Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 11, 2022

The Lottery And The Choke-Out

YHC was sorting through some of my mother’s items that I had stored in my house. As I sifted through mounds of old papers and documents, I am came across my fathers draft information.

As I read over the document, I thought about the anxiety the nation must have felt that day.  My father was 19 years old on Dec 1, 1969. He was fresh out of trade school had a job as a welder at GM. He had a life plan that changed in an instance.  His number was 125. At first he thought he was good, but every number 195 and under where called to duty.

For the Q today, our work was based of the Vietnam lottery.

If interested the table can be found here:

Vietnam Lotteries | Selective Service System : Selective Service System (

We started with the pledge then went right to work.

The Thang

  • 22 for the troops
  • A quick mosey to the baseball field.
  • First Pax was under 195, we did imperial walkers to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Second Pax was under 195, we did LBC’s and bear crawls to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Third Pax  was over 195, we did Moroccan night clubs to that number.
    • Would not be drafted
  • Fourth PAX was under 195, we did steps up to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Fifth PAX was under 195, we did LBC’s to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Six PAX was over 195, we did Mike Tysons and CDD’s to that count.
    • Wound not be drafted
  • Seventh PAX was over 195, we did a count to recover from the previous exercise.
    • Would  not be drafted
  • Eighth PAX was under 195, we did Squats to that count.
    • Would have been drafted

Think about our family’s during that time and our nation. In our group, 5 of the 8 would have been drafted and sent to war.

YHC did not grow up in a pleasant household. We were poor and lived of a steady diet of government cheese, out of date yogurt, and powered milk.  When my father came back from the Vietnam, he was disabled from agent orange exposure.  In those times, the government did not recognize agent orange for disability benefits.  My father lost his job as a welder and was unable to work.

As my brother and I  buried my mother along side my father. We both smiled.  As children we had some different chores than most kids. One of my chores, was rolling Top Tobacco into cigarettes.   60 a day, placed in old Marlboro packs. It had to be done before sports or homework.   Many times as I did this, my mother and father would rant about the VA. They were resentful and angry. My father had that great union job before the draft. That one day on Dec 1, 1969 changed their world  and hundreds of thousands of others forever.

Now here they lay, buried together overlooking the VA administration building they hated years ago.

Prayer Request

  • Freight and family
  • Huck
  • Turtleman
  • Sister Act
  • BOS’s Dad
  • Kids going back to school


  • 50 Mile relay Sept 10th
  • JJ 5K Set 24th
  • F3 Dad’s Aug 20th
  • 2nd F Lunch Wednesday – Viva Tequis


Thanks to all these HIMS that helped me out after I choked-out myself.  I almost made it.

Big Pappy

Extra Credit for all

6 HIM posted to the pub – All 6 with EC – Flintstone, Virus and Termite were already gone when YHC arrived to get a warmup 1 mile mosey.  And JJ and Waterboy ran from home – By the time 530 rolled around all were good and sweaty.  Route for the day was to the armory and back.


COT: Prayers and announcements

Prayers for teachers, students, JJ’s youth minister witnessing a severe car accident, Pax having children,  Huck and Turtleman

CSAUP Sept 10 – 50 mile relay

F3 dads Aug 20 at the Yank

JJ5K Sept 24

Twelve Days of Christmas in August

YHC was honored to be able to lead the GOAT workout and be the “GREATEST OF ALL TIME Q!”  However, that just isn’t true as I went back in time to borrow a weinke from the past.  Let’s see if it can stand the test of time….

YHC has a solid memory of the 12 Days of Christmas delivered by Brown Streak back in 2016.  Turns out the backblast I found wasn’t the one I attended BACK IN THE DAY!

Back on July 28th, 2016 the PAX in attendance  were….Hokie, Sargento, Radar, Spider-Man, T-Square, Fresh Prince, and Brownstreak.  As it so happens, Radar was in attendance today so he experienced it again.

The PAX were ready to go at 0530 with the exception of Pillager who took forever tying his shoes.  We started SSH anyway and YHC basically put his nether regions in Pillager’s face while SSH’ing while he begrudgingly took his sweet time tying his laces.  The rest of the warm up was merkins and squats.  We moseyed across the Goat Island bridge to the other side and then did the THANG:

The 12 Days of Christmas in August
Day 1: 1 Minute of “something”……Planking, High Knees, Fake Jump Rope  (Most PAX planked although Radar tried high knees once)
Day 2: 200 yard (give or take) across the bridge and back  (Bouquet started the grasp the workout after the second day but it took YHC singing to make the lightbulb go off)
Day 3: 3 Squat Jumps
Day 4: 4 CDD’s IC
Day 5: 5 Burpees OYO
Day 6: 6 Plank Jacks IC
Day 7: 7 LBC’s IC
Day 8: 8 Monkey Humpers IC
Day 9: 9 Mountain Climbers IC  It was about this time YHC needed help calling cadence because the air was getting thin!
Day 10: 10 Merkins IC
Day 11: 11 Freddy Mercury IC
Day 12: 12 Side Straddle Hops IC

On the eleventh day we skipped the run and took Day eleven and twelve back to back and then ran back to start and started COT with a one minute plank to complete the workout.  We didn’t finish on time but we made up for Whoopee stopping the Ricky Bobby yesterday 12 minutes early for an extended ETA to get to know our TWO FNG’s at the RB yesterday!!!

Shout out to Olsen and Bouquet for leading the way this morning.  It was muggy and everyone lost some LB’s in the gloom.  Only two stayed for Coffeerama at F&B’s.  YHC corrupted Gold Digger with “Devil’s Music” trivia and heavy metal musings and bequeathed  him (okay let him borrow) three CD’s.

All in all, it was a solid beatdown, albeit was probably harder today than it was in 2016 since we are all a little older than back then.  My goal is to be YOUNGER NEXT YEAR!

Announcements:  50 Mile Relay on September 10th  Details to follow soon but all runner abilities are welcome.  You can do it!

Prayer Requests:  BOS’s Dad, Whoopee’s Uncle, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Brown Streak


Getting ready for IPC

The IPC takes place every September and I look forward to it every year. The workouts are hard and it pushes me mentally and physically. So to prepare for that I decided to recycle a workout from 2020 the pax had 2 workouts to choose from one involved more running the other a lot of burpees so we voted and almost unanimously they chose burpees.For better or worse here we go.

warm up:ssh,gravel pickers,air presses,squats,merkins,mountain climbers all x10 IC mosey to the original Folsom parking lot for some smooth asphalt. Pax took turns carrying 8’ cross arm during the workout and that man was the form police wich tied in with the word I shared later.

the workout:EMOM 3 burpees at top of every minute while working to complete the following exercises 50 hand release release merkins yes two releases,100 leg raises,150 jungle boy squats,200 big boys,250 lunges count each leg.

this was a tough one I didn’t finish barely made it into the lunges. Props to Tonka he finished one round and made it to the big boys a second time he’s an animal 💪🏻 But I believe all pax were pushed and used better form than normal knowing someone was watching them. We moseyed back to the flag and I shared scripture from Matthew 7:1-4 about judging others and having a plank in your own eye hence the form police carrying the cross arm. We shared announcements took prayer requests and I prayed us out. Great work today men it was a pleasure to lead today like always. I look forward to the next one.

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