Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2024 (Page 11 of 16)

Freon’s Still No Respect Birthday Q

On February 9th 1975 a child was born, and he would go to become known as “Freon” by his F3 brothers.  What a great day, I am enjoying it.

Started with workout with a warm up with some:

20x Goof Balls

15x Toy Soldiers

Next, we did an Indian Run up to Elizabeth St. then we started with a Indian Bear Crawl.  We lined up in the Plank position, head to toe, and the PAX in the rear would Bear Crawl to the front of the line.  Each Pax would cycle through the line two times.

Moseyed to over to Davis Park and done some modified Triple Nickel.  Instead of doing 3 exercises, 5 times we modified it to do 3 exercises  7 times, and 7 reps each.  My goal was to do each of the 3 exercises  a total of 49 reps, but I am not sure of my math.  Watts up called me out on it….thanks Watts Up!!!

Started moseying back to the start.  Did a zombie walk part of the way.  When we got back to the school we did:

20x Dips

20x Derkins

10 each leg step ups

Moseyed to the large parking lot and done a Route 66.  Pax would Board Jump to the first line and do 1 CDD, and then Broad Jump  to the next line and do 2 CDDs and so on until we reached 11 CDDs.

Finished the workout with and AB Blaster:

American Hammers; Crunchy Frogs; Flutter Kicks; Reverse Crunches, and LBCs


I was told, this AO ends promptly at 0615

My VQ at the Pub coming years after this AO was created has a very good reason which proved correct Thursday morning. No, not because a poor deer was shot out of its misery as we moseyed (yes, that was true). Unlike Sunday mornings where the 0630 start ends “loosely” at 0715 with a 15 or so minute buffer for COT to be completed ahead of QSource. No, these running AO’s have a time constraint because I learned a few years ago when my turtle-like pace prompted Sister Act to announce: “Short Sale, we end promptly at 0615,” tapping his watch for emphasis, then continuing: “some of us have to get to work!” So, there was always some trepidation to Q the running workout. I don’t claim to be a runner, though I’m committed to participate in the Austin Half next weekend. Since committing to more running the past few months, I’d secretly hoped the by-product was I’d get a little faster, maybe even a sub-9 pace? But even with running more miles in a week than Flintstone on a Sunday afternoon, my legs have become heavy, and I feel like an elephant migrating in the jungle. Oh, well, F-That!

0530 – a large circle assembles to hear the route: “Run to Martha’s and back!!” I sped out of the gate, “Quiching” the PAX in my dust. Defib complains (was it a complaint? maybe it was a statement of fact – see Sunday Q-Source led by Stroganoff), Defib “states” I just ran from my house and will now run by it twice more only to return after the PUB. And? Just like when these clowns thump their chest on how hard their EC was before a Saturday bootcamp – “#1) Who asked you to perform EC? and #2 do you think the Q gives a shit?” 5 miles is 5 miles, doesn’t matter if it’s via a treadmill or if you run up and down your street 500 times. Soooo, back to the workout – I’m not a fan of out and backs, they seem pointless, and loops are more scenic. But if you can’t Q-it, don’t do it – so I knew Sister Act would be on me about a prompt finish at 0615, or so I thought. The route was designed for that purpose (and in case we saw a lame deer in the road get shot – bonus). I led the PAX for maybe 0.2 of a mile but the PAX began speeding by me. I even tried the blocking scheme on Sargento to no avail. Soon I had been quickly replaced by the entire population of PAX to last place.  “Don’t worry guys, Q has the 6!” Here is another thing I learned about being the slow poke Q of a running workout – it’s all about the ego – Everyone has to run as fast as they can. What if some 300 lb FNG shows up? I guess “sucks for them.”

Oh, well – F-That! Once I got 22 minutes and two miles down the route, I 180-ed and went back the other direction whence we came. I took a quick lap in a patio home community and then circled the long way back to the Pub via Duke Street to kill some time (still ended up at 4.5 miles). Waterboy and Slaw sped into the parking lot. Defib was close behind, disciplined to avoid breaking off the route and into his neighborhood (Discipline = Freedom). The others trotted in and then we waited. 0615 had arrived and still 2 PAX yet to join the circle. 0615.30 and still waiting. 0616 – Stroganoff tells me he has “the opportunity to attend work” (not a complaint!) and he must leave early to embrace the opportunity. 0617 – Defib also informs me he must leave to run back home (again, I think that was a statement, not a complaint, but he did not use the affectionate words of Stroganoff who is reading the book on not complaining). Ah, here we have our straggling PAX at 0618. I tap my watch to emphasize the time – “Hey Sister Act, I was told we end this AO promptly at 0615.” (Roscoe was his sidekick btw). SA shoots me a douchey look of disgust. I guess on his new work schedule his nap doesn’t begin until 10 am now, so he has time to lollygag on his pace and avoid another injury.

Prayers – we said ’em

Announcements – you know ’em

Plate Tectonics

At this week’s edition of The Halfpipe, we discussed various topics including the moon and how the Halfpipe hills seemed steeper this week probably due to the Earth’s subterranean movements. Apparently, stop signs are still optional in the Kinmere neighborhood.

5 ran, 1+ rucked. Scrat was there and evidently he had something for dinner the night before that caused him to drop a present with an aroma that may have woken up the neighbors.

“Same as yesterday”

Prayer Requests
Dr Feelgood’s family
Stroganoff’s Mother-in-law
Harry Petrie

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Midoriyama 2/8/24

Track season is starting next week for me and i wanted to have some fun at Midoriyama since i will not be able to attend very often for the next few months. Played some ultimate frisbee rules football to celebrate Super Bowl weekend. It ended up being a great workout for all. Good work Leppard, we won!

Mayor is a Jacka$$

Not that it’s a surprise or that anyone needed to be told but The HIM known as Mayor is apparently a Jacka$$. This and many other topics were thoroughly discussed at this this morning’s installment of The Weak and The Restless at the Best Friday Morning AO in The Region. We did manage to get in a workout despite all the chatter. We did a lot of SSHs, Merkins, Squats, Mike Tyson’s, Big Boys, etc… on our tour of The Fuse District. Once back to the Rotary Pavilion we did a bunch more SSHs paired with a few rounds of Burpees.




See y’all next time.

Now known as Death Wish

4 HIM showed to the 2nd installment of the official FRC. No extra R’s in attendance today, just straight running.

In the many convos that happened during the run, it was determined that hospital name Gary Bret Meek will be renamed Death Wish. If you’ve ever run with him, you know why.

Announcements – Folsom Winter Nationals, nonperishable food collection at Folsom, 2nd F lunch in a couple weeks

Prayer Requests – Death Wish’s students


Giselle bringing the heat (and the mileage) to Ranger. Many complaints about the pace, but we managed to fit in over 4 miles, a good number of exercises, and several parking decks, including the Mothership.

Breathwork 101 @ Diablo

This won’t be your ordinary ruck this morning. I promised the guys that we would do something  totally new to F3 this morning, so I shared what I learned from a podcast with Gary Brecka. Gary is a Human Biologist, biohacker, researcher, and an anti-aging and longevity expert…so he says. If you haven’t checked out his videos, then you need to do so. Lets get some stretching in before we get started. We stand straight up and move in to an Egoscue method stretch. Stand pigeon toed, hold your arms out by your side, rotate your thumbs to point behind you and make 40 baby circles backwards while making sure you hold the tension in your shoulders. If it doesn’t hurt, then you’re not pushing your  arms backwards enough. After 40 circles, bring your hands down in front of you and take your fingers interlaced together facing down. Bring your hands all the way up, palms to the sky and look up focusing on your middle fingers for 10 seconds. Slowly bring you hands down by your side.  This technique gave my low back pain immediate relief.

Let’s ruck down to Martha’s house where we’ll get some merkins, squats and step ups in while we made our rounds. In the middle of all this, I threw in some breathwork. Gary created his technique from Wim Hof. You sit down and take 10 obnoxiously deep breaths, hold it on the last breath for 30 seconds, take another deep breath and hold it for 30 seconds.  Your hands will get tingly, your neck will get warm and you may experience a little lightheadedness. You shouldn’t experience any brain damage, but I am no expert so don’t take my word for it. You do this 3X’s with a short break in-between. There are many reported benefits of breathwork meditation, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving sleep and mood. 

Check him out for yourself

Prayers for Turtleman and all others mentioned and not mentioned. 

Good work men!


The usual at the Shack: 1 mile run to Queens, modified half Murph, parking deck suicides, water fountain 15s, 1 mile run back w/final 400 sprint finish. Started with 8 PAX, finished with 5.

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