We all got better spiritually!
Jesus loves you!!!
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
We all got better spiritually!
Jesus loves you!!!
We all got better on that Saturday! I do remember one thing about the workout and that’s the music was terrible!!!
Huckleberry texted Sparky and me and ask if one of us could Q The Sword because it was his birthday and he was going to be away. So Sparky and I decided to co-Q. And it was Broke’s birthday too. (RESPECT)👊🏻!
So a few of us were fresh out of the Snowbird men’s retreat while some others were crushing the different relays going on (great job men, y’all crushed it!) while some of you HIM’s held down the fort (thank you men for guarding the home front!). With all that being said Sparky and I thought it would be great to share a few things we heard and learned over the weekend.
Here’s what we talked about:
We talked about being prepared to finish well and we looked 2 Kings 20:16-19. Isaiah comes to Hezekiah and tells him that a day is coming when the LORD is going to take everything they have and even some of his on sons will be made eunuchs in the Babylon palace. Sadly Hezekiah chose to not end well, “Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “Why not, if there will be peace and security in my days?””
2 Kings 20:19 ESV. Hezekiah wasn’t thinking about his children or the future generations to come. He was only thinking about himself and his present situation with no regard for the future.
A sure way to be a poor leader it to do nothing, just be unprepared! We have to prepare to finish strong. How many men do you know who has finished strong? All you have to do is turn on the TV or look on social media and you will see a host of men who haven’t prepared to finish well. Men who in their mid to latter years should be paving the way and teaching the younger men how to live a life worth imitating (Phil. 2:17).
It really doesn’t matter how well you do when your fresh in the race, it’s that last mile that counts! Man can only push so far on his on, we need other men who will be honest with us, who we can confide in, who will push us and keep us accountable. F3 is a great way to have all these things but there has to be a personal time in the Word “Bible” studying, learning and growing in the most important relationship we have and that’s our relationship with Jesus.
We all like to prepare when we know where the end is, but in life we don’t know when the end will be. Calamity doesn’t make a man it reveals him to himself and to those around him.
A few bullet points from the men’s retreat:
• Be surrounded by men who will tell you the truth
•Be aware of your tendency for self indulgence
•Be aware of your influence: from others and to others
•Solitude: we need time alone with the Lord-more than just Bible reading. Earnestly seeking His will through pray
•A since of entitlement will destroy you: you’re owed nothing but you owe everything as a leader. Learn to be a servant leader
•Repentance should be a pattern in our lives: David says in Psalm 51:4 “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.” Walk in repentance
Part of finishing well is shepherding your flock in the love and grace of Jesus Christ to the end!
Pray Request:
Sister Act and his family, Big Pappy and his family, Stogies dad, teachers and our community
New AO at Cloniger Park 3/27 start time 7am
4/17 convergence at Bulldog
4/27 PT TEST at Gashouse
Thanks for letting me lead!
Wichita out and on to the next
Despite the weather man predicting heavy rain, thunder storms, and possibly tornadoes, not a drop of rain was felt at Diablo Sammich. We’ve been blessed.
Ruck to Waffle house, smell the syrup and back, with 20 squats, 20 merkins, dips, and imperial walkers interspersed.
What lofty title for the Coconut Horse. If anyone of you are followers of my epic backblasts, well, today may be disappointing. At the Horse on Sunday mornings, we have an agreement that the Q of Q-Source is also the Q of the workout. Usually works well, but coming off The Mortimer, I had a scheduled day off to recover – at least from the run. Now Flintstone on the other hand, that HIM already threw out the HC for a ruck. I know his training was more steady than mine or he’s just a glutton for punishment. Either way, he was there at 0600 and Whoopee fresh off a relaxing week of spa treatments, foot massages, mud peels, and happy endings (let’s at least hope?), joined him for the standard 5 mile tour. I posted at the COT having completed my homework and ready to lead the discussion. Whoopee was nice enough to buy me a coffee.
Our Q-Source group is reading and reviewing Freed to Lead. Sunday morning covered Part 3, Chapter 1 and beginning of Chapter 2. We began by discussing The Mission which if it’s not engrained into your head is: “the reinvigoration of male leadership within the community.” Whoopee identified that has changed since the original publication (2014) as the F3 Nation website now states: “the invigoration of male community leadership.” So a slight variation. Whoopee is prepared to match wits with DREDD on the tense or word “invigorate or reinvigoration.” If you’re trying to invigorate, that means male community leadership is non-existent – obviously there are many organizations and causes that do a lot of good in our community prior to F3 starting in 2015 so maybe that take on words is to take a Sad Clown and invigorate them? Chew on that at your next opportunity.
We then dove into Chapter 2 covering a few pages discussing the First F and how the Sad Clown can navigate the gym or pay a personal trainer vs. the accountability that can be found among F3 men. I do agree it’s much easier to find a push or sometimes a pull from the PAX for the workout, something that can’t be achieved as easily when your watching a video. I can attest to that as I was on the IR a good portion of 2020 and missed the camaraderie which comes in the form of Mumble Chatter. We then moved briefly to Shovel Flags and their importance to identify the home base, especially for a new guy or out of town F3 man trying to find the exact location.
Finally moved to cover the backblast and their structure. Our region is better than most about publishing them. Obviously I enjoy writing mine and apologize for the length. If you haven’t been made aware, there is a point to their purpose which is more than identifying the best and worst or workout highlights. The attendance recorded greatly assists the SLT, especially Weasel Shaker and First F for who is posting and where. The data collected identified the recent expansion of Tequila Sunrise on Friday mornings and the upcoming Phat Ricky Extravaganza set to have a second workout in Dallas (begins Saturday morning at 0700 at Cloninger Park). As we migrate to the warmer months, possibly other AO’s could become candidates for expansion – that is up to you. Ideal size for a workout is 10-12 men. If you’ve ever been to workouts with 20 or more, it can be a lot to handle for a regular AO. The last piece of the BB is the naked man moleskin – which is when the Q attempts to share a “truth nugget” which runs the gamut from motivation to wisdom. I always find Whoopee’s to be passionate (I shared that with him in the discussion).
The final thing we covered is the fact that we post for each other. Plenty of times we fart-sack or in some cases smart-sack (as was the case for all but Flintstone from the Mortimer participants). Sometimes just our mere presence can provide the necessary companionship that helps another brother more than we’d ever know.
If it’s been a while or you’ve never read Freed to Lead – it’s beneficial to go through this again, especially after having been at this thing a few years.
Here is the plan to start to revamp this for the 2021 season.
On April 10, starting at 10:00am, get with your buddies and 2.0s or come on out if you don’t have children around or period. Show up with your pals to an AO near you, wearing your F3 shirts, a trash bag and picker in hand and start picking up trash. If you want to go to Bulldog, go. If you want to go to The Yank, go, Folsom, go….
Again, the plan is to just pick up trash for an hour or so to support our local areas that are free of use to us and leave things better than we found them. We can also do some marketing for F3. My thoughts on lunch are to pack it and eat with your shorties and enjoy some time with them or go to a local joint and support a local business. Its a win win for everyone.
Come June, we will start our weekend workouts again. We will travel around to the Saturday AOs (Gashouse, Folsom, The Yank) and put the kids thru some torture. We will work June, July and August. If you are interested in leading a portion of the workout, let me know. I am looking for two dads per Saturday.
On another note, If you have something you want to do, put it out there. If anyone shows up, have a blast. If not, you’re going to have fun with your shorties anyway so there is nothing to be lost.
Wojo has posed the idea of a day at Midoriyama where he can take the 2.0s out for a sport workout to get the kids active and moving and the Dads can attend the workout and the M’s can get a break from everyone. Look for some more on that idea (potentially).
Tubes and I talked recently and I offered to take the Q at Pain Lab. He was going out of town and I had backed out of the p200 so my day was open like an ugly girls Dance card.
1 year ago I was put on work from home status, the year before that 2019 I was fired just after my first leg of the P200 by email.
Some may think I hate this week, well its quite the opposite. Some how through all the confusion and chaos God always takes care of everything. I’m sharing this because we all should know God has our Back! Since 2019 the company I worked for crumbled, I have a better Job and a much happier life. I did not feel this way while I had to tell my M we would not have insurance come the end of March 2019. In that Moment my wife told me this ” I’m glad they fired you, that job sucked and you can do better. I love you finish the race strong and we will figure it out Sunday. I love you and I am always proud of you”. In that Moment God was already showing me that his plan was the best.
On to the Werk:
The thang!
10’s Lunge walk 10 merkins, back to beginning then 20 squats Lunge walk to the other side of the parking lot and 10 merkins.
Down to one merkin.
Rocky Balboas, SSH, SealJacks, Cherry Pickers up and down. Mumble chatter was going great!
LBC’s Flutters, Hammers, Reverse Crunch,
Lets try something new to me.
10second Superman, 10second Iron man, then 10 merkins. x 10.. This got the shoulders feeling good for sure.
Fellowship walk to the stadium seats then time for some dips, Derkins, Step Ups.
Someone maybe reading this while they are going through or getting out of a tough situation. Always Know Gods Got you.
Dig in your Heels and serve more love more and always Post at an AO near you More!
The BED PAN is Full!!
Warm Up
20 SSH
10 Burpees
15 SSH
10 Burpees
10 SSH
10 Burpees
mosey to the courts
start Out with suicide burpees.
Add a burpee and merkin each time you get to a court edge.
round up everybody in the corner for 4 corners and we started with
corner 1 10 burpees
corner 2 20 little Gumby’s in the woods
corner 3 30 hillbillies
corner 4 40 CDD
Circle up and we repeated those workouts again in the circle.
we stayed in the circle for
50 LBC and 10 Big boys
60 LBC and 20 Big boys
plank work until I call recovery
plank jacks 20 ic
Peter parkers 20 ic
parker Peters 20 ic
20 merkins
15 wide arm merkins
10 regular merkins
5 diamond merkin
mosey to the hill for 11’s with merkins at the top and squats at the bottom!
we got stuff done and calories were burnt!
Prayer Request
big Pappy
gumby family
wirenut family
each other
4 non super runner HIMs made their presence known for a Karate Kid themed workout that Daniel-son would chuckle at. Exercises were a showdown between Cobra Kai vs Miyagi Do. Cobra Kai was No Mercy intense speed and Miyagi Do was more calculated, hold positions with some occasional Daniel-Son cranes!
It definitely had some bad producing as the Apple Watch weinke or maybe the Q didn’t capture the thang well…
Anyway…this is what went down without one sad clown in town…
Warmup: Knee Ups 25 IC, 25 Ballerinas 25 IC, MOROCCAN Night clubs 25 Finkle Swings attempted but yikes!!!
Mosey to soccer field 54-58-73-75
Miyagi do and Cobra Kai
Plank punches
Plank kicks
Daniel son Knee ups
Daniel son – crane
Squat punches
David Lee Roth burpee – scissor kick burpee after each round 5
Donkey kicks
Wall punches
Wall kicks
Wall spider
Run and repeat
Thang: Mosey to pavilion to setup the DOJO. Spoke a little about the theme and asked some questions on ages of main characters of karate Kid/Cobra Kai.
We did a series of exercises with reps equal to the ages of Johnny Lawrence(54), Daniel Larusso (58)Miyagi (RIP, 73)and John Kreese (75) in the series
54 reps, hill run, 58 reps hill run 5 burpees
Plank punches
Plank kicks
73 reps, hull run, 75 reps hill run 5 burpees Daniel Sons
Squat punches
Moseyed to THE WALL of Belmont Middle. 15 reps of Donkey kicks, Wall punches , Wall kicks Run a lap and repeat….
Wall Meditation in 15 second intervals
Ballz to the Wallz
One leg down flapjack
Ballz to the Wallz
run a lap and repeat
Chest and core are important. A fighter needs to be able to take a punch to the chest and abs…Moseyed to the picnic shelter and here’s what followed
Each set finished with a hill run up and down
we finished back where we began the THANG at the DOJO with abs
LBC Karate style with punches
scissor kick leg lifts
Squat holds with core engaged for 30
Ended with announcements, Prayer Requests (Rebar – heart results coming), Name-0-Rama. and then oh yeh don’t forget the pledge!!!
RINSE and REPEAT better version of this weinke will occur somewhere soon!!!
THE QUICK WITTY – we’re all called to be Godly men – sometimes that requires striking first for someone to know Jesus, being bold, striking first for Christ by helping those less fortunate. Whichever the Dojo, the principles of BOTH DOJOS together create a powerful punch for us as leaders in this world, in our community and most importantly in our household!
-YHC, Slim Shady
12 of us got some miles in at Prison break today. It was good to see some of the guys back out from the relays
New AO sat 7:00
Convergence 17th
PT 24th
Snowbird sign up by June 1st
Prayer Request
LB family
SA family
Big Pappy family
Wirenut family
Victims in shooting in Colorado
F3 group
Gumby mom
Round Up
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