Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2024 (Page 14 of 16)

Midoriyama 2/1/24

With pushing rocks starting we had a big crowd (15) at Midoriyama.  The days are getting a little longer and I felt like it would be a good day for some ultimate frisbee.  It was a really fun game but the outcome was the same. GOOD WORK LEPPARD!!!



Pushing Rocks

Canned food drive at Folsom nationals

Rice n beans 2/13



Wojo dad



Skeet family

Out of Range – Crows Nest – Lake Wylie 2.5.24

Out of Range Post & Q from Clutch – Alma Mater & Radar attended as well

AO/Region: Crows Nest – Lake Wylie


It was good to be back at the Lake this morning!

We started off with a typical F3 warm up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, Windmills, Produce Pickers, and Hillbilly Walkers.

Then we mosied over to the picnic shelter for a few rounds of work that included: 10 Step ups each leg, 10 dips, 10 split squats each leg, and 10 incline merkins. We followed each set up with a lap around the basketball court. We did 3 sets.

After that everyone got excited for an “Ab Destroyer” Dora. We did 100 in and out on the swings, 150 big boys, and 200 LBC’s

That left us just enough time to run a set of hillside 11’s, with CDD’s at the bottom and jump squats at the top.

We gratefully made it back to COT to meet up with the runners!


Thanks Sprocket for the opportunity to lead!


Lifeline 2/5/24

8 PAX came out to move with weight this fine morning!

No FNG’s, quick disclaimer, and mosey to the back of church


SSH, LSQ, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Brief Broga, Merkins.

Each PAX grabbed a block and we assembled at the field.

The Thang – All About the Benjamins

The main focus with everything was 100 (hence Benjamin)

PAX complete exercise called out by Q then lunge walk 25 yards.  R&R for 4 times = 100 yards

Completed 3 Rounds

Exercises included – Curls, LSQ, Overhead Press, Big Boy Sit Ups, WW3’s, Chest Press, Drag Throughs, Bent Over Rows, LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, Irkins,

Overall 300 reps of exercises and 300 yards of Lunges

Mosey to round about for Bear Crawl. In single file around the round about for 3 laps totaling 100 Yards

Moved on to “Need for Speed”

PAX split into groups of 4 and ran 25 yard sprints R&R for 3 Rounds totaling 300 yards

Quick 6 around the church with blocks to replace them at their original home

All you got back to the flag for MARY

Finished with WW’2s to the tune of Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


Need help for Rice and Beans (Check Slack)

Prayers for Cherie Berry’s Dad as he is in the Hospital with heart condition

Continued prayers for Montana and his recovery

Any and all unspoken requests

Pleasure to lead Gentlemen



Yee Haw Look at them Boots! Crossroads 2/4/24

Great crowd at Crossroads this morning with some good weather (albeit cold) to boot.  Hal said he was tired and looking forward to some 8:80s following a solid 12 miler w/ a gang of misfit, no-rep, backblast shut-outs from Old School the day before.  Mucho rucking and running was done by 12 HIM.  Sister Act joined the COT changing into his work uniform which with those boots and tucked jeans could have easily doubled for a night on the town at the Blue Oyster!  We moved indoors to discuss the LDP for Qsource.

Announcements:  Folsom Winter Nationals next Saturday @ 06:30 meet in the lower parking lot near the shelter (all other AOs closed) / 2nd F lunch @ Estia’s 2/21

Prayers:  Broke’s Mom, Gumby’s Mom, Wirenut’s Mom, Luke Neusom, Anchorman, Wojo’s Dad, Unspoken

Was the Q Lollygagging?

Good crowd showed for the Coconut Horse this morning.  Some ran.  Some rucked.  One extra showed for Q Source.  It was colder than expected.

The Q (YHC) is nursing a lower back issue so I ran a slightly different, flatter and shorter route at a slower pace than the PAX.  I was then accused of Lollygagging (rightfully so relatively speaking).  We all survived and got better for it.

We are in the midst of a “Q-Choice” for topics during Q Source for the next couple of months.  Today, we discussed a book and concept on A Complaint Free World.  It was a great discussion about how often we complain (I’m at the front of the list) and the reasons why.  I was shocked when I really started paying attention to how often I complain and negatively impact those around me.  I would encourage you to do the same.  I am on a journey to make it 21 straight days without complaining.  I am not there yet. I have started the day count over multiple times.  I will continue to work on it.

The two reference books are A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen and The No Complaining Rule by Jon Gordon.

It was an honor to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Hill Hustle

10 Pax posted at Old School and I don’t think any of them so this workout coming.


Let’s Mosey! Across town we went stopping at any intersection for 5 squat jumps and any power/telephone pole(gotta be specific for them Duke boys) on our left for 5 hand release merkins. I’m not sure how many but we went a good ways.

The Thang:

Over on the hilly side of town at the bottom of Brookgreen St. It’s a halfpipe style street. Partner up. Do 5 booyah merkins at the bottom then run in opposite directions to the stop signs and back. One side was steeper but the other side was longer. SSH while you wait for your partner to return. Do this until you get to 25 booyah merkins. There were some, lets call them frustrated, PAX at this point.

Mosey back up the hill to Queens st. 4 corners on the block stacking them as we went. 10 merkins, 20 starburst, 30 imperial walkers, 40 freddy mercurys. This block is made up of some good hill action.

On our way back we stopped at the cross section of Cedar and Puett St. We did the previous 4 corner stack’em by going in various directions of the crossroads but we did a lower number of the reps. This confused a few. Mostly because they don’t listen to the instructions. Wait what are we doin?

Some PAX were getting nervous as they thought we had 9 minutes left on the clock and a 10 minute run to get back. I had it all under control. On the way back we stopped at each intersection for 5 WWI’s. As we tried to cross Trade street traffic was heavy but a friendly driver threw on his beacon lights and pulled across the road to block traffic for us. Awesome good neighbor stuff right there.  It’s still exist.

Once we got back we had time for a few minutes of some Mary.


At this point a few runners came in from a long run. There was some debate about whether they should get points for this. While they were technically parked in the starting area they were not present for the workout. Now normally we allow it but it is game season so it’s time to break out the rules on’em. By the power vested in me as Q for that day I sided with those that were present for my workout. I will however mention that Broke, Gumby, Slaw, and the Nantan pushed some rocks by completing a 12 mile run. Well maybe not Broke and Flintstone. They run a 12 mile run weekly now a days.

Announcements for this week only- Weiner Nationals next Saturday. All other AO’s closed.

Prayer Request-Gumby’s mom, Wirenut’s mom, a few praise reports.


Are you really bothered by the point system and who gets points for what? Maybe you should stop being a puss or maybe this isn’t for you. Are you bothered by people talking trash about it? Maybe you should stop being a puss or maybe this isn’t for you. Did these two statements bother you? Maybe you should stop being a puss or maybe this isn’t for you.

I often battle with the things I say. I know many of you think I don’t think about it but I do. I mull over if I’ve gone to far. I’ve had to apologize many times. Many, times! I have concluded that often as hard as it may come across they need to be said. I play the role of Mr Vice(look it up) because there has to be one. While as harsh as it can be sometimes there’s usually at least an ounce of truth in it and let’s face it some of y’all are too soft and need something hard to smack you in the face. Other than when you were in the Navy.

Unorganized chaos

Hey I got this back blast done in record time! Here’s what we did.
Warm up

Stretches 2-3 min

Stations: 1 :20 seconds timer


Flutter kicks


Freddie mercury

Squat/ curl/press

American hammers ( slam ball)


Crunchy Frogs

Dora P 1 lateral lunge down one way the opposite back x2, Third time down regular lunge (25 yards )

100 merkins

200 curls

300 Squats

Dora#2 Duck walk down x2 , Reverse  lunge  on third set   

100 big boys

200 chest press slow and controlled

300 dips


Finished with 5 min of Mary and it was over. Great to see all of y’all out there.

P.S.  When I preview this the location and other fields are not showing up.  This was Saturday 2/3 at Pain Lab.   These men were present

Nutria, Stagecoach, Tube ,Hermie, Noisy cricket, The Pits, Hotdog, Cheesesteak, Clavin

Balljoint does Orlando..uh I mean Deland

I went to Orlando, all AOs were closed for a convergence/opening of a new AO/region about 60 miles from my location. Below is the back blast as written by @Swayze.

Give me my point😂



THE HOLLOW LAUNCH!! Great turnout. The regulars at The Hollow, myself included, thank you for your support. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we saw support from The Bokey, The Roost, The Mount, The Rising. and one pax downrange from his AO in Gastonia, NC! YHC started with a brief history of F3 before giving the three Fs and asking the pax to recite the 5 core principles which they nailed without problem. Thang 1 Hey Ya Sandbag Shuffle! Divided pax into two teams with a line of sandbags in the middle. Each team lined up in their “endzone” and were instructed, once “Hey Ya” by Outkast starts playing, to run to the middle, grab any sandbag, carry it to the other team’s endzone and drop it. The opposing team needed to get rid of the sandbag by carrying it the other team’s endzone. For some added fun, every time Outkast sang “Hey Ya” all pax were required to perform a squat whether they were holding a sandbag or not. When the song ended, the shuffle ended. Thang 2 Pick Up The Six YHC explained that sometimes as men we don’t communicate well. We don’t want to do the hard things. We don’t want to ask for help and we don’t like asking someone if they need help. This evolution was designed to challenge that. 13 stations were setup around the AO. Each station required all pax to work together to complete a set number of reps for that exercise. The stations were: 500 – Jerry Can Deadlifts using two 55# jerry can sandbags 300 – WW3 BBSU using 20# sandbag 300 – Thrusters using 40# med ball 200 – Ground-to-Shoulder lift using 60# med ball 500 – Kettlebell swings using 26# KB 500 – Kettlebell presses using 26# KB 500 – Ball Slams using 20# slam ball 20 – Walks around the AO using 100# med ball and 100# tombstone 500 – Merkins 500 – Knuckletouch Squats 300 – 4ct – Mountain Climbers 200 – Burpees Total reps: 4,320 PLOT TWIST: Two stretcher were loaded with 135# each. Pax were instructed reps at the stations only count as long as the stretchers were overhead. (We modified to shoulder height.) This challenged the pax to communicate well, ask if someone needed help with the stretchers, ask to come off the stretchers, and jump into help with high rep counts. We completed the task in under 20 mins. Very impressed!! CoR, Named the FNG “NPC”, NoR, ANN, TAPs, PIC, OUT!!! (Afterward, some pax participated in “The Walk” by picking up and carrying heavy sandbags. Others tried to shoulder them. Lot of fun! Use the ‘New Backblast’ button to create a new backblast

These men are beasts 💪🏻


  • SSH- 10
  • Burpee
  • Hillbillies-10
  • Burpee
  • Gravel pickers-10
  • Burpee

Mosey to the first Light pole

5 crunches and 5 big boys at each light to the flag pole

Pledge 🇺🇸

Rinse and repeat back down to the car lot.


Mosey to Tennis Courts

4 corners – Rack em Stack em

10- Mike Tyson’s

20- Flutter Kicks

30- LBCs


Rinse and Repeat backwords working are way back to just 10 Mike Tyson’s


Stay on Tennis Courts for Dora 123…

100 Squats , 200 Merkins, 300 Penguins while one partner ran to end of the courts and back


To finish it off we Sprinted 2 courts , slow mosey one court , Sprint 2… Did this 3 times with a 4 and final sprint all the way …




  • Folsom nationals February 10th
  • 2nd F Lunch
  • Sit up Challenge
  • Pushing Rocks Challenge

Prayer Request:



Jackson Hall


Hester Family


Broke’s Mom

Luke Newsome

Wirenut’s mom

Bedpan’s Great Aunt turns 88 today

Longest 30 mins

It was an honor to lead at the OG today.  Nice crowd for both bootcamp and painlab. Several pax showed up early for EC (up to 5 miles) before my bootcamp – sounds like a mistake to me.  I arrived 15 min early to warm up and saw several painlabbers already getting ready and 3 runners coming in.

Warm up

The usual – SSH and some other stuff.  Painlabbers went with Voodoo and the rest moseyed with me to the old orthopedic hospital at the top of the hill.  We stopped at Grier for some burpees and at Parkwood for a few mountain climbers just to keep everyone together.  Mosey up hill to old Orthopedic hospital for some route 66.  Mike Tysons with bear crawl x10.  Upon reaching the top we gave thanks for a beautiful sunrise and then time to rinse and repeat route 66 down the hill with squats and crab walk – a real crowd pleaser.  Mosey back to First Pres for Dora up and down stairs with merkins LBC and squats.  Somehow it seemed my watch stopped somewhere around 30 mins making the workout seem just a bit longer – oh well.  Finally wrapped up with a mini Grinder behind first Pres with stacked 10 merkins, 20 LBCs 30 squats 40 shoulder taps and 50 American hammers.  Mosey back to flag for COT


Saturday Saturday Saturday Feb 10 6:30 3rd annual Folsom Winter nationals.  All other AOs closed.

Rice and Beans tentatively set for Tues 2/13

See me if you’re interested in Tobacco Road relay – one team is formed and working on second.

Prayer requests:

Praise for Whoopee’s M who was able to represent her grandfather as he was inducted into his high schools hall of fame




Was great to see Dolph out again – He brought his 2.0 who is a chip off the ole block and the only one who could keep up with Dolph.  Keep up the good work men


The man who blames others has a long way to go.

The man who blames himself is half way there.

And the man who blames no one has already arrived.

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