Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 4, 2022

Then there were 5

The gloom was a little muggier than the day before but that didn’t change the fact that there were rocks to be pushed this day. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

No disclaimer, all veteran pushers here.

Warm Up, stuff

Mosey into the street, being careful not to get run over by cars. We ended up at the track in front of the bleachers for The Thang

The Wolfpack Grinder – rarely seen outside of its usual Saturday location!

20 Prayer Squats IC & 20 Merkins OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Prayer Sqauts IC & 20 Mountain Climbers OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Prayer Squats IC & 20 Merkins OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Prayer Squats IC & 20 Mountain Climbers OYO – 1/2 lap


20 Monkey Humpers IC & 40 LBCs OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Monkey Humpers IC & 20 Plank Jacks OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Monkey Humpers IC & 40 LBCs OYO – 1/2 lap

20 Monkey Humpers IC & 20 Mountain Climbers OYO, scratch that, I messed up, supposed to be Plank Jacks – 1/2 lap

Countoff and talking

20 SSH IC & 20 Dips OYO – 1/2 lap

20 SSH IC & 10 Lunges each leg – 1/2 lap

20 SSH IC & 20 Dips OYO – 1/2 lap

20 SSH IC & 10 Lunges each leg -1/2 lap

In rolls Flintstone from a training run. He kept his distance.

Mosey from here to the front of the school for some Maryorama. We did Dying Cockroaches, Heels to Heaven, American Hammers, Freddy Mercurys, Nolan Ryans and a plank. Time!

Thanks for the push this morning men, we’re all better for having posted!

Annoucements – CSAUP at Freight’s 8/13, F3 Dads 8/20, Skating lessons with Mayor 9/20?, 50 mile in September

Prayer requests – Huck, Tesla

Men in Yellow

4 ran and 1 rucked at the Pub today. We all wore yellow as we ran from Parkwood and back.. a route I haven’t taken in quite awhile.



Blood Drive 8/10

Freight’s moving day 8/13

F3 Dads at Yank 8/20

Dads Skate 9/17

JJ5k 9/24

Prayer Request:



Give ear to my prayer, O God, and hide not yourself from my plea for mercy! Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.  Psalm 55:1‭, ‬22 ESV

“Failure need never be final. Those words have often echoed in my mind. I have shared Peter’s immaturity, his misunderstanding, his lack of knowledge, his failure in courage. You have too. But these failures need never be final if Peter’s Savior is our Savior too.” Sinclair Ferguson

YHC took us out, Nice work, guys!


You’re A Daisy If You Do Redux

Last week, I stumbled upon Huck’s VQ from May 17, 2016. As I read through it, I decided to call the workout exactly as it was written in honor of my good friend who has been struggling recently. Love ya Huck!!!!

There were 10 at Huck’s VQ. We had 12 today. Medicine Woman is the only man who was present at both workouts. Was it was easier last time because it was before he jacked up his leg?


SSH x 15 ic / Floyd Mayweathers x 10 ic, switch/repeat / Allen Tates (monkey humpers) x 15 ic

Pledge (we got this at the end)

short mosey. stopped and found rosalita 15 times ic

continue the mosey to the lower parking lot.

4 corner escalators. spot one: merkins x 10 / sprint to spot two: squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / bear crawl to spot three: mountain climbers x 20 + squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / sprint to spot four: lbc x 25 + mountain climbers x 20 + squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / bear crawl back to start

mosey a little

Peter parkers x 10 ic

mosey some more

arrived to the tennis courts to partake in 11’s starting with 1 burpee and 10 imperial walkers. went up and down the tennis courts.

afterwards we circled up for more fun

5 double merkin burpees, hillbillys x 10 ic, 5 double merkin burpees, monkey humpers x 10 ic, ring of fire with 5 merkins and 10 lbc, calf raises x 10 ic, don quixotes x 10 ic, 5 double merkin burpees.

mosey back to the parking lot to finish up with another ring of fire with 5 merkins and 5 additional double merkin burpees.

Prayer requests: Huck and his family, Striper’s brother, My mom, Achey’s uncle, Westside’s wife – all nurses, MW – friend going through marriage issues. Bedpan’s family

I consider Huck one of my best friends and I have F3 to thank for that. He isn’t the only one though – I consider all of you my friends and know Ibhave hundreds of men around Gaston County and beyond who have my back! It is such a great network of men who push and support each other. I appreciate all of you who came out this morning. This workout holds up pretty well after 6 years! I look forward to the day Huck has the Q and delivers this beatdown himself!

The original backblast is HERE

– Phillipians 4:13


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