Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2019 (Page 6 of 9)

is that a football?

13 Pax pushed the rock and this cool evening.  QIC was tossing a football and got some of the PAX excited.  17:30 hits, time to roll.

SSH 41 in cadence, merkins, MNC, Squats…. Mosey around parking lot past turd shack.  plank for six.  Whilst we here lets do some synchronized planking on the QIC.

Next we do a modified individual DORA.  Step back lunge, Mike Tysons, Freddy Mercury run to other end of parking lot and repeat 5x.

As you finish run laps around the large island in the middle of the parking lot.  Plank.  Synchronized plank (something about a Freight moon) into some merkins in cadence, I believe we did whilst complaining.

Next is Circle up for Global warming by the odd ones and bear crawl the evens around the circle.  Lots of confusion here.  Mostly due to the QIC not being very clear and some of the pack do not know odd or even number.  Mary.  Finish with a gentle mosey to the flag.  The football was not used.  Sorry SA.


Q source 7:30 am Sundays at Crossroads and The Horse

Anchorman filling Rice and Beans – nice work men.  January 29th, Tuesday.


SA daughter, Monk wants prayers for WetStone

PAX that have not been posting lately or injured.


Until Next Time

Coupons N JumpRopes

It had been a few weeks since YHC got another turn at leading the Q at a Folsom boot camp. I had looked back through some old weinkes and tried to put together something that’s a bit different than we’ve seen in a while. I added some stuff I witnessed out at Cape Fear. So, let’s just see how it works out.

a great crowd was on time. Even Sparky, who I was counting on for coupons arrived only a minute late. It’s 5:30, so let’s do it.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Merkins, Low Slow Squats all x10 IC  Montross comes rolling in hot, so Moroccan NightClubs TIL he joins the party.


grab a coupon and head to the tennis courts


11’s by way of Sprints across 2 courts using 8 Count body builders on one end and on the other, broad jump over your block, turn, grab your block for squat thrusts. After a couple rounds, the mumblechatter picked up. Definitely easier on paper, except for Buckeye, he was in beast mode. Now, partner up with a jump rope and coupon. Partner 1 jump rope AMRAP while partner 2 performs 50LBCs, flapjack, next jump ropes and 50 SSH, then ropes and 25 Block curls, ropes and 25 Tricep extensions, ropes and 25 squat thrusts. With a couple minutes left, line up for a nice Indian run a few laps around the tennis court. Rockabilly turned on the gas at that point. That dude is getting it done! Grab your block and return to start. 22 for the vets rounded up our time.

COT Prayers for Ratchets Son(MRI Friday) YHC Son(anxiety and adhd issues), our youth andcehst they are seeing and hearing in our society and schools. Prayers for each other

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this great AO! You men make it what it is.

Back to the Track

15 on a chilly morning for some Painlab and Bootcamp.


SSH x 10ic

Don Q x10ic

Leg Swings x 5 ea leg

9 for PainLab and 5 ran up to the Grier Track with me.

The Thang:

Butt Kicks

High Knees

High Skips



Side Lunge Walk


1 Mile In and Outs (run the curves walk the straights to recover, on last lap run 200m back to finish)

Walk 200m to recover, slow mosey back to finish line.



Fire Hydrant Circles

Plank, Cobra, Downward Dog, Inch worms for about 10 yards or so.


Cant remember the exact order, but we did more running drills.

Form Running

Stride-Accelerate thru zone, Stride

Butt Kicks

Mosey back to Parking lot to meet up w/ Painlab


Did some Mary




I took us out in Prayer


Thanks for letting me Q guys. Our Gashouse crew kept the mumble chatter going and had a great time.



All who wander aren’t lost

Gastone asked YHC to Q the Coconut Horse and since my Sunday routine always starts with the horse so of course I agreed.

Whoopee was looking to start early with some EC Rucking so I accepted that and showed up at 0515, ready to go.  The rain/sleet was falling pretty good so when Whoopee showed up and parked beside me I greeted him with a grin and a gesture.

At 0530 we headed out on the normal route and got as far as we could before turning around for my official Q at 0630.  As we approached the HT we passed HushPuppy on a solo run.  Then Breaker Breaker passed by coming out of the HT.  At 0629 Linus showed up and we tried to coax him into the Ruck option as we had an extra Ruck between us.  He wanted to run so Whoopee and I headed off in the other direction.

We returned at 0715 or so and there were more cars than people in the parking lot.  COT only had four but when we entered Starbucks there were a total of 8 as ToolTime, Stroganoff, and Defib were now showing for the Q-Source discussions being led by Stroganoff.  Short Sale returned from a run and then our new PAX Compass showed up after a ten miler.  No one dared run under the tunnels of the greenway as the water was flowing fast this morning.  The discussions were excellent regarding language.  We discussed accountability, candor, love, and self-discipline.

F3 is a great thing.  Give it away.

Ramblings from a Rambling Man

During the 2nd F and Q-Source last week, Roadie let me take the Q next week and Montross kindly stepped aside as the next open slot, I would be out of town. I also took on the F.2 Language of the Q source.

I showed up at 0600 in time to plant the flag before the ruck crew took off. It was a good thing I was running today, because the pace was to be pushed as Roadie, Bedpan, Dr Seuss, Brock and Buckeye decided to Ruck. Two groups emerged and one group was at a 15 minute pace and the other was at 13:45. Super fast and Excellent work by those men. There were some comedic offerings by Bedpan when he looked at Roadie and asked him to “turn him on from the back.” He also mentioned that he spoke with Def about his blow up. Now, not knowing any context this is hilarious and it was funny knowing the context, however, it was in reference to his marking light on his rucksack and the pouch couch he plans on using for the P200. Def has some stories from the Tuna and Bourbon.

Sister Act and Blart waited as long as they could for Def before they struck out on their own, but those who were with him on the Bourbon, know how long he takes to change or get ready. It was declared that Sister Act may be the nicest person in F3 Gastonia and when YHC asked about different kinds of coffee to order instead of the usual black, Def kept referencing his wife’s and daughters choices to me, which made me feel hollow inside and less manly so I got the usual black coffee.

On to the Q-source. It was on Language and it meant something that it is the 2nd part of the foundation for all of the Q points. Read up on them; it is worth it. Thank you men for the input and Def for picking me up on the Bible verse today.

We give each other a hard time out there, but I wouldn’t have it any other way because the 2nd F and 3rd F is superior to all others (statement made – prove it wrong by stepping out and seeing what others have). Thank you again men…It was an honor and a pleasure. Until next time, and, as Bone Thugs-N-Harmony said, Ill see you at the Crossroads.


I think I owe a backblast

It occurred to me that the week got away from me and I didn’t post a backblast for my Q on 1/5 at the Schiele.  So here you go.

Was awake at 4, outta bed at 4:30, ready to roll at 5:30, got almost to the workout and realized I forgot my back brace.  I would be a lousy Q if I couldn’t move so I turned back.  Messaged Roadie and Rudolph that I was running behind and to start the warm up, I’d pull in late.  Arrived just at the end of the warm up to see a very large crowd, 24 + myself.  Guess Roadie’s milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.   Did another disclaimer, said “anyone wanting to boot camp, follow me” and started to mosey to the flag pole.  Arrived at the flag pole and turned around to see only 5 followed me!  “How do we play ultimate Frisbee with only (counting on my fingers, 1 2 3 4 5 6) 3 on 3!?”  We made it work.  Said the pledge, moseyed to Gardner park.

Found a hill, did Dora 1-2-3 (still counting) and did 100 dips on picnic tables, 200 merkins (that hurt) and 300 squats.  Moseyed to the track and out to the soccer field.  Set up some cones for some form some sort of keep-away, monkey in the middle game I made up in my mind standing on the aisle in Dicks looking at plastic curvy balls for teaching kids how to hit a curve ball.  2 pax on the outside, one man in the middle.  2 on the outside throw the ball back and forth.  If it hits the ground the dropper does a burpee.  If the guy in the middle catches it, both do a burpee and the monkey in the middle switches with the guy who threw it.  Kinda fun for about 15 minutes but lost it’s excitement pretty fast.

Alligator walk Indian run: Meander to the track, alligator walk in a line (peter parker/ bear crawl “left, right, merkin” and repeat). Guy in the back runs to the front.  did this for 2 runs.

Returned to the field for ultimate Frisbee.  If the Frisbee hit the ground or changed possessions, do a burpee.

Mosey back to start, some Mary, named an FNG Daisy.

Strong work by Hipaa for running the Disney Half. You’re half the man you used to be (physically) but twice the man in spirit.  DFQ.  Strong work to Cheese head for beating down the sad clown.  DFQ.  Support Tool Time on the Chimbote mission trip.  Collected $100 by passing the hat.  Hope more AO’s will do the same in the coming weeks.

YHC will be having back surgery in Feb and I’m not sure what the future holds.  But I plan to kick complacency’s butt.  No matter what happens I will live with purpose.  Honored to lead, embarrassed to arrive late.

Hushpuppy out.

My First Q of 2019

So, this is YHC’s first Q of 2019 and 9 HIMs came out to the gloom on this cold January morning to get stronger, push the rock, and become better men in 2019. You know it is early January with the Cramerton bootcampers in full force, New Years Resolutions to get in shape and lose weight. Downtown Cramerton parking lot was much busier than normal.

5:30am, let’s get started…



  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins

The Pledge

The Thang:

Mosey up Main St to Baptist church parking lot;

  • Lunges x10 i/c
  • Mountain Climers x 10 i/c
  • LBC x 10

Mosey to next street corner by train overpass;

  • Merkins x 10 i/c
  • Burpess x 8 oyo
  • Flutter kicks x 10 i/c

Mosey to corner behind downtown Main street;

  • Squats x 10 i/c
  • American Hammers x 10 i/c

Mosey down to the fire station;

  • Merkins x 10 i/c
  • Dips x 10

Next  a Triple Nickel up the hill;

Merkins x5, run up hill, squats x 5, rinse and repeat 5Xs

Mosey to the side parking lot across from town hall/police station for Dora 123….

Pax partnered up and did the following called exercises while partner ran the parking lot..

  • Merkins  x 50
  • Squats x 100
  • LBCs x 150

Next mosey to underneath overpass for wall squats and hip slappers, rinse and repeat 3x..

Mosey back to the flag for a round of Mary to finish it out!!


Announcements – January 29th, Rice n Beans

Prayer request for Anchorman, PAX dealing with injuries and/or other issues


Great workout and push by all PAX…As always, it was an honor to you lead you men. Thank you all for your support and allowing me to lead us in pushing the rock!

Breaker Breaker


“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13




The Pub: Every Which Way But Loose

0531 – Run

9 HIM’s for a brisk Thursday morning stroll. Stone Cold and JJ ran slower mosey pace to keep me company, and even at that pace it helped to push me harder than if I was running alone. I appreciate the camaraderie as these two could keep pace with the rest of the group. We ran the traditional route along Hoffman Road. YHC was humbled to get in four miles. Gastone did more than five and others may have as well.

I was not present at all places, and there is no rumor to this, but it could always be possible that some along the route may have changed up the routine a bit. So I am unable to rule out the unestablished and non rumored facts that some may have chosen to:

Nur, Karaoke, Lunge, Ruck, Fake Ruck, Mosey, Walk and even Ride around and give out last minute Holiday Greetings.

Always honored to lead and this helps me to get out and post in the gloom.

Until next time. Aye…….


The Kitchen Sink

This Q has been in the works for quite some time. Admittedly, I’m not a Folsom regular, having only posted a few times but their reputation precedes itself for their brotherhood, their coffee-rama, and most assuredly their mumble chatter. I had plenty of time to plan the workout – some of it worked and some were Q fails. 19 Strong overcame the fartsack to brave the high 30’s temperature. Sparky brought and FNG, so the disclaimer had to be emphasized: “…we’re not professionals, you vs. you, modify as needed, blah, blah, blah…” Here we go:

Pledge, Warm-up “SSH, in position move, in cadence, ready? exercise: One – Two-Three – One…that’s the warm-up mosey to the tennis court (Whoopee – you would be proud)

Thang: I pulled this from The Storm – the W drill to get the blood flowing. PAX begin at the baseline, run to the net, NUR to the “T” in the middle, run forward to the net, NUR to the baseline, do 2 burpees. Repeat that pattern for all 6 courts; plank for the six. The grumbling began early. With 19, I decided to split the group in half to run it back.

Mary is typically left out in the cold for workouts but not today. That sweet lady gets some early love this morning. Circle up for three different ab exercises, 25 seconds each for 3 circuits with a 25 second rest between circuits. Set 1 • Flutter Kicks • Freddie Mercury • Plank Jacks Set 2 • X Crunch • American Hammer • Ski Abs I had a playlist organized for this one. I knew the Site Q Montross is a big JT fan and with Slaw in the circle, “Can’t Stop the Feeling” led off. I had a few things in mind with this. First, the music was sure to start the chatter, good or bad. Second, the order was to target the abs along with some cardio. Try out the X Crunch: on your six, legs together, arms over your junk. Move your legs wide and your arms wide over your head (forming an “X”) then return. The American Hammers and Ski Abs further targeted your obliques, which are often neglected, but how else can you shape the six pack? Embrace the suck.

Staying on the tennis courts, split into teams with 4 men each (one team had only 3). This looked better on paper and after everyone got flowing as to where to go and what to do, it began to work. With better instruction (and probably a little more light to read the Q-cards) this will work better. I’ll attempt to describe: P1 is on Court 1 with 1/2 blocks doing Squat Press, Curls, Tricep Extensions – all x 10 P2 is between Court 2 & 3 doing lunge jumps, Mtn. Climbers, SSH’s – all x 10 P3 is between Court 4 & 5 doing Merkins, Imperial Walkers, and Burpee Lunge – all x 10 P4 begins by carrying sandbags to replace with P2; P2 carries the sandbag to exchange with P3 who then travels to the beginning to exchange with P1. The rotation went like I’d intended for at least two rounds but confusion and pace limited us to one round. I had done something similar at Midoriyama using only 3 stations. I’ll work to refine before breaking out again.

Mosey to the lower parking lot for the make-shift Folsom Country Club executive course (bet-cha never thought those words would be associated with a Folsom workout). The course was set up with three holes and being irreverent to the rules, we divided into “six-somes” and a “seven-some.” Throw a corn-hole bag and travel to that bag using these “shots:” lunge walk, burpee broad-jump, bear crawl, crab walk, and bunny hop. However many shots it took you to “hole-out” (shut your dirty mouth…) you multiply, yes I said multiply that number times the number of reps on the flag. Hole 1 was a par 4 with 10 squats. If it took you 4 shots to get there, 4×10= 40 squats – make sense? maybe? Hole 2 was a par 3 with 5 Burpees and Hole 3 was a par 5 with 10 Merkins. Despite the PAX not paying attention to all the instructions, I think it sort of accomplished the goal.

Now less than 5 minutes remained so to the picnic shelter for the final task that was originally done at the GasHouse this summer: 99 Beers on the Wall. Montross volunteered to select the beverage from the cooler. He chose the 24 ounce Busch Light which asked the PAX to perform Burpees then Flutter Kicks. The clock was set to 99 seconds, perform burpees until you can’t (or don’t want to) do any more. Then do Flutter Kicks. We hustled back to the start a little over time.

COT: Prayers lifted for Montross’s aunt, Bedpan’s M, EZ Rider’s family, Nikki Bailey, Roadie working out of town, and each other. Happy Birthday to Swimmer. We welcomed Ryon Dearing to the fraternity, now known as Tater Hole (it could have been worse). YHC took us out.

Moleskin: Despite some Q fails, the workout exceeded my expectations, not for the content, but for the community. There were a few moments of quiet, highly unusual in the hallowed grounds of Folsom but it proved to be a calm before the storm as the chatter filled the air most of the workout. Despite instructions occasionally falling on deaf ears, a lot of hard work was put in. Pearl Jam was out front for much of the day. Mozart about ran me over sprinting to the finish. Volt never skips a rep. I appreciate Madoff and Roscoe venturing over to the northside (I would mention Broke but he claimed to be a Folsom regular). This workout went by in about 10 minutes as my mind raced through instructions, monitoring the progress against the plan, and decisions of when to move on. I tried to cram about two workouts into an single hour to provide some flavor of my Q’s. Leaving some things untouched on the Weinke means I have to make a return visit soon. Hope the guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

Welcome to Neverland

A wonderful mild morning in the gloom as 14 (includes 2 ruckers) joined for the first post of the year at what was previously known as some combination of the black/dark knight/night. With the new year, comes the opportunity to start new and a quick announcement was made that the AO would now be known as “Neverland”. Announcements have since been posted via twitter world and slack. The genesis of “Neverland’ was a play off the confusion of the previous AO name and the metaphor from Peter Pan’s Neverland, where the aging process does not happen. In many ways, that represents the rock that F3 men are pushing to better our physical and mental capabilities.

Short review of the disclosure and reinforcement of safety precautions

The Pledge

Warm up

SSH x 40 IC

MNC x 40 IC

LBC’s x 40 IC

Merkins x 20 IC

Stopping at the first 4 lights – 20 squats OYO

Let’s mosey, towards Gastone’s hill.

At the doctor’s office – leap frog (broad jump up the hill to the first light), mosey back to start; rinse and repeat x 3

Mosey toward Gastone’s hill – stopping at next 4 lights – 20 calf raises OYO

At the Hill – Bernie Sanders (backward run) to the top; stopping at cul-de-sac. Plank it up waiting on the six.

Flutter Kicks x 50 IC

Mosey towards Union Rd; stopping in the Dollar Store parking lot. Lunge walk the parking lot end to end, mosey back to start to rinse and repeat x 3

Mosey towards the start; stopping in the Food Lion parking lot for some wall sits with air presses x 20. Rinse and repeat x3

Mosey across the parking lots; at the old HT saw approaching ruckers (Whoopie and Monk); wanted to welcome them to the PAX. Quick call for 30 monkey humpers OYO to say hello.

Mosey towards Snoballs; stopping at the wall for some dips x 20 IC with a jail break to the finish.


Gastone is planning a trip to Mt Mitchell to hike up and down (5 miles one way); reach out to him if you have an interest. Based on interest, he will plan something

QSource kickoff – great start, check it out

Whetstone – Entering year 2, opportunities for others to join; see Monk for more details.

COT: Prayers to T-Square’s M and family, Stonecolds Dad, Easy Rider’s son

Thanks for the opportunity to Q. Way to push the rock men. Always a honor to lead. Turtleman

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