• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 03/17/2022
  • AO: The Pub
  • QIC: JJ
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Breaker Breaker (R), Burgandy (R), Whoopee (R), Waterboy, Roscoe (R), Stroganoff (R)

Yes, March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day. It is also my youngest 2.0’s birthday. So he would play into the choice for the route on this day’s mosey through SOGA.

YHC ran the usual 1-mile EC into The Pub to find other PAX also running all over The Pub lot. There was so many folks in motion that YHC did a double-check on my watch to make sure YHC wasn’t an hour late. Whoopee, Roscoe, and Stroganoff were coming from the far end, Breaker was coming up by McDonald’s, and Waterboy ran up behind me from Gaston Day School Rd. You can tell we are in the heart of relay and race season with all the work being put in.

PAX gathered together. It was good to see Burgandy back with us. Strava tells me that he’s putting in work all the time, but it was good to have him run with us.

The Pledge.

The route. My M had painted the rock at Hawk’s Nest for our 2.0’s birthday so we were going to mosey by it on the way to Martha’s and back to check out her artwork.

Some of us ran in a group and got to hear Waterboy’s fascinating tales of his time in Indonesia. If you can keep up with him, it’s work it for those stories. On the way back, Roscoe urged me to stop at the rock for a picture. He then provided the push on the way back to The Pub as we worked to catch up with the rest of the group.

Slaughter with the Q downtown tomorrow (yes, this is in time so that it’s still tomorrow)
Mortimer coming up

Prayer Requests
Big Pappy
Swimmer’s family
Breaker Breaker’s uncle
Breaker Breaker’s M’s student
Check out the prayer-list channel on slack for the full list


Prayer to take us out.

Until next time, Shine On…