Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2020 (Page 4 of 11)

Above the Arctic Circle

Nine pax showed up for a nippy Friday morning beatdown, some in what looked to be spacesuits and parkas such as YHC has not seen since February 2009 in Northern Greenland, well inside the Arctic Circle. I have to say, the morning gloom did remind YHC of a mid to late morning in those environs. But the comparison ended there because it was usually about 10 degrees with a -15 wind chill giving the place all the ambiance of Mars. Tell Elon I don’t need to go now. Beatdown went like this:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Foot to hand stretches X both sides

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey to the bottom of the big hill.

Pole line suicides.

Run to the each pole, drop and do the assigned work and back as follows:

Pole 1 – 10 burpees

Pole 2 – 20 squats

Pole 3 – 30 big boys

Pole 4 – 40 merkins

Pole 5 – 50 SSH

Road crossing (main street) – 60 LBCs.

Mosey over to the parking deck for a literal ladder.

1st floor – 10 HR merkins

2nd floor – 10 Hr merkins + 15 American Hammers

3rd floor – 10 HR merkins + 15 American hammers + 20 jump lunges

4th floor – 10 HR merkins + 15 AHs + 20JL + 25 jump squats

5th floor – 10 HR merkins + 15 AHs + 20 JL +25 JS +30

6th floor – 10 Hr merkins, 15 AH + 20 JL + 25 JS + 30  +35 SSH

Head back to the flag for a trip around the pavillion as follows:

1st 90 – Bear crawl

2nd 90 – broad jump

3rd 90 – lunges

4th 90 – crab walk

Pledge and done!


Outside of the temp being @ 40 and the north star nowhere near dead over the top of us, it looked like Thule Airbase based on the pax level of cover! Felt nostalgic for the old North Star lounge and the polar bear signs that said WARNING: This animal will hunt you, kill you, and eat you! So much for feeding the bears.

Pax worked hard today. Good group if a little thin form normal. Maybe that buttermilk doesn’t thing. We certainly drank it!

Lots of things on the horizon coming up. Thanksgiving day “triple down”, Christmas party, leadership opportunities. Step up men! Downtown Qs needed.



9 Rounds

The afternoon weather is almost perfect right now and 10 PAX made it out to the JV workout known as Midoriyama to take advantage. After a short disclaimer and the pledge we did a modified Jacked Up to get started. 40 SSH’s, 30 Seal Jacks, 20 Plank Jacks and 10 Little Gumby in the Woods before we headed off to the far turd shack.


There’s some kind of workout / fitness group / cult or something that charges you money to workout that’s called 9 Rounds. Not sure what they do, but here’s my version.

On the wall at the turd shack…

9 Hip Slappers, run a lap

9 Dirty Hookups, run a lap

9 Mike Tysons, run a lap

Rinse and repeat with 18 reps of each and then with 27 reps of each.


Partner Up

90 Big Boys

180 American Hammers

270 LBC’s

One partner runs a lap while the other does the exercise.


Head back to the flag and stop at each light pole on the left (9 total) for 9 reps of each of the following:

Rocky Balboa’s, IW Squats, Calf raises

Alternate between butt kickers, high knees and lunge walk between the poles.



Proverbs 11:25 – “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

You don’t have to be wealthy to be generous. Give freely of your time, talents and treasures and do so out of love and kindness rather than out of guilt and obligation.



Thanksgiving Day – 0530 Folsom, 0700 Goat, 0830 5k at the Pub

December 10th – Blood drive

December 12th – Christmas party

Freight still has slots on the Gold Digger baby calendar


Prayer Request

Sargento’s list

Lil Sweet’s M has an uncle with COVID


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke


Burpee Feast

Warm Up

5 Burpees 10 Mountain climbers

4 Burpees 8 Mountain climbers

3 Burpees 6 Mountain climbers

2 Burpees 4 Mountain climbers

1 Burpee 2 Mountain climbers

1 Merkin 2 Squats

2 Merkin 4 Squats

3 Merkin 6 Squats

4 Merkin 8 Squats

5 Merkin 10 Squats

Mosey to the flag

Stop at each pole

5 V-ups 5 American hammers 1 Burpee

5 American hammers 5 LBC 2 burpee

5 LBC 5 Big boys 3 burpees

5 Big boys 5 leg lifts 4 burpees

5 leg lifts 5 crunchy frogs 5 burpees

5 Crunchy frogs 5 Big boys 6 Burpees

5 Big boys 5 American Hammers 7 Burpees


5 American Hammers, 5 V-ups, 5 Big boys, 5 Leg lifts, 5 Crunchy frogs, 5 LBC

5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot

Time for 11’s with Burpees on one side 180 degree jump squats in the middle and Burpees on the other side.

This was tough but definitely kept us warm in those cold temps.

We finished up here and then took it to the island near the flag. Here we knocked out the following.

5 LBC 3 Big boys 1 Burpee then take a lap around the island.

Do that times 3

Then we took it back to the start point with a nice mosey through the park.


Dec 12th Christmas party at Lewis farms

Blood drive Dec 10th in Belmont


Prayer Request

Our Country and our Leaders

Our Society to stand firm in the faith and not be fearful

Each Pax

SA and his family

Wichitas mother

Bedpans M


One thing I said at the end was to think of Jesus Christ on earth in the flesh and  how much he went into prayer to God and alone time with God to stay in tune. Think of how much more we must need the prayers to God and the alone time with God as wicked humans.

Outside of christ we are wicked. Let the spirit inside you lead and guide you through your day.

Round Up


big woman

I haven’t posted in longer than I care to admit since the COVID stuff started. Showing up this am to Q Diablo felt great. Dry Rub and Les Nessman were there to greet me like I had never left. We started with the pledge then I gave a quick rundown of the plan. We would do my home ruck workout with some rucking in between exercises. I counted reps to myself and others did AMRAP. The exercises (approximately 25 reps) with the ruck were as follows:

Merkins (no ruck), upright row, standing chest press, squat, flutter kicks, bench press with flutter kicks. We moseyed for awhile and did a total of 3 sets of exercises.

On the way back to finish up, we were talking and I realized tmro is my 12 year anniversary since my colon cancer surgery. I mentioned one of the things I remembered about that was when some big woman came in my room on a particularly bad day for me. I am sure she could tell I was not doing well. I don’t know where the music came from (could have been TV or radio, heck she could have been singing) but she and I started dancing-just the 2 of us in the room. I guess she came to make my bed or something. I really believe she was some sort of angel-I know that sounds corny and farfetched, but I don’t know that I ever saw her again. She pulled me from a pretty dark place and turned my bad day into something that I now remember with a smile on my face. As I look back on that time in my life, I did not have F3. I did have some pretty solid friends considering I had just moved to town about 18 months prior. Those “pretty solid friends” are mostly-scratch that, they are ALL F3 guys now. They got me and my family through that tough time and continue to be a big part of shaping who I am today, along with all of you. Think about that for a minute. We have talked about Shield Lock, Concentrica, and a lot of other F3 things over and over. Not until you need, I mean REALLY NEED them, are they essential. Unfortunately, when you need them is not the time to start working on that. Keep that in mind when you lose your way with your F3 brothers. More importantly, think about that when your F3 brothers don’t post for a week…..or a month….. or longer. Reach out to them. Get them back out there even if it’s just for a little old ruck with 2 of your brothers. It might be the spark they need to remember why they need to be posting.

thanks guys-Whoopee

First Frost in Cramerton

So YHC showed up at The Goat today to lead on more or less the 7th anniversary of his  first post ever in Charlotte Metro at Copperhead. Actually was 11/4/13 but why not observe it now? F3 was a different animal then. Went like this in the gloom that featured among other things the town sprinkler system going full blast in sub freezing weather on dormant grass. Smart. Real smart! More on that later.


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton pickers X 20

Foot hand stretches, right and left.

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side.

Mosey over to Goat Island and find the birdige is locked out! Omaha to the top of the hill at the church.

Partner up for Blimps.



Imperial Walkers



P1 runs the lot and back while P2 does the work. Flapjack upon return.

Gather up in the center of the lot, count off by 4s for some 4 corners.

Corner 1 – 10 merkins

Corner 2 – 10 jump squats

Corner 3 – 10 big boy situps

Corner 4 – 10 SSHs

Come to the center after each corner and drop 5 burpees.

Mosey back down to the gazebo for some work on the benches – except that they were iced over from those damn sprinklers!

10 dirkins

10 step ups each leg

10 inclined merkins

10 dips

bear crawl half way up the (wet) green,  burpee broad jump the rest of the way. Mosey down to the bottom of the hill for a triple nickel

Bottom of hill – 5 HR merkins

Top 5 lBCs

Repeat 5X

Mosey to stretching, pledge, and COT.


Great chilly morning to stay on the move. And move we did! Great work by all. Especially proud of The Wall. Pushing and getting better. This is what we want, what we look for. Not being left behind in any way. But not where he is either! And that’s what we are ALl about!

It was 7 years ago in November I joined up. Was skeptical about it. Didn’t think they were working out hard enough. My M thought I needed the fellowship going back to my  marathon/triathlon days when i was with guys all the time. We made each other better. I can go back to the late ’80s early 90s and tell you about all the guys (and girls) who met at the old Central (Dowd) Y then to run, swim ,bike and wound up setting the standards across the carolinas at races. In 1989 -90 we had I think 7 of us who had Boston QTs (I was one of those with a 2:57 at the old Charlotte Observer Marathon), and at least four who qualified for Ironman later that summer. That was a pretty remarkable crowd. And it took each one of us pushing each other  to get better. And that’s true well beyond athletics! F3 uses the workout thing to get you started. What you do with it is up to you. We’re there for you.

Tesla out.




3rd F – Deception

The following is from Richard Ames, published in Tomorrow’s World, November 2006:

Nobody likes to admit that he has been conned. But your Bible warns that Satan wants to con you out of your most precious possession. Do you recognize Satan’s greatest deceptions—and how you can avoid them?

Our world is filled with con artists, liars and thieves who seek to defraud us. But the Bible warns us about the greatest deceiver of all—Satan the Devil. Are you aware of his tactics? Are you prepared to avoid his schemes, or could you fall victim to his deceptions?

Satan deceives the whole world! That means the people of every nation. That means you and me. I have been deceived. You have been deceived. But, thankfully, God calls us out of this world’s deception, through the true Jesus Christ of the Bible!

Jesus revealed that one of the most pervasive forms of deception is found in religious practice. And the Bible reveals who is behind many religious deceptions. Do you know who? The Apostle Paul warns the Corinthians against false ministers: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works” (2 Corinthians 11:13–15).

As Christians, we need to be aware of Satan’s schemes, or devices: False Doctrine, Lust, Pride, Lying, False Dreams, Bitterness, Lack of Faith.

Those who lack faith in Christ, and who persist in trusting Satan, will ultimately be destroyed. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerors, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8). Thankfully, there is also good news for those who have faith and avoid Satan’s deceptions. “He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son” (v. 7).

God wants you to be His faithful and trusting son or daughter, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. He will give you His faith, if you turn to Him with your whole heart. In the meantime, arm yourself with spiritual knowledge. Avoid self-deception. Avoid the world’s deceptions. And avoid Satan’s deceptions. As the Apostle Paul reminded us, Christians are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. As regular readers of this magazine know, Bible prophecy foretells of a great future false religious system, inspired by Satan, that will influence billions of people all over the earth. By staying close to the true God, you can avoid Satanic deception. Do not let yourself be deceived!

This week prayer Pax: Tube, Dry Rub, Sparky, Roscoe, Medicine Woman, Big Pappy, Lil Sweet,

Lift these Him’s and their families



Cold PB

9 men out for a cold run this morning at the PB! I took the past seven days off of running on accident but it was really nice getting out and being around the crowd! I love this AO and I enjoy the fellowship.



Christmas Party Dec 12th

Thanksgiving events

Folsom at 5:30, Goat @ 7:00 and Turkey trot at the Pub @ 8:30?

Hit all 3 if you can!

Blood Drive Dec 10th in Belmont

Prayer Request

Mayors M , Sargentos Prayer list, Brokes M is doing good! Continue prayers, SA family and his surgery coming up, MW uncle back surgery, Wichitas mother,

Thank you for coming out to the ole PB look forward to next week!

Continue to push ROCKS

Round Up

11 Indian runs.

Midoriyama 11-5-20

Warm up all IC


Crunchy Frogs

Nolan Ryan’s




Indian run up to the soccer fields. Stop at the transformers. (Note to self, not all PAX know what a transformer is). 

5 Burpees OYO.

Indian run around the fields to the hill by the dog park for 11’s. Hillbillies and Toy Soldiers up and down the hill. Indian Run over to the opposite corner of the field for 11’s across the short side of the field. CDD and Skater Squats. Run over to the Burpee spot (by the transformers) and give me 5 more Burpees. Indian run to the playground. More 11’s. Pull-ups and WW1’s.

Mosey back to the start. 11’s across the parking lot. SSH and Overhead Claps.


Party the 12th

Sargento 40 days of prayer.

Prayer request  

Swimmer father n law

Sparky dad

Breaker family

Richard Kirk cancer

Gyro father n law cancer

Blart wife

The Labyrinth – 11/18/20

2.2 miles of EC by Watt’s Up, EZ Rider and Dirt.  Thanks for running with me this morning men.

I haven’t Q’d the Labyrinth in a long time so I asked Clavin if I could Q today and he eagerly obliged.

No FNG’s so short disclaimer

Warm Up

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Mountain Climbers IC x 20

Cotton Pickers IC x 10

Mosey to the far shelter by the playground.


The Undercard

Dips, Inclined Merkins, Derkins OYO x 10 Rinse and Repeat x 10 x 5 x 5

I couldn’t do too many of these thanks to Flintstone and Watts Up using pavers on Monday and Tuesday.  At my age, I can’t do too many to begin with.


The Main Event

Meander to the parking lot.  Hippa gave me this idea last week at The Yank.  He did 11’s up Main Street with Burpees at each end and we stopped at three locations going up the hill for 7 Squats at each stop.  To say it was a GRIND is an understatement.

I revised it to be one Burpee at the start, run the length of the parking lot, stopping at each opening to the entrance road for 10 squats, and LBC’s (or any other AB exercise ) x 10 at the other end.

1 Burpee              100 LBC’s

2 Burpees            90 LBC’s

3 Burpees            80 LBC’s

4 Burpees            70 LBC’s

5 Burpees            60 LBC’s

6 Burpees            50 LBC’s

7 Burpees            40 LBC’s

8 Burpees            30 LBC’s

9 Burpees            20 LBC’s

10 Burpees         10 LBC’s

Everyone got in 8 rounds and some got in more.

Meander to the gate of the park and Jail Break back to the flag arriving at 6:15 am.

JK2 reminded me of the Pledge.  Thanks JK2

Good work today gentlemen!


Prayer Requests:

Defib’s son

Roscoe’s son

EZ Rider’s family

Children’s Hope Alliance – Impact

A great turn out for my first Q at Midoriyama.  This Q was about Children’s Hope Alliance and the impact they have on the children in our community.  I told brief stories of a few children that I had the honor of taking care over the years being a member of the Children Hope Alliance foster community.

If possible,  please volunteer at the F3 Race City Event  this Saturday at Children’s Hope Alliance –

The Thang

  • Child 1 – My first placement. Found abandoned in a trailer. ~5 years old did not speak, unable to use eating utensils, he only ate with is his hands when the food was placed on an ottoman near a window.   It was like getting punched in the gut.
    • AMRAP – 25 Mike Tysons, 25 Rocky Bolboa’s back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 2 – 16 year old who has spent her life in foster care. Always running away from home to home, just trying to find her home.
    • AMRAP – Sprints, with  10 Merkins on each side
  • Child 3 – A 12 year old, who at ~8 years old, was found in a severe abuse and neglect situation.  This young man was with us 2 years before being moved to another home.  All he talked about was wanting to be a big. Current status is unknown, but I think about him all the time.
    • AMRAP – 20 Big Boys, 20 CDD’s back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 4 – Infant born with many terminal medical issues.  We pick her up from the hospital and had her till she unfortunately passed away 6 months later.  This is where my M and I found our calling.
    • AMRAP – 25 Plank Jacks, 10 second Plank –  Lunge walk the parking lot back and forth.
  • Child 5 – Infant born with many medical issues. We picked her up from the hospital and nursed to a stable condition before she was to another home.
    • AMRAP  30 Squats, 30 Imperial Walkers back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 6 – Infant born with many medical issue. We picked her up from the hospital and nursed her to a stable condition.  She was adopted by a family member and working through that process was great joy. Although out of state, we still are able to stay in contact.
    • AMRAP 35 SSH, 25 Hillbillies  back and forth in the lot
  • Child 7 – Infant born with many medical issues. We picked her up from the hospital and nursed her to a stable condition.  She was adopted by a family member.  She is doing well and we still get to see her regularly. It is a blessing.
    • AMRAP 30 Goofballs, 30 LBC’s back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 8 – I shared the story of my son, Elijah, adopted in November.
    • 50 Mountain Climbers

Slaw then called out 22 for the troops and then we pledged.

Thank you men for the opportunity to lead and Def Leopard  will you please stay focused…



  • Blood Drive – Dec 10
  • Christmas Party – Dec 12

Prayer Request

  • Sargento’s Prayer List
  • Broke’s M
  • Tigers’ Aunt
  • All unspoken prayers

2 Peter 1:10 –  Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall.

Big Pappy


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