• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/04/2023
  • AO: Old School
  • QIC: Ball Joint
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Def Leppard, Westside, Slaw, Wirenut, Bedpan, Montross, Sarlacc, Broke, Volt, Wichita, Pockets, Stogie

I wanted to Q a ultimate Football game for the last couple months so I figured I could just do a whole football theme Q. It was time to give the Belt away and also it had been a while since we have done a touchdown beat down. I reached out to the current TDBD trophy holder to see is he would be willing to bring the football and pit it on the line as well. So there you have touchdown beat down for the belt and the football.

TDBD is 100 yards
Bear crawl to the 10 yard line do 10 CDDs, run to the 20 do 20 lunges, run to 30 do 30 Merkins, 40 squats, 50 lbc
Then 40 squats, 30 Merkins, 20 lunges, 10 CDDs. Then run back 100 yards and start over again. We did this for about 35 minutes .. Wichita beat everyone, Westside was just a few exercises behind him. Good job men! Then we played ultimate Football. Leppard’s Team Lost!


Ball Joint