Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 7, 2022

Left Him Hanging

We’re about 4 exercises into the warm-up. Nine veteran PAX were circled around me. The circle did not include Sister Act who apparently improvised a Q that even he couldn’t recover. That was okay, despite his lack of attendance, he received the same abuse as if he’d showed. In the midst of trying to lead the cadence, I see a talk figure in a neon shirt exit his vehicle and look around reluctantly. From the distance, he looks like Time Frame but he’s walking slowly whereas any veteran PAX would hustle toward us since we were about 0534 at this point. The fella finally joins us. I greet him: “Good morning; are you here for F3?” Guys says: “Yes, Reid Jentsch invited me.” He looks around the circle. “I don’t see him here.” I respond: “I know Reid Jentsch, his F3 name is Malfunction and he most definitely is not here…but you are so welcome.” Purple Haze calls him out – “that boy is a Lineberger.” We quickly learn John Lineberger is from Dallas. I wouldn’t have known that since our FNG is clean shaven and didn’t drive a truck. But he is in training to be a Police Officer where he met Malfunction. Hopefully this wasn’t a pledge prank of sorts. In either way, let’s get back to it. I share an elevator speech on what were doing and since FNG John joined us, I add a few more warm-up exercises than my typical set. We said the pledge and time to mosey.

We go a short distance to the benches on South Street in the middle of the block. We needed them to do:

  • Circuit 1: 15 Derkins + 30 Decline Peter Parkers + 15 Derkins + 15 Dips + 30 SSH
  • Circuit 2: 15 Bulgarian Squats R + 15 Bulgarian Squats L + 30 Squats
  • Repeat both circuits

Mosey down the street to the open parking lot across from the church. I should have found one with smooth asphalt but it will have to do for us. A new routine called 60 where I give out an exercise and you do that until failure or you’re tired of it or 60 reps, whichever comes first. When you stop doing the exercise, you finish with LBCs until 60 reps. Exercises were: merkins, mtn climbers, imperial walker squats, reverse lunges, SSH’s, Burpees. After 60 reps were complete, run to the end of the parking and back to get a little cardio. For the record, none of the PAX did LBCs on the side-straddle-hops. So I impromptu added burpees – some PAX then did 60 LBCs. Q wins.

Running out of time so let’s mosey over to the parking deck. Roscoe was the only repeat PAX from my Q at the Goat the previous day. I asked him to demo the eccentric tricep dip on the parking deck rail. Like the day before, we’ll begin with 10 on one side and 1 diamond merkins on the other for 11’s. Like the day before, we got a little more than halfway through before it was time.

Annoucements: Blood Drive Aug 10th; CSAUP 50 mile relay coming up. Prayers: Melina White, Wirenut & family, Courtney (lady jogger in Belmont that was hit, Huck, Turtleman).

The FNG John Linerberger hung with us pretty good. As he is in training for the Police Department, we quickly named him Tackleberry. He actually claimed to have seen the movie. As for the other PAX, some of them modified because they had attended SA’s beatdown the afternoon before. Good on them for posting. There was good chatter among the guys and hopefully they got their money’s worth. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Summer Swole

I had a horrible end to July – wasn’t feeling great waking each morning with a clogged head. In normal times we’d call that a head cold. Take some over the counter meds and push through. Fauci calls that Armageddon part III. I never got tested – just kept to myself. Who really knows any more. Regardless, I didn’t feel like working out. I felt better on the weekend and committed to getting after it in August. Bubba Sparxx needed a Q and that was a sign to get my ass out of bed. That I did and shared a few new things with the PAX that beat the fart-sack that morning at The Goat.

Warm-up – Toy Soldier, Side to Side Lunge, Imperial Walkers, Don Q’s, Chest Openers – all IC x 10 – Pledge

Since hill and parking lot in the Cramerton circle are still blown up, we’ll mosey around the building to get the blood flowing. The house on the corner has a dog outside at that time that went crazy. There goes part of the plan to run around the buildings. Improvise it will be.


  • Round 1: 50 SSH’s, 40, LBC, 30 Squats, 20 HR Merkins, 10 Burpees – run to end of the street and return
  • Round 2: 40 SSH’s, 30, LBC, 20 Squats, 10 HR Merkins, 5 Burpees – run to end of the street and return
  • Round 3: 30 SSH’s, 20, LBC, 10 Squats, 5 HR Merkins – run to end of the street and return
  • Round 4: 20 SSH’s, 10, LBC, 5 Squats – run to end of the street and return
  • Round 5: 10 SSH’s, 5, LBC – run to end of the street and return
  • Round 6: 5 SSH’s – run to end of the street and return

Next up is the Red Reaper which I found on Check it out for ideas to use in your Q or when you need inspiration at home. I modified it into my own version so the PAX would get crushed on their upper body. Today’s version was:

  • Circuit 1: 15 Merkins + 30 Shoulder Taps + 15 Merkins + 30 American Hammers + 30 Freddie Mercs
  • Circuit 2: 15 Derkins + 30 Decline Peter Parkers + 15 Derkins + 30 American Hammers + 30 Freddie Mercs
  • Repeat both circuits

Mosey to the upper parking lot below the railroad tracks. Use the rail for a new treat: eccentric plank dips. I demoed this by putting my hands on the rail and holding by body steady in an incline position. Start by bending your elbows toward the rail, lowering your body; then straighten your arms to starting position. I learned this from F3 Fonda the tricep has three muscles: Longhead, Lateral Head and Medial Head. This routine was focused on the longhead but would work all three well. The routine would be 11’s with 10 eccentric plank dips on the rail, run to other end of the parking lot for 1 diamond merkin. As time was running short, we got to about the halfway point. But hearing the PAX chatter, their arms were pretty smoked and they were glad to Omaha.

Announcements: Blood Drive Aug 10

Prayer Requests: Courtney (female jogger hit in Belmont – she is making positive progress last I heard); Huck, Tesla/family.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


6 HIM showed for another opportunity to improve today. 3 rucked, 3 ran. It was humid. Change is a coming!

4 stayed for a Q Source conversation on Trust. The world was made better by the conversation and ideas brought forth.

Announcements: Blood Drive 8/10, Freight is moving next Saturday at 9ish, SLT meeting next Saturday at 8:30, F3 Dads 8/20, F3 Dads Camp 8/20, CSAUP in September

Prayers: Huckleberry, Tesla

F3 Backblast for Mount Hollywood

After attending for approximately 2 months, I conducted my first Q.  Unfortunately the site Q was unable to attend having to quarantine due to a family member who contracted Covid.  As such, I prepared a shovelflag of my own for the pledge.

With the intent to make the lungs burn with this workout, we warmed up the body and amped up the heart rate with some aerobic exercises to include side straddle hops and arm circles, among others.

We ran to another site approximately 1/2 mile away for the main calisthenics portion where we did a circuit of the following:

  1. Soccer run, counting every other foot to 50
  2. Triple Bear, counting every middle step, to 40
  3. Catchers, single count to 20
  4. Plyo Lunge, counting every other foot to 10

That sequence was repeated three times.  Between each circuit, the breather for the men was a build up of merkins, to include:

  1. 20 close grip (ranger) merkins
  2. 20 diamond merkins
  3. 10 plyo merkins, with or without the clap

Upon completion of the circuit and the final merkins breather, we ran another 1/2 mile + to the ball field behind the Middle School for core exercises at each base, to include:

  1. 20 crunchy frog
  2. 20 heels to heaven
  3. 20 Peter Parkers
  4. 20 airplane cobras
  5. 50 American hammers

Concluding the session was a run returning to the lot, and 30 bench dips.

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