Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2021 (Page 7 of 11)

Substitute Q

What a great morning to get a mosey and the word in with a great group of Friends.

Rabbit ears was on the schedule to Q, luckily for me I had a verse in a text from Wichita he had sent this morning.
So we preceded with the verse below.

“But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.” Hebrews 10:12-13

Convergence, and PT test coming up.

Prayers for, the Shook, Lewis, leslie family. each other and the GSM family as they lift up the loved ones of the employees they lost. Success of the Ville 2 Ville.

The Bed Pan is Full..

Twenty Twos at Tequila!

So as the early AM thunderstorms blew through Belmont and Lake Wylie today YHC was thinking that the 22s were a reasonable plan that could if needed withstand adversity such as a T-storm. Turned out we didn’t need to. But, the Folsom crowd showed up (unlike the Belmont crowd today) to get some buttermilk for breakfast. We fed ’em like this:


SS-burpees X 5

IWs X 20


Peter Parkers X 20

Mosey around the community (church and down to the other road and back to the school).

Fall out for set 1 of 22s.

Merkind (20 -2)

Jump squats (2 – 20)

Run a lap at the halfway point. Run two laps when we are done.

Set 2 of 22s.

CDDs (20 -2)

Jump Lunges (2- 20)

Same running  as above.

By now, pax was gassed. it was feeling kind of July out there!

Move over to the field and do “thirds” which means run  1/3 of the field and a repeat.

1/3 – 5 HR merkins

2/3 – 10 HR merkins

3/3 – 15 HR merkins

Run all the way back and over to COT and pledge


Great showing by the Dallas Cowboys today! They were here in force.  Looking forward to coming up that way and leading in June or sometime in that neighborhood. Wish I could have had time to break bread with them  this morning. Great glue going on there!

Where were our Eagle Park boys? Spring Break I assume. It happens.

Obviously we have lots of prayers up for our GSM brothers that are under huge stress right now with the events in Rock Hill. I am sure Purple Haze and Stroganoff are dealing with these families in real time. And nothing you can really do about it when someone goes off like that. Really shows how our mental health battles impact us every day. Prayers for that aspect of our  world today. We got to push that rock!

Pax hit it hard today. Proud to lead these men.





Mosey Time

Four HIMs answered the call to get better today. This is what happened…

We rucked toward the Pub, stopping a few times to do 18 Merkins in recognition of the start of the Masters.

We made it back in time to get the pledge in but that’s about it. YHC had to book it out of there to make it to Bible study on time.

Thanks for letting me lead men!

Train Racing

It was a perfect morning to get out and push the rock at the Yank. There was plenty of EC being had by ruckers and runners alike. You can’t beat springtime in God’s country. This is what happened…

WarmUp – The patented Sargento Right Over Left IC, Don Quixote’s IC and of course Goofballs IC – Countoff so we know how many of us there are.

Mosey around the corner to the back end of the parking space road parallel to the train tracks. Lunge walk between spaces and do a burpee at each line. Plank for the six. YHC’s keen senses alerted him that a train was en route and realized we needed to get across quick or else successful completion of the weinke would be in jeopardy. Sprint across the tracks as the crossing arms were coming down! Made it with a full tally of PAX per the countoff.

Mosey to the Abbey Alley for a round of new stuff. Line up against Nelly’s wall for Australian Plank Jacks IC. Alternate to Wall Sits with air presses IC. Back to the Australian Plank Jacks, then Wall sits too.

Mosey around the corner to the back of Primal Brewing where the day before over a beer at Bottoms Up, YHC had contemplated the next day’s Q. This is what was created.

The Thang: DOCKS (as in, the loading dock feel of Primal’s outside area)

Partner up, #1 does each exercise, #2 runs to the end of the dock, up the stairs, back to the other end and bear crawl the handicap ramp. Each letter represents the following exercise. Do 50 reps of each.

D = Diamond Merkins

O = One Arm Pickle Pounders (thanks to my M for suggesting this one)

C = Copperhead Squats

K = Knerkins (aka Chuck Norris Merkins)

S = Scorpion Dry Docks

This was a beast of a routine so to recover we listened to Moby’s “Flower” for some Bring Sally Up. It was a crowd pleaser for sure. As a second act, rewind the DOCKS routine but do 25 reps this time around.

Mosey back toward the start but stop off at the mural wall beside city hall for a round of 11’s. On one side do Dirty Hook Ups, at the other side do dips. This sucked too.

Head toward the new pavilion for the last hurrah.

Mucho Abbo! Do in cadence reps of the following: Sleeping Hillbillies, Flutterkicks, Dying Cockroaches, Rosalitas, Protractors, V-Ups, Oblique Crunches, Nolan Ryans

Pledge of Allegiance. Time’s up! Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – Convergence, PT Test, Short Sale’s challenge

Prayer Requests – GSM, Turtleman’s recovery, Flintstone’s sister, PAX out of work, Neutron’s daughter Vivian recovering from heart surgery

Crossroads 11-APR-21

Great weather for work and learning.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the F3 Dads service (Trash Pickup).  Blart continued the work today by picking up a receipt.  I question his motives as he specifically called our names to make sure we saw that he got credit for it.

I will apologize for any missed prayer requests as Purple Haze called me during the recording.  Why you ask?  Because he is technologically deficient.  I called him to make sure I had his phone stored this morning while he gave me the number.  He is the only person on slack with two IDs and doesn’t check either.  He decided to call me back so he would have the number on his phone???? What???  You have to love this stuff.  Everyone stayed around and discussed Whetstone at Qsource

Prayers:  Freights nephew (arm), GSM Family and all those affected, Sister Act, Gumby’s Mother

Announcements:  Lincoln 5K this Friday, Convergence this Saturday (WA Bess – Bulldog) and bring a block, PT Test the following week at Gashouse

1% Better Thanks To The “Bert”

15 PAX posted at Folsom and honored Albert Gettings by doing the “Bert” Hero WOD.  For those that have never done it, Google it and give it a go.  It is a mental grinder but just keep in mind that this man sacrificed his life for our freedom.


YHC talked about being 1% better than you were yesterday.  If we strive to do this then we are constantly trying to accelerate.


-Lincoln Middle-April 16
-Convergence-April 17 WA Bess
-Tronmoss 5k-April 18 @ Crossroads
-PT-April 24 @ Gashouse
-Snowbird-Sept 24-26
-Big Pappy and family
-Gumby mom
-GSM and everyone involved in York SC shooting
-Three MMA fighters tonight
-Community and country

Thanks for the opportunity to lead…until next time Pizza Man is OUUUUUUTTTTT!!!

Old School Named

8 Pax circle up to get started at the newest AO in the region. Blart rolls in late to make it 9.
Warm Up: SSH x 15, Cotton Pickers x 12, Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies x 15 or something like that.
Mosey towards the upper road at Carr Elementary and circle up for 15 Merkins IC called by Broke, 15 LBC’s IC called by Freight, 15 Squats IC called by Squat Master Slaw, 15 CDD’s IC called by Mayor.
Mosey around the back of the ball fields to the other side of the school near the road and repeat the 4 exercises x 15 IC.
Mosey back up the road and turn right to go to the front of the Methodist church and repeat the 4 exercises x 15 IC.
Mosey up the street to the entrance of the Dallas Courthouse for a different routine.
11’s starting with 10 Plank Jacks moseying to the courthouse and up the “not up to code” steps up and down to the other entrance for 1 Hillbilly. Then back across the steps to the other entrance for 9 and 2 and so on until back to 1 and 10. This was very difficult and a crowd favorite.
Mosey back the long way past the Country Kitchen as we noticed a few bearded, truck driving Pax after the Folsom beat down and back to the Parking lot. Time for one last round of the 4 exercises x 15 IC.
I talked about Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. As we get older, we can easily lose our cheerfulness and fun (if we ever had it). Try to keep a fun spirit and posting at F3 workouts is a great way to do that. The F3 Pax are always good to help keep us cheerful and talk a little smack.

Now, time to name the new AO. Yellow Jackets, Water Tower, Phat Ricky and Old School were the contenders. I was partial to Phat Ricky but OLD SCHOOL was selected. It is nice to have another Saturday option in F3 Gastonia and I believe it will do well so give it a try if you can.

LMS 5K next Friday, April 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Convergence next Saturday April 17th at 7:00 a.m. at The Bulldog (W.A. Bess Elementary).
PT Test on April 24th.

Prayer Requests: Robert Shook, James Lewis family, Sister Act, others I may have missed. Blart took us out.

Penguins, Burpees, and much more

It was slightly muggy and the pollen and ragweed were in full bloom.  On the night before the workout YHC and Tube the Painlab site Q collaborated and decided that we would split duties since the weinke YHC had decided on did not involve an inordinate amount of running.  We thought that it would be a good opportunity to combine the PAX for a nice change and maybe encourage some of the Painlab regulars to give boot camp a try.

After a very nicely Q’d warmup:

20 Hillbillys

20 Imperial walkers

20 squats

10 merkins

5 burpees

YHC took the rains and over to the rear steps of the library for some of the thang.

Partner up.

Pax 1 stays and does AMRAP while Pax 2 travels any way he so chooses to the top of both stair cases for 10 merkins.  We had some interesting choices.  There was bunny hopping, the one legged sprinkler, bear crawl, and mostly the old fashioned mosey.  This x 3 per called exercise.

Merkins at top.  Squats bottom.

Cdd’s at top.  LBC’s bottom.

Up to the dentist’s office for a twist on The Walls of Jericho.  This was 7 reps of 7 exercises on 3 walls 7 times around the building.

Exercises were:


Monkey Humpers


Mountain climbers

Plank jacks


Flutter kicks

Rudolph and Whoppee decided they would throw in 7 burpees on wall #2.  Finding inspiration in Whoppee and Rudolph’s example  Linus and YHC around round 4 decided to throw in 1 burpee per wall.

There was some interesting conversation about overweight penguins that quickly became very inappropriate.  We all had a good time with that.  You just had to be there.  Its also possible that we had a buzz going from the sea of pollen we were pretty much swimming in.  And the mumblechatter was as thick as the pollen.

We all finished with very little time to spare.

Mosey back to start and time.

No live penguins were harmed in this workout…just very offended.

Everyone pushed hard, got stronger, had some laughs, broke a sweat, talked some junk, and had a wonderful morning.


4/17 Convergence at The Bulldog. Bring a block or kettlebell.

4/18 Tron Moss 5K Crossroads

4/21 PT Test Gashouse

Prayer requests:

GSM Family.  Donation link on the Mumblechatter page.

Mason, T-Square’s 2.0.









Perfect playlist

Bulldog had the perfect playlist provided by Less Nesman to accompany some old bricks.

Curls, squat press, Moroccan nights, nut crackers, seal claps, hernia, American hammers, followed by rifle carry ruck with you friends, hand bricks.

Great upper body

Join us at great AO Bulldog!!

Hard Times

Fortunately for me, Dr. Seuss reminded me at the PUB that I had the Q downtown.  With less than 24 hours to prepare I knew I had to put something together and declared the theme would be hard times.

Twelve men showed in the Gloom and we got right to it.  Disclaimer and then warmup right at 0530.


Mosey to the bridge and bearcrawl the bridge.  We needed a countoff after that.

Mosey down to the County building near the ATM (street crossing one)  Assemble at the base of the steps for DORA.  Partner up…

The exercise at the bottom while the partner runs the steps, gives 5 burpees between the steps, and then runs back to switch for 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s.  This got the sweat rolling.

Hit staircase for calf work.  50 regular, 40 pigeontoed, 30 duck footed.

Mosey back to the intersection for street crossing two.  Squats while we wait for the light.  Mosey to the Pavilion where YCH got the speaker.

Mosey to the small community park for 30 dips, followed by another mosey to the top of the parking deck.

One minute EMOM exercises while the Dusty Rhodes “hard time” speech plays in the background with the Runkeeper app drill instructor telling us when the minute was up.

First round minutes 20 CDD’s + 10 Dying Cockroaches + 1 getup x 2

Second round minutes 25 mnt climbers + 20 Flutter Kicks x 2

Change the station to some Alice in Chains downtown playlist of “Sea of Sorrow” and “We Die Young”.

Get on one end of the parking lot for the Thang:

Hand release merkin burpee long jumps at each parking space line across the top of the deck to the other side.  (Crowd Pleaser-Was asked during this why the interesting song choice….are you not swimming in a sea of sorry?)

Mosey back and lunge walk the top of the deck and then mosey to start.

We finished up with two burpees before the clock struck 0615.

You never know when adversity will strike you.  Hard Times happen to all of us and if you aren’t prepared can take a toll.  We should consistently be preparing for adversity and hard times by keeping pushing ourselves to do hard things.  Voluntary tough things builds resilience.

Announcements: Convergeance April 17th , PT test on the 24th,  F3 Dad’s AO trash cleanup tomorrow (see Mayor’s preblast)  TronMoss 5/10k next Sunday at Crossroads at 0630.

Prayer requests:  GSM employees and families-Stroganoff.  Big Pappy’s son, James Lewis family and son, Flintstone’s sister, my FIL and the Frunzi family on the their loss of son Bennett.

I am glad Dr. Seuss reminded me of my Q (Accountability).  I signed up for this some time back when I was still recovering from a stress fracture and thought it would be a good goal to put something in the future to prepare for.  I am glad I did and grateful for the HIM’s that turned out.


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