Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2022 (Page 10 of 12)

Sorry bout that Wirenut

8 men showed at different times to scatter, smother, and cover Dallas with runs.  Weather was great and the fellowship was even better.  We all reconvened at the parking lot right on time.  YHC had planned to be the Q but realized that Wirenut had agreed the week prior when I was out of town.  I already had my phone out so I just took the care of the pledge and COT.  Broke prayed us out and Wirenut lead the Q-source topic of Chapter 7 “The Heart of the Shepherd”.  Next week YHC actually has the Q and will wrap up “The Way of the Shepherd”  with the final chapter and 7 principals summary.

Announcements:  2nd F Lunch @ Pita Wheel in Dallas on 3-16-22 @ 12:00 / Q school announcement pending – watch for pre-blast / Community Foundation Run on April 9, 2022 – Speed for Need /

Prayer Request:  Gumby, Tesla, a couple others but the wind in my mic covered the voices

Helpin a Brotha Out!

11 HIMs showed to start the weekend off right with a Downtown beatdown!  BOS was down in his back but showed anyway to ask if someone could take the Q.  In steps Balljoint with the pledge and what would surely be considered a Westside approved warmup of SSHs, Gravel Pickers, Abe Vigodas, Toy Soldiers & Burpees if I remember correctly.  Then Balljoint passed the baton to YHC for some “on the fly” everything!  We mosied to the wall along S York for a couple of rounds of Wall Sits and Dirty Hook-ups, then onto Main Street for some Route 66 (Burpees) then we reversed back with Big Boys.  Next we moved to the Post Office for some 11s.  Wirenut called squats at the top & LBCs at the bottom.  We left there and mosied to McQuitter’s wall for some Step-ups & Dips.  I’m pretty sure we did something back up to the start but I can’t remember what so I’ll just say we mosied!  We climbed the Pavilion with 5 Calf-raises each step.  I had a really stupid idea for a new exercise come to me whilst we were doing 11s (must have been the oxygen deprivation) so I dubbed it the “Ukraine Resistance” in honor of those fitting against the Russians.  It’s basically a Boo-yah Merkin but with both hands applying resistance to your partner’s.  It didn’t work but I think it could if we had only thought to ask someone to stop our feet from sliding.  Maybe another day!  We wrapped it up with a round of Mary.

Announcements:  Driver needed for P200 / F3 2nd F lunch Pita Wheel Dallas @ 12:00 on 3-16-22 / T-shirt orders & design / Community Foundation Run w/ Speed for Need

Prayers:  Wichita’s family, Big Pappy, Westside’s M’s grandmother, BOS, Leppard, Gumby


Beautiful weather this am for a bootcamp with A fair amount of moseying in between, trying to get us some mileage in for those running upcoming races.

The warmup
10 Gravel pickers In cadence

20 Moroccan night clubs

20 Side straddle hops

The business

Every light pole to the top one burpee then 5 Hand release Merkins all the way to flag pole


Sarlacc two rounds of cherry pickers

Mosey to road behind AG center.

20 squats at start 40 Merkins

20 squats at start 60 American hammers

20 squats at start 80 LBC’s

20 squats at start 100 Flutters

Mosey to bottom parking lot, partner up. Escalator Booyah merkins at top and bottom of parking lot to 10.

Circle for Mary till times up


Q school

2nd F lunch on the 16th Pita wheel in Dallas

Rooster run Saturday

Nantan of the nation at downtown 18th

Prayer Requests

Wichita’s family

Big Pappy’s mom

My Uncle Bill

One of my customers with colon cancer

Steve Osis

Little boy with cancer (not sure of his name)

Stripers brother

Sister acts family

West sides family

Gumby’s back


Keep Ozark in prayers for his career path change.

Twenty Fives all Day for 45

25 reps per exercise. Times that by 17 rounds = 425. With 5 PAX that’s 2,125 muscle fiber busters, gains popping demolishers, no more soccer arm walking studly MEN.

To the people who fartsacked that morning and didn’t come out for this gem of a work out, total booshit. You missed the gem of the year, gem like geummm yeahhh.

Next time, don’t miss it.

SSH 20
LBC 15
Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC


25 Derkin
25 Shoulder Press
25 Bent Row
25 KB Swings
25 Curl w/ kettle bell
25 Bent Rows
25 Shoulder Taps
25 Dying Cockroaches
25 Lunge
25 American Hammer

Mosey around the world

25 KB Curls
25 Squat Curl Press
25 Merkins
25 High Knees
25 Mountian Climbers
25 Plan Jacks
25 LBC
5 Burpies
25 KB Arm Extensions
25 Michael Phelps

Mosey around the world

25 KB Bent Row
25 Dips
25 Derkins
25 Calf Raises
25 Squats
25 Plank Jacks
25 LBC
25 Flutterkicks
25 Curls
25 Shoulder Press

Mary for 4 minutes

Cha Ching @ The Yank

23 was the count in downtown Belmont for some FNG scooping, EMOM circuits, merkins / squats and burpee fest with hills.  Here’s what we did:

To the Bunker for warm up:

  • SSH
  • Gravel Pickers
  • Merkins
  • Peter Parkers
  • Parker Peters

Left the Bunker for a quick warm up mosey where we ran across some strange guy looking for F3.  Dirt pulled him in and gave him the whole rundown of what we do.  We pulled into the pavilion for a quick recap of core principles for the FNG and a dynamic warmup of 5 exercises with reps for each needing to be finished within 1 minute.  Exercises were:

  • 15 x Burpees
  • 30 x Jump Lunges
  • 40 x Toe Touches
  • 50 x CDDs
  • 60 x SSH

Mosey over to Myrtle for some hill work and an ascending series of merkins, squats and burpees:

  • 5 merkins / 5 squats / 5 burpees
  • Run about halfway up Myrtle and back down
  • Repeat for 10, 15 & 20 reps of each

FNG held up, as did the rest of the PAX, and we headed to the front of Cherubs where we learned that today wouldn’t be leg day as the Q had a long run lined up for Sunday, so we planked up and worked through:

  • 11 x Diamond Merkins
  • 10 x Merkins
  • 9 x Diamond Merkins
  • 8 x Merkins
  • 7 x Diamond Merkins

It was about here we learned it’d get easier around 4.  We weren’t there yet.

  • 6 x Merkins
  • 5 x Diamond Merkins
  • 4 x Merkins
  • 3 x Diamond Merkins
  • 2 x Merkins
  • 1 x Diamond Merkin

Mosey around to the parking lot off Glenway behind Station where we saw Pink Floyd and saluted him with

  • 10 x Monkey Humpers

before hammering out some core work with

  • 20 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 20 x Elbow Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Elbow Mountain Climbers (IC)

Last stop on the tour was a trip to the track on a day that wasn’t leg or running day to, well, run.

Partner Up (preferably with similar ability level)

  • Partner 1 – Mosey
  • Partner 2 – 3 burpees, then Jailbreak to catch Partner 1
  • Switch
  • Repeato for 2 laps around the track

Everyone joined in to pick up the Six, and we headed back to the Yank statue to finish what we started, with enough time for:

  • 15 x Burpees
  • 30 x Jump Lunges
  • 40 x Toe Touches

And that was that.  Over 2.5 miles and more than a few merkins later, we were smoked.

COT was strong with BOM and the Q took us out.


  • Shirt order
  • Shirt design contest
  • P200 team needs a driver
  • LKW P200 team needs a runner
  • Convergence April 2nd
  • Meeting Sunday @ First Presbyterian Belmont at 5:30 PM to pray with Tesla

Prayer Requests were numerous and were lifted up.

FNG – Matthew Keepes named J2C after the “Jump to Conclusions” game from Office Space.

Lots of sweat left in downtown Belmont courtesy of Cha Ching.  Thanks to all who took part.


It was a great day to be at the prison. We started off with 12 strong men and few games.  Mixed it up a little different with a quick warm up and mosey around the field where we sat down in a big circle for some serious kumbaya. Had 2 sets of 10 pound weights and 3 25 pounders. So everyone did American hammers and when the 10’s got to them it was two crunchy frogs, when the 25 got to you it was 2 american hammers with the weight. Needless to say this went on with some leg lifts and other stuff mixed in for over 3 rounds. Everyone was feeling the burn. So then it was a quick Mosey down to the lower parking area for the real work out.  We had several tic, tac, toe boards sketched on the pavement and split into teams of two. Well not really a team a friendly competition. Bear crawl to the board, do 5 hand release merkins before you could place your piece, then 10 on the next bear crawl , then 15 … you get the picture. Did a few rounds of this to test your mental skills while delirious from all the merkins and bear crawls.  Switched partners and rinsed and repeat with some other exercises. After all that fun was over we did a good round of 11’s with Mike tyson’s and burpees ( per hacksaw’s request) anyway out of time but a fun and interesting work out. Until next time….

Prayer request:

Wichitas family, Westside had family request, Big Pappy and family, guys running various races, termites brother, and some traveling


4 Horsemen

The clock struck 7:00 and the group moseyed down to The Bunker.  Cha Ching let all of the PAX in a warmup. Once the warmup was completed the boot campers took off for their workout.  Three PAX stayed for The Bunker beat down.

We started with a couple Route 66’s

Squats going one way and Merkins on the way back.

We then moved to the wall for 3 rounds of

10 Dirty Hook ups

20 Hip Slappers

30 Shoulder Taps

Lunge walk down to the end of the parking lot and back

Once done time for some ab work

25 LBC

25 High Flutter Kicks

25 Low Flutter Kicks

25 High Scissors

25 Low Scissors

25 American Hammers

25 Heals to Heaven

25 Plank Jack

25 WWI

25 Freddie Mercury’s

Know that our cores were warmed up  we moved on to the main course

3 rounds

5 Burpees

10 Merkins

30 Squats

40 Flutters

Bear Crawl half the parking lot and back.

With time running out we fellowship moseyed back to the Yank. With time left we completed a Round of Jack Webbs.


Cha Ching took care of COT.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG


No Horses

2 guys rucked while the Coconut Horses got their beauty sleep on King day in Q-Source.

Their presence was strong during Q-Source though, and YHC came away with a number of pearls about 1st F and the King.

If you’re not in a Q-Source group, find one.  You’re missing out.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Coconut Horse 3/6/22

9 HIM posted for the usual route.  2 rucked, 2 got EC, 1 got it done early and 7 stayed for Q source to discuss the Queen



April 2 Convergence at Yank

T-shirt competition

Community Foundation Run April 9th



Roscoe’s Father-in -law




We Thank God we can assemble for a workout

The occurrences around the world should put things into perspective of how good we really have it. We are Blessed with many freedoms. The freedom to get up and meet a bunch a idiots in the gloom and push each other physically or you have the choice to stay in bed. Out of the dozen men that met this morning , three chose to stay for the Painlab beatdown.

Set 1: 50 sec/10 sec 

crunches, baby makers, heels to Heaven, rev. crunches, oblique crunches. American hammers, boat hold – R&R

Set 2: 50 sec/10 sec

Burpees, curls, overhead press, o/h triceps extensions, squat shadow boxing, side kicks, inside curls – R&R

Set 3: Hit the trail

Mosey down the trail and to the hill, bear crawl to the top, step ups at the benches, incline pushups, triceps dips, mosey around the rest of the trail.

We met back just in time to finish some exercises with Gashouse til the bell.

Good work men!

Many prayers were spoken and some unspoken and I apologize for not taking notes on the group prayer request, but the one that stays in my head is the one for Turtleman. His cancer has returned and he must go and fight the good fight one more time. He has shown great courage and resilience through this all. Please take a minute to pray for his strength, his family and his recovery one more time 🙏

Please pray for this world as we approach the possibility of  WWIII  

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