Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2019 (Page 2 of 9)

Last Monday of January 2019

Where has January gone?  Seems like the jolly ole man in the red suit was just here.  Having the Q gave YHC the push to climb out of hibernation on this beautiful morning.   As 5:30 neared closer, more and more vehicles continued to pack in.  16 PAX to start the week strong.  Started with the pledge and normal disclosure (I’m not a professional, modify as needed, I’m an idiot, etc)

Warm up: 

SSH x 30 IC

MNC’s x 30 IC

LBC’s x 30 IC

Plank Jacks x 30 IC

The Thang: 

Mosey down toward the park, down the maintenance building.   While waiting on the pax, completed 30 shoulder planks IC.

Mosey around the back of the fields, watch out for the bumps in the dark – STAY to the RIGHT.   Bandit had a bad wipe out there a year or so ago.   Stop at the parking lot by the kids playground.

Time to partner up.  I borrowed from a recent Medicine Women Q which is a best practice to partner the pax up.  Gets guys working together who may not regularly have the chance.   Counted out to 8 and repeated.  Next find your partner – 1’s together, 2’s together, you get the point.

Bear crawl 1-2-3 –  YHC found this one in the Excericon; Dora’s obnoxious neighbor.  Partner A bear crawls to the first light and back while Partner B completes an exercise (100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbc’s).   Rinse and repeat.  This one was a crowd pleaser.   The combo of bear crawl and squats was a nice combo.   Mumble chatter was minimal, however, heard periodic noises from JK2.

Plank it up waiting on the six and then right arm up, left arm up.   Some heavy breathing so-called for Timeframe to give a quick 10 count.  Somehow it went from 100 down by 10.   This is a smart group of HIM.

Next up – Bernie Sanders up the parking lot to the top side (some conversation about the difference between the Bernie Sanders and NUR, difference is up hill and there was a nice incline.

Mosey to the clubhouse between the ball fields.

Next up, partner back up for some Dora.  Partner A runs out towards the turd shack, up the parking lot and back around with Partner B completes an exercise (100 derkins, 200 big boy sits ups, 300 dips).   Time was getting close, those that had finished helped the others complete the exercises.

Mosey back to Snoballs for the close.


Announcements – CSAUP & Mt Mitchell hike (See Gastone).  Whetstone updates, QSource reminders

Prayer requests – Whassup’s family death in family, Easy Rider’s son and a few others.

Way to the push the rock men.  This group got it done.  Thanks for the opportunity to Q.  Always a honor.



Cold rain

Warm up with side straddle hops 20 ic

Don Qs x10

5 burpees 

Blart came in a little late and we did maraca night clubs till he joined 

Run to lower shed with 5 burpees at every other light pole.

Go to shed

10 burpees 

20 monkey humpers

30 mercans 

40 flutter kicks

50 Mountian climbers

40 squats 

30 side straddle hops

20 dips

10 American hammers

Mosey back to baseball field with 5 more burpees on the way


Squat jumps, calf raise x 10 on the steps, and  squats at the top till the pax was complete.  

Mosey to upper poop house

Hip slappers 10ic   

Ring of fire 5 jump squats while pax wall sets.   Then 10 more hip slappers to give termite a chance to see them again.  

Repeat ring of fire with 10 side straddle hops

Mosey back to flag for a min of rocky balboas.  Then I called on pax for a exercise and Blart called mike Tyson x15.   Chum called Lbc x 25 then just enough time to finish with Iron hulks.  

Prayer for pizza man’s wife, each other, and the country.   

Day 1 HIPAAPALOOZA – Allen Tate MF’r

YHC was excited to kick off HIPAAPALOOZA with the Folsom crew this AM. Earlier in the week, I had been approached by Montross to see if I would sponsor the Allen Tate Memorial Fun Run (MF’r). He stated it was to raise awareness for Kotterism, an issue that is apparently sweeping Folsom and other regions. Like the HIM I am I obliged his request and went to work. Race Bibs were made for the 12 HIM that “pre-registered”, Montross supplied the “Allen Tate MF’r” graphics & Montross’ M supplied the pins. Glad to see “The North Face” sponsored one of our runners: Sister Act. They supplied him with their new “Shimmer & Shine” line of clothing.

The Thang

Some ran, some rucked and some walked all for a great casue! A lot of PR’s were set. The clear winner of the race was our own Allen Tate. He actually won before we started, because showing up counts as a win in my heart.


Announcements – CSAUP & Rooster

Prayer Requests

YHC took us out

Q Source & Coffeeteria in Starbucks

Thank you to everyone that showed up. Kotterism aint no joke guys, but the way you all can entice a PAX to come back out and post is truly amazing. Keep up the good work Folsom! Cheese Head, great to see you out here! I know the knee has been acting up but you listened to your body and let is rest a little. Keep pushing the Rock!!



Pushing the rock and finding the line

8 men of impact showed to the Storm this am looking to push the rock and better themselves.  We were lucky enough to get one last post in before the yucky weather arrives.

During the disclaimer this am it was discussed the difference in feeling the burn and getting stronger and feeling pain and hurting yourself.  We also discussed finding the line between the two and how close we can get but not crossing it.


SSH x 20

Mountain climbers x 20

Slow merkins x 5


Mosey long way to circle.:

Ring of fire…

Heels to heaven until everyone one by one high knees around circle.

Mosey to front of school where 5 circular rocks await the pushing they will surely receive…..

Pair up.

3 sets amrap.

P1 runs roughly 150′ and back while P2 does called exercise.  Switch x 3.


Step ups…at this point it was asked by YHC how everyone is feeling?  Anchorman replied the we have found the line previously discussed.  This was good news.

Yoga break..down dog, cobra, plank, lower back stretches.


Incline merkins…literally pushing the rock.

Yoga break.  Same as above.


American hammers x 20

V ups x 20

Merkins x 20

Rinse and repeat x 15

Meander to wall for calf raises x 20 feet together and x 20 spread apart.

Most back and time!


HIMs for Rice and Beans meet tonight at the Point Church in Belmont across 74 from Walmart at 6:15pm.

Please is you have and questions about the Mt Mitchell hike see Gastone.  This sounds quite cool.

Prayers for us, families, health, and community.

Big fat Q fail.  I forgot to do the namarama.  Oops.

It was my honor and privilege to lead such a great group of HIMs this am.  You guys make me better and I am grateful.





Long Time, No Q

Crisp and chilly, bright and sunny, and 18 willing PAX to start the morning.  YHC chose the wrong short’s for the occasion and I may as well have been wearing Spanx.  My earlier EC took my phone from 83% battery life to zip, just in time to start the Q.  Knowing we had some distance to cover I reached out to the Bootcamp Pax to make sure we had a phone for safety.  With Monk and StoneCold in phone compliance we began.  Thanks to Q volunteers I had not Q’ed Gashouse for a month.  That showed when we did the pledge after dismissal.

Warm-Up:  And in no particular order



Merkins- 10 IC

Squats- 15 IC

Painlab off with Bedpan (10 of them) who had a morning of displeasure planned for his PAX.  Music locked and loaded those guys were set to pump some muscle.

Bootcamp (8 of us) set off to Grier, stopped short for a moment, got a count off and 20 merkins in the bank (that was for me to rest a moment).

The Thang:

Headed further to Parkwood lot for some Tesla book borrowed special.  Using the 4 corners of the lot (and I could not remember which corner’s were which number) we did the following.

Count off into pairs.  Pair 1 goes to corner 1, Pair 2 goes to corner 2, do you really need me to continue?

First round:  10 in each corner and after each corner is complete move to middle for 5 Burpee’s

Corner 1:  Merkins  Corner 2:  Squats  Corner 3:  LBC  Corner 4:  CDD’s

Second round:  20 in each corner and after each corner is complete move to middle for 3 Burpee’s

1:  Heels to Sky  2:  LBC  3:  American Hammer  4:  Mountain Climbers

Third round:  50 in each corner, 1 Burpee

1:  Side Saddle Hop . 2:  Merkins . 3:  Flutter Kicks . 4:  Morroccan Night Club

Mosey up hill, down to Sherwood Elementary.

Partner AMRAP:

Partner 1 Heels to Sky while Partner 2 runs to top of entrance hill, does one Burpee and comes back, switch.

Rounds 2, 3, 4, etc.

AMRAP:  Plank, 6″, American Hammer, maybe LBC (we may have run out of time)

Mosey back to Schiele.

Farm section of Schiele:  Audible…….

10 of each, squats, monkey humpers, lunge jumps, merkins.  Run Schiele trail, 3-4 minutes at a good pace.  YHC started off leading the PAX and became the Six as I watched them all pass me on the last hill up.

8:00, time.

Announcements / Concerns:

Sweetleaf and Boy Scouts selling Pine Needles, Union Road Christ Church, $4.35 / bale, $5.00 flat fee for delivery (DO not ‘hold’ me to this quote)(Quote from Linus has expired), see Sweetleaf and Cheesehead

CSAUP event:

Prayers for:

Stone and Blades

Teams to Haiti and Chimbote

Oompa Loompa’s Mother

Bandit’s Friends / Surgery

Rudolph’s collection to get Linus new pair of pants

Big thank you’s to Bedpan for coming to Q the Painlab and Monk for use of his phone for name-o-rama.

Fastest backblast ever

Lucky number 7 was the number of HIM’s that posted in the frigid 22 degree gloom this day at Bulldog. Even my bricks were cold, made the fingers numb. Here’s what happened.

I attempted to play the album Soup by Blind Melon because it’s awesome and it was recorded in New Orleans, which is where many of our PAX will be heading in a couple weeks to run races.

Warm Up

Don Quixote (exercise version)

Toy Soldiers

Mosey over to my chariot to pick up the bricks stowed in the trunk. Return to the start. We did…

Heavy Freddies (actually I made them Cockroaches) x15 IC

Dodo Birds x15 IC

Hands of Time (several rounds)

Oblique Crunch x15 IC each side

Newton’s Cradle x15

Stay put for a round of Flora 1-2-3. Partner up and do the following…

100 Merkins (10 at a time, swapping with your partner who was holding plank)

200 LBCs (25 at a time with bricks on chest, partner holds plank I think)

300 Goblet Squats (25 at a time, I can’t remember what the partner did in between)

We still had plenty of time so we did another round of the earlier exercises. Whoopee had to leave to save lives somewhere in all of this. He was missed.

Still had some time and my Blind Melon had stopped playing likely due to the freezing temperature so YHC modified for us to listen to Bring Sally Up via bluetooth. This was working well until it too stopped playing which led to what was possibly the most beautiful and horrific experience the local PAX has witnessed in a while, my acapella version of Bring Sally Up while doing said exercise. It was tremendous if I do say so myself!

End with prayer requests, announcements and namorama.

Sargento out!

Will the real rock pushers please show up

23 real rock pushers showed up this morning at Folsom. Was there 1 chief like rock pusher missing………….no It looks like Montross was there.It was chilly out this morning so thankfully Def Leppard redeemed himself and chose option 2 this morning. Option 2 was start running instead of the warmup exercises.


We ran up to the fork in the road and ran around the triangle like area of grass while we waited on the six. Once they arrived and we were getting warmer we moved on to option one.

SSH x 20ic

Slow Don Q’s x 10ic

Bear Crawl around the triangle, when I say stop do 20 squats. We did this a few times. Time to get to it.

The Thang:

Next to this small triangle at the fork is a much larger triangle where the old haunted house used to be. Yeah I’m old. Anyway there was some discussion about the actual shape of this triangle. Look for yourself geometry major its a triangle with rounded corners geeez! Anyway its a decent size so run around and at each corner do 20 merkins. If you cross a speed hump do 10 squat jumps. There was an extra speed hump since the google image came from before Google image existed. We did 2 rounds. Next round we did Flutters x 20 ic in the corners and mtn climbers x 10ic at the humps. Mosey back down past the parking lot entrance. Wait stop! We don’t have a shovel flag so we better do the pledge up here where we can still see the flag at the AG center. Site Q fail!

Time for some hill work. Sprint up to the animal control entrance and do 10 merkins, 10 lbc’s, 10 squats, mosey back down. We ran this 3 times I think. Def Leppard really put it out on these! My man can be quick! Golddigger showed off and talked some trash as he passed us(punk kid).

Alright time for some lifting. Partner up and get a block. This was a rinse and repeat from Thursday. P1 does 10 blockees and carries the block to P2 on the other side of the parking lot. Mean while P2 is doing merkins, lbc’s and squats while he waits. We just keep doing this swapping back and forth for 10-15 minutes. Time!


Announcements-50 mile CSAUP, Q source Sunday 7:30, Beans and Rice Tuesday


Prayer Request

Moleskin-Several times during this workout I called out for Allen Tate but he never answered back. I knew he wasn’t there but it was dark and there was a large group so I guess i was just hoping he slipped in sometime since he Hard Committed to me(and all of Twitter)that he would be there. I give him a hard time, and well a lot of you, only because I care. I guess I try to motivate by annoying you. It is constructive sarcasm at it’s best. Always given out of love.

Cold MLK Morning

7 HIMS gathered on a rather chilly MLK Day morning to make ourselves better. It was cold so with a quick disclaimer and pledge we jumped right into warming up.

SSH followed by Moroccan Night Clubs

Off we ran the short distance to the perfectly sized parking lot of the bank next door. With a nod towards our former Weasel Shaker we set about for some  Total Body Tabata. After spending about 45mins trying to figure out my interval timer app at the house the night before it worked flawlessly to guide us through the exercises.

We did 3 rounds for each interval; with a total of 4 intervals. Each interval consisted of 3 exercises. We did each exercise for as hard as you could go for 30 secs and then rested for 10 secs.

1- Burpees, Mtn Climbers, Plank

2 – Squats, Merkins, Calf Raises

3 – SSH, LBC, Monkey Humpers

4 – Lunges, CDD, American Hammers

We then moved onto some 11’s; which was the primary reason I choose the spot. LBC’s were followed by a bear crawl across the lot. On the other other side we did Rocky Balboa’s and crossed back with lunges.

With a couple mins left we did 20 dips on the wall and moseyed the short distance back to Snoballs.  We finished with a circle of trust and prayer.

As always, thank you for the honor to lead.  Remember always keep moving; it doesn’t have to be fast, it doesn’t have to be running…just keep moving.



Triple Nickle


1 mile mosey.  Then mosey down the side street for exercises. Most IC. 

SSH x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Goof balls x 10

Hill Billies x 10 

Imperial walkers x 10 

Squats x 10 

Merkins  x 10

Nolan Ryan x 10 each arm. 

Mnt Climbers x 10 

CDD x 10 

Hand release Merkins x 10 

Peter Parker x 10 

Parker Peter x 10 

Crunchy Frog x 10 

WW1 x 10 

Pretzel Crunch x 10 

American Hammers x 10 

LBC x 10 

Dying Cockroaches x 10 

Flutter Kicks x 10 


Mosey to Hawthorne Hill 

Triple nickel up hill. 

SSH & Squats

Merkins & CDD 

WW1 &  Crunchy Frog

Slow mosey to  the other side of hawthorn st. Sprint up the hill to Airline Ave. mosey to The Yank.

Pledge. Nameramma.

Good work by all the men today.  At the end we talked about keeping God in focus. Sometimes I let other things move my eyes away from our savior. I am thankful for you guys and keeping me accountable for my bad actions. Thank you!


Dont forget the CSAUP. Rooster, p-200, and keep all these events and PAX in your prayers. If you want to join, sign up!!!



Just the beginning

I had every intention on waiting to Q Gashouse for my first time ever on my 1 year anniversary. I wanted it to be a revenge Q. One that I’ve planned carefully over the course of a year. One that I could conquer. One that I could share my yearlong F3 experiences with the other PAX (Veterans and FNG’s). One that I could walk away from and say to myself, “This is why I’m here. This is why I wake up early every morning. This is why I want to do so much more every day and not for myself, but for others”.

Disclaimer. FNG Present so announced the 5 core principles of F3.



10 Volcano Squats IC

10 Merkins IC

5 burpees OYO


Announced to FNG that we have 2 options on Saturdays and to choose wisely. PainLab or Bootcamp, he chose Bootcamp. Wise choice Subway!

PainLab stayed in parking lot of Schiele

The Thang:

Bootcamp Mosey to backside of Library. It was here I announced to the PAX it was in this very spot where I truly started my F3 journey. It was the spot Whoopee had began his Q 1 year ago. It was the Spot where YHC almost splashed Merlot 1 year ago. I was here to remind myself, and others, that it all starts here and right now. It was here where I was to remind this spot that I’m here to kick it’s ass this time. That said I recreated the exact portion of Whoopees Q.

Partner up

P1 lunges around the parking lot while

P2 does 3 burpees then sprint to catch P1.

Swap positions and continue this process around the lot and back to start.

Plank for 6

R&R  But this time instead of lunge walks let’s NUR to the halfway point then return back to lunges.

Now, let’s throw in something different for a change. With the newness of Q Source on YHC’s mind I wanted to get the PAX involved that perhaps haven’t been to a Q Source meeting or listened to 43feet podcast. So let’s infiltrate their minds here and peak their interest.


Q Source – F1 – Disruption

leadership will naturally make people uncomfortable, at least until they begin to see for themselves that they are being led to a place of advantage.”

Stroganoff was kind enough to give us the overview of F1 Q Source


Speaking of Disruption and making people uncomfortable, let’s have an FNG Breakout with a Quik Q School:

FNG told PAX next exercise is the Merkin, in cadence. Well done FNG!

Now let’s get back to it:

WMDP Crawl

10 Wide Merkins

Wide merkin stance bear crawl 10 parking spaces (These spaces were long ways)

10 normal Merkins

Normal merkin stance bear crawl 10 parking spaces

10 Diamond Merkins

Diamond Merkin Stance bear crawl 10 parking spaces

10 Pseudo Planche Merkins

PPM Stance seal crawl 5 parking spaces – *Omaha to bear crawl as shoes were being torn up, dragging them across the pavement.


Mosey to Grier football field

Bleachers that are now picnic tables

20 Dips IC

20 Derkins IC



Q Source – F2 – Language

PAX took a seat at tables for a little G2.

As of January 1, 2019 there are 698 words in the F3 Lexicon. All of which are understood by every PAX and AO Nationwide. Uniformity.


Respect to Stroganoff for delivering the overview of F2


It was there I used my, rather F3, “language” to discuss my entrance into F3 by Whoopee. EH‘d in Doctors office, I think it was in my car after my visit that the First Bell went off and realized that I need to no longer be the Sad Clown I’ve been and post.  FNG could relate to that bell.


Move to Hill

Triple Nickel

Bottom of hill 5 Burpees

Bear Crawl up hill

Top of Hill 5 BBSU

Run down



Mosey back to Start, but not without a quick stop along Grier Middle School wall for some BTTW followed by Hip Slappers 10 IC. OK, now we can return to start.


Met back up with PainLab PAX where we witnessed Gold Digger dishing out a bunch of timed AMRAP. If that wasn’t bad enough for them, THERE WAS NO MUSIC!!! Shame on you Gold Digger how could you do such a thing? Don’t worry Pain Labbers, YHC will be back at the Q 2/1 and we’ll have some tunes!

Bootcampers joined in on the last set of AMRAP. 2 minutes left and YHC wanted to throw in the last bit of Q source. Give a taste of what F3 (Q Source not the organization) would look like this coming Sunday.


Q Source – F3 – Group – Community, Organization & Team

Community, which is two or more people that voluntarily live in close Proximity”

“Organization is two or more people that voluntarily combine for the accomplishment of an articulated purpose”
“Team, which is two or more people who combine to perform a specific mission for the benefit of a Community, an Organization or both”


Again, thanks to Stroganoff for giving us the quick overview of F3 Q Source.


That said, let’s do 5 burpees as a “Group”!



Many prayer requests

Gold Digger took us out

Welcome FNG – SUBWAY ! (Jared Taylor)


Head to the NEW  Union Diner for some Coffeeteria



I started my F3 journey on January 13th, 2018. 3 days prior, during my yearly heart health checkup, I was EH’d by Whoopee.  He’d tell you more but It would be a HIPAA violation. Hence my name HIPAA (That’s 1P 2A’s) & from there a HIM was born. I started out January 1, 2018 weighing in at 198Lbs and a sad clown. I did not run much and definitely nothing over a 5k. In fact, the last 5k I ran was probably 2015. Eating habits were terrible, fast foods, soft drinks & sweets. I tried to be active but the motivation just was not there. It was after my first post that I realized this is what I needed. You see during that first post, I found out I was surrounded by men that weren’t there for themselves. I was pushed, but encouraged. I wasn’t forgotten, but found. This is what made me want to return to the gloom only 2 days later at “Martha’s Black Dark Knight throwing Snoballs in Neverland”??? I never looked back after that. I had, and still have, HIM leading me into physical, mental and spiritual gains every day. You all have inspired me and given me so much to look forward to everyday. I want to personally thank each and every one of you. You all have made an impact on me to be a better man, more importantly a HIM. You all have inspired me to be a leader. With that leadership quality you bestowed upon me, you have turned me into a Site Q for 2 amazing AO’s (Pain Lab & Bulldog) & given the roll of your Comz Q for our region. The physical encouragement at workouts daily have somehow turned me into a runner. I ran my first ever half-marathon (On my 1 year F3 anniversary) and finished in 1:56. Running a half was NEVER on my lifelong agenda but you all made it possible for me. I was also able to complete my first GoRuck Light event. The physical aspect also made me change my diet and eating habits. I have lost a total of 32Lbs. since I started. Mentally I have been changed and challenged with Whetstone. I couldn’t have asked for a better Stone! Spiritually, wow! What can I say about this, except that you ALL have renewed my faith and brought me closer to HIM! I pray more. I pray aloud in front of a group, which I something I have NEVER done before in my life. I also started attending church again. You all need to see how much impact you have made on only ONE man. I encourage you all to continue to EH. You never know how much you can change someone’s life for the better by saying “Hey, let me tell you about F3…”. Thank you all again, you are forever my brothers!



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