• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/12/2022
  • AO: Downtown
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Beetle Bailey, Def Leppard, Sister Act, Pallbearer, Captain Stubbing, Roundup, Dr Seuss, Westside, Gearwrench, Mayor

11 pax posted at Downtown on Friday. It’s been a busy few days so I’m just getting to the BB. That said it’s only day 3 so I’ve still beat Pockets and SA by 27 days.


Blah blah blah lets mosey

The Thang:

Starting at the intersection of Main and South we did 1 rep of 2 exercises and hit the road. We continued this throughout the workout adding 1 rep at each intersection. We made it up to 13 before we ran low on time. Should’ve made it to 15. The exercises were burpees and seal jacks. I believe that comes to about 91 reps of each.

Along the way we stopped at various places for some other work. Behind the police department we did Miranda Rights x 10 ic. Lots of complaining about these meow! At the wall of Leather and Lace we did Dirty Hookups x 10 ic, seemed fitting. In the parking lot behind the baseball stadium we did route 66 Bobby Hurley’s. We also threw in some broad jumps and squat jumps using the long line of handy cap parking spaces. Along the front of the stadium we stopped for some Nolan Ryan’s x 10 ic on each side. We stopped off in front of the police department for another round of meows and Miranda Rights. As we ran short on time we made our way over to the South st hill. We NURed up stopping for a WWI at each light pole. A few confused PAX stated they added a rep each time.


AAR-After Action Report-Since the purpose of F3 is to create leaders I talked a little about what an AAR is and why it’s needed. If you don’t know how you did then how can you improve? I asked the PAX to give me 2 things I did well and 2 things I need to improve. Give it a try on your next Q.


Announcements-F3Dads next weekend at The Yank, Dad skate 9/17, JJ5K 9/24, Rumor of a CSAUP 9/10.

Prayer Request


As I write this I’m still a little wired from the move to our new home this weekend. There were 15 HIM at the house to help unload the truck. There was another roughly 5 that were at the apartment to help load. That is insane! My wife has been showing everyone the picture we took and telling them about how you guys knocked out our move. My daughter was even quite impressed by “Tha Boys”(that’s how she refers to you) and she isn’t impressed with much these days(the teen years are gonna be hard). I’m so thankful for F3 and meeting you guys. I can’t imagine not having men like you in my life! Anyone that doesn’t is surely a sadclown compared to what I have.