hammers and LBCs. 10 more Donkins then another triple nickel, this time Flutters and oblique crunches. 10 more Donkins then we headed back to the flag. Still time left so we did a round of abs and stretches. With 5 minutes left I was out of ideas so Freon said dips, derkins and a lap. We did 15 to start then 10 to finish. Finally time!

Prayers and Praise:
Bubba Sparxxx’s friends 2 month old has another heart surgery
Rebar heart issues
Red ribbon’s new Nephew still in hospital
Relay runners and ruckers this weekend
Freons wife’s wrist surgery doing good with recovery

PT test in April at Gashouse

My. Hollywood has a lot to offer so post or Q, hit up Freon.

Thanks for another opportunity to get better.


Iron Sharpens Iron – 3rd F

This is a devotional reading from The Bible App; “Iron Sharpens Iron” by Vance Jackson


“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

According to Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word for “Sharpeneth” is, ‘chadad’ (H2300) which means, “to be sharp, be alert, or to be keen.”

Who’s sharpening you?

Who has your back?

Who‘s in your circle?

Who‘s in your accountability circle?

Who‘s on your team?

Who has your blindspot?

Friends sharpen one another. Friends develop one another. Friends are not stumbling blocks. Friends are not obstacles. Friends help accelerate destiny. Friends are not competitive. Friends help you grow and develop. Friends are not an hindrance — they help you build.

An iron-sharpening friend is a gift from God. They are godly and wise counsel. They will correct you — in love. They will build you up. An iron-sharpening friend will strengthen and sharpen you. Notice, Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬ declares, “Iron sharpeneth iron”. Iron-sharpening friendships are two-sided. Friends support one another. Iron-sharpening relationships are strategically placed in your life to help develop, strengthen, and sharpen you. Don’t build alone. Don’t construct alone. Sharpen together. Build together. Grow together.



3/13/21 The Fighting Yank

Fifteen HIM bounced out of the sack and hit the streets of Belmont for a morning heart revving good time.  It went something like this…

Started with a short mosey to the pit behind Sammy’s for our warm up.

20 SSH – IC / 20 Gravel Pickers – IC / 20 Imperial Walkers – IC & 20 Seal Jacks – IC followed by

10 Merkins – IC / 10 Mtn. Climbers – IC /  10 Merkins – IC / 10 Plank Jacks – IC & 10 Moroccan Night Clubs – IC

Mosey through the scrub and up Myrtle for a 3 at 3.  Three burpees at every third telephone pole.

Next stop the church walls & steps.  At the wall 10 Derkins / 10 Incline Merkins / 10 Dips. Then run up and back down the church steps.  Three rounds.  Rinse and repeat with three rounds of 10 Flutters / 10 LBCs / 10 Squats.

Indian run around the block to the pallets of cinder blocks the builder has left there for us.  Its at this point this crazed man came screeching to a stop in the middle of the road yelling something about “GIVE ME 10 BURPEES.”  He jumped out of his truck, dressed in his work clothes and knocked out a few burpees, jumped back in his truck and he was gone.   I guess Tiger didn’t burn off enough energy during our pre bootcamp ruck.

Now back to business.  Grab a block.

25 Curls – IC / 25 Overhead Press – IC / 25 Rows Right – IC / 25 Rows Left – IC / 25 Press – IC  Lose the blocks.

Slow mosey back to the track for a partner Dora.  100 Squats / 200 Flutters / 300 LBCs

Slower mosey back to the Yank where Bubba Sparks and Orangeman helped us stretch all this work out and we were done!

Great work today guys!  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


Spbring on the Ruck

It’s obvious by now that spring is around the corner. The long pants are not cool anymore. Time to break out the shorts. Four came to ruck and mumblechatter. Not much to brag about. We did out march to Wafflehouse with merkins, squats, imperial walkers and triceps in-between. Our pace was good, but as always, our conversations were better. Good work Hims!

Putting in the Miles

12 men got some miles in this morning. Great to see everyone.

Announcements:  Convergence April 17th @Bulldog 07:00, PT test April 24th, P200 this upcoming weekend.

Prayer Request:  Big Pappy and family, Gouldlock family, each other, SA and family, unspoken.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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