Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2019 (Page 7 of 9)

More than a B-Day Q

Thankful for the men who joined me this morning at The Yank for my birthday Q! It was important for me to Q today, not just because it was my birthday, but because of what hitting 53 meant to me. More on that later.

Pledge and Mosey to side street. Lunge/High Knee/Butt Kicks/Toy Soldier/Inch Worms Circled up for more….SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, and since we were so close to the train tracks, why not do 5 burpees. Telsa came to a very true revelation that offering up voluntary burpees early in the workout and so close to the tracks eliminates any trains from coming through for the next hour. It worked!

4 Corners (10, 10/20, 10/20/30, 10/20/30/40 …up and back down) alternate with bear crawls and crab walk in between each corner. Omaha’d to lunges on the way back through. With one corner to go, Buckeye found us and joined up with the PAX. Just in time to give us an even number for the next round.

10 American Hammers

20 Calf Raises

30 Monkey Humpers

40 Flutter Kick

Mosey to Stowe Park and partner up for Dora 1,2,3,4 with the run being up the stairs. Orangeman pointed out that the timing was perfect as each run up the stairs gave us a great view of a brilliant sunrise. We commented on how blessed we were to be able to do this. I think Virus may have been running too quickly to enjoy the view though!

100 Merkins

200 Plank Jacks

300 LBC

400 Squats

Mosey to the pavilion for 11s


Bobby Hurley’s

Quick trip up to the Field of Dreams for Triple Nickel . Heard a couple more groans from the PAX when this round was announce, music to the Q’s ears.

Speed Skaters

Run across the field

Wide hand Merkins

Thought we might not have time, so I was going to cut it short but YHC didn’t want to disappoint Norwood so we finished the last round as part of the mosey back to the Yank. Nice work by all including some EC beforehand by Dr. Seuss and Breaker Breaker. Gold Digger also did an early run, but couldn’t stay for the workout……good to see him as well. Reminded PAX about Rice N Beans on January 29th, we have a few more slots left.

YHC shared why this birthday was important for me to Q. When I was 23 years old, my Dad was diagnosed with Leukemia. He fought it hard but was very sick for 9 months and just after he turned 53, the disease took his life. Here I am now at that same age thinking about how much more I want to do in my life and how much was taken away from my Dad and our family when he was taken too soon. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish I had just a little more time with my incredible Dad. If your father is still with us, please give him a call today or go grab a beer together. Spend a little extra time with your kids if you have them. If your father is no longer with us, he will be in my prayers today as I imagine what it will be like when we are all back together again in the Kingdom of Heaven.

We ended with some prayer requests. Breaker Breakers family with health issues, Tesla’s son, Buckeye’s cousin diagnosed with stage 2 cancer, F3 Money (77 yrs old) diagnosed with Lymphoma, and of course for sons and fathers everywhere. Thank you brothers for helping me honor my Dad today…..he would have loved this entire F3 Gastonia PAX as much as I do.

Active Recovery

This morning was a crisp 25 degrees with clear skies. The Ghost Flag was there as was Bedpan’s dual flag shovel, although it was with a little more effort than usual to plant due to the frozen ground. Here is what happened…


With nine PAX at 0530 YHC called an Indian Run. We spotted some headlights coming in hot so we did a lap to return to pick up the late arrival but as usual Spiderman will not wait and he appeared in the first lap. Now with ten we completed another lap around the other side of the Pavilion and back to start for the warm up.

Rockette Hillbillies x 10

Dying Cockroaches x 20

Mosey to Main Street

Between each light post we alternated sprint, walk, lunge, mosey, lunge, backward lunge, mosey, Godfather Zombie walk. I learned from Bedpan that the Sports Center used to be a bowling alley before our time. Who knew?

Mosey to the Methodist church steps for two rounds of calf raises

Mosey to the parking deck. Lunge up the inclines and mosey the straights to the top.

Partner up for Dora 1,2,3

P1 runs steps to bottom and back while P2 completes:

100 Squats

200 LBC’s

300 Flutters

After this we held an Al Gore and discussed the life saving impact F3 had on F3 Picasso from Summerville. Think about the guy you haven’t EH’d yet while you read his story here:

Mosey to the McQuitter wall for alternating step ups and dips


Mosey to start for the Pledge of Allegiance and hold a two minute plank for time.

Lots of prayer requests: Our Nantan, Stone Cold’s father, Ethan Duft, EZ Rider’s family, Montross’ Aunt, Sister Acts Daughter, Whetstone blades and stones

Nameorama and COT

YHC has had a nagging injury so I modified and we did no burpees or merkins. When you are injured or dealing with something which we all are, STAY IN THE GAME! Focus on what you can do and not what you can’t. Mentally it makes it so much better instead of feeling sorry for yourself. If you can’t post to the first F, hit up the second and third F. A good option is the QSource discussions at 0730 Sundays at Crossroads and the Coconut Horse.

Sister Act said a CSAUP is in the works before the P200. Everyone get ready!

YHC with the Q at the Coconut on Sunday. Post somewhere and bring an FNG!

Always a pleasure to lead,


A Morning at The Storm

So YHC had been challenged by some of the boys about possibly being a little over the hill. So it was time to put those rumors to rest. Went something like this.

COP with a 2+ burpee ladder between exercises.

SSH X 20, 2 burpees

IW X 20, 4 burpees

Squats X 20, 6 burpees

Merkins X 10, 8 burpees

Mtn climbers X 20, 10 burpees

Mosey to the center of the parking lot for 4 corners action.

Count off by 4s for two rounds of action. Start off with 5 burpees, go to a corner, return to the center and 5 burpees.

Corner 1 , 10 merkins

Corner 2, 10 WW II situps

Corner 3, 10 hand release merkins

Corner 4, 10 jump squats

Finish two rounds and mosey for partner work at the loading dock

Round 1

P1 – CDDs, P2 run to the dock and jump up, 5 burpees, return and flapjack

Round 2

P1, American hammers, P2 run to the dock and climb up, 5 burpees and return. Flapjack.

Round 3

P1, Squats, P2 run to the dock and climb and 5 burpees. Flapjack.

Round 4

P1, WWII situps, P2 same as above.

Mosey over to the front of the school.

15 dirkins

10 stepups each leg

15 dips

Line up for bear crawl between the concrete steps aka bear crawl slalom!

Rinse and repeat above except this time, we do crab walk slalom!

Time about up now, so mosey back to the flag as the ruckers and runners return.


Great effort by the pax today. Welcomed two FNGs in Liberace and Hat’s Off. Keep up the good work men! Special shout out to Top Hat who keeps pushing it. You are the man brother! Been hurt many times before and know what it is like. You are showing us all that it is all about getting out there. Love you brother!

Great to have Librace and Hat’s Off in he fold. Quality men who will accelerate. Looking forward ot your VQs this summer!

Always great to lead at The Storm. Breaker doing a great job with it.


11’s? Kinda Sorta

Pulled into Folsom this morning passing Volt and Roundup as they get some EC in before the workout. Good work! When I get to the parking area Medicine Woman is waiting for the beat down to begin. Few minutes pass and cars start showing and the PAX are ready for the beat down.


SSH, Don Q’s, X 15 IC, MN’s till Montross gets in the circle.


Mosey from parking area to the first light pole. Flutter Kicks X 20 IC, next light pole we do Mountain Climbers X 20 IC. Alternate between these two exercises at the light poles all the way to the flag. Each set led by a different PAX. (thanks guys) Get to the flag and pledge.

Next short mosey to parking lot at entrance. I think most of the PAX thought there would be 11’s. I do call those a lot but I wanted to mix it up a little. There are 3 islands and a service road at this lot so we did an escalating suicideish type workout.

Island 1, 10 Burpee’s

Island 2, 20 Big Boy Situps

Island 3, 30 Squats

Island 4, 40 LBC’s

You can’t go to the next exercise without returning to start and starting over, we finish this round and then flip it up and reverse it. Now starting with 40 Big Boys at the first island etc., Good work men 6:10 let’s head back to start.

Roundup took off like he was shot from a gun and the rest of us followed.


Short Sale with the Q at Folsom Saturday. Put on your big boy panties and pull your shorts up. Guaranteed to be a beat down.

Prayer Request:

Montross’s Aunt, Rockabilly’s Mom, Medicine Woman, Hacksaw’s MIL, each other.

YHC took us out.

Great work today men, nice to see a good crowd at Folsom. A lot of guys posting 3 times this week so far, including Rockabilly who was an FNG on Tuesday. Way to push man! Keep at it!

As always it was an honor and a privilege to lead this morning.

It’s Our Anniversary

Today marked my 1 year anniversary of F3. I grabbed the Q from Medicine Woman at the last minute to celebrate. Nice crowd of runners and ruckers today. Every one po ht in between 2.5 and 5 miles. Nice to see Rockabilly back out again today! P200 training is in full swing.

Thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement over the past year and thanks to Sparky for EHing me last January!

Prayer Requests: Montross’ aunt, Bedpan’s wife, Rockabilly’s mom, each other, and an unspoken request.

Pray, pledge, go home boys!


Get after it…

When HIPAA asked for Q’s for this month I decided to give it another go so I went to HIPAA’s garage and got some fun stuff.

Pledge…warmup 15 SSH, 10 merkins oyo, 10 cotton pickers.

The Thang: Get after it..


Sledgehammer swings, battle ropes, Lateral raises, Dips, renegade rows/ plank, goblet squats, kettle bell curls.

Timer: Farmer carry to end of the parking lot and back. To make it interesting at the halfway point we did a different exercise each round…burpees, SSH, merkins, flutter kicks.

We ended with some Mary and YHC took it out with a prayer. Safe travels for HIPAA and his family on their trip and good luck in the 1/2 Marathon brother.


I pulled into Folsom to see several different Pax running EC! Folsom has changed and growing, and I am very thankful for this! 530 hits, we have a good crowd, even a “fng”, Bobby Sigmon!

Warmup- SSH, Windmills, Monkey Humpers, all 15ic

Drop the tailgate, grab a block!

20 to 1! Shoulder Press, Curls, Triceps, Squats! When we do these, we try to complete this without putting the blocks down, until we finish! Folsom is getting stronger, we’ve come a long way since the first time we did this, good work men! Put the blocks up, MNC 40ic, then mosey to the tennis court!

11s- Burpees/ LBCs


Announcements- need drivers for PT200

Prayer request- Rockabillys mom, Montross Aunt, each other!

Good work today men, I’m very thankful for you all! And for the opportunity to lead!

Saturday at the Yank

A beautiful cool morning at the Fighting Yank brought out 14 men including one FNG for a fine workout. Welcome FNG Bill McInerney. I hope to see you again next week! Thanks to Tiger for getting him out to the workout.

Short disclosure and review of the F3 Principles for the FNG.


Warm up:

Moroccan Night Clubs (IC) x 31

Planks Jacks (IC) x 20

Mosey to the corner across from the clock where the webcam is. Hopefully someone was watching as we did Goof Balls and Monkey Humpers in cadence. Of course our six was facing the camera.

Mosey to the corner of Catawba and Glenway. Instruct PAX to Mosey to Park St, stopping at each pole and do 5 merkins. Return doing 5 squats at each pole. Heard someone say Quiche was twerking at each pole. Glad I missed that sight. Plank for the six.

Mosey to parking lot were Glenway does a 90 degree turn. Q fail here for picking a lot with lots of trash. Sorry guys. Circle up and count off. (Another Q fail for not instructing Pax to count off but count by 3’s)

AMRAP – LBC’s, flutter kicks, windshield wipers, rosalita’s, leg lifts and Freddie Mercury’s while each PAX runs the circle in duck-duck-goose fashion.

Mosey to the picnic shelter. Dips (IC) x20, Bulgarian toe touch x (IC) 15, inclined merkin w/reverse grip x10 OYO. Rinse and repeat x 3.

Mosey to the school for BTW Hip Slappers and wall sits.

Pair up for Catch Me If You can around track. Partner 1 does 5 burpees while partner 2 Nurs. Partner 1 then runs to catch partner 2. Tiger took a spill while Nur’ing. Sorry Tiger.

Q fail for not noticing group of PAX at the other end of the track when finished. Thanks to Boudin for pointing them out to me and going to retrieve them.

Call LBC’s while waiting.

Mosey to the stairs for bear crawl and calf raises x 100 OYO.

Circle up at the Yank for some Mary. Q calls another 20 LBC’s, Orangeman called 6 shooters, Pockets called pretzel crunches. Had a few others but don’t remember specifics.

Yahtzee said we ran over 3 miles. Thanks for the data Yahtzee, that’s good to know.

Welcome to FNG Bill McInerney (F3 name Flipper). He is a big patriots fan since he is from the Foxboro, MA area. It was nice getting to know him.



Thank you all for coming out to better yourselves. It was a learning experience for me and a pleasure to lead you.

Dirt is OUT

No rain?

6 regulars and one fng makes 7.

Disclaimer – I am not a professional, follow my exercises at your own risk, you vs you. Ssh in cadence, mnc, helos, merkins mosey to bbt. Time for some wall work. No anchorman not the stupid shuffle. Wall sits with shoulder work. The. Lunge across parking lot al gore for the six. Plank plank and more plank right into merkins in cadence. Orangeman with a joke about his nuts. It was a good laugh. Ask him about his nuts some time. Lunges back across the parking lot for more wallsits and shoulder work. More plank and merkins. Lunge again with al gore for the six. Plank. Lunge wallsits give a few ten creative ten counts by tiger, Orangeman and virus. Let’s mosey.

Downtown start with single leg dead lift 11 each leg followed by more plank. Money to next next next next corner and more dead lifts. Mix in some abdominal work here with single leg toe touches, heel raises and flutters. Mosey. More dead lifts at the next corner. Plank. Six shooters in cadence. Mosey to the wall. 2 rounds of derkins in cadence. Mary at the wall with each pax favorite abdominal exercises. Toe touches, protractor, hammers, big boys just to name a few. Mosey to the start as time expires.


Announcements- contact anchorman if you are interested in feeding the hungry in Charlotte Tuesday January 29th 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm meet at 6:15 pm to clown car.

Welcome fng Chad Collins. Named Doodles. National Guardsman for 6 years. Former Technical Draftsman, youth pastor for 16 years, planted a church 11 years ago now pastor at combined Epic Church with Linwood Church of God.

Prayer request- brokes friend recent diagnosis with terminal pancreatic cancer. My cousin with new diagnosis of stage 2 sarcoma.

Tiger took us out with a prayer.

See yall Thursday at Mydoryama.

Crossroads 1/6

13 showed to put in some miles at Crossroads this morning. Weather was perfect today. Great to see everyone out here pushing the rock. Crossroads continues to draw steady numbers, and today was the first Sunday in 2019 with my man Roadie as the Site Q. Definitely leaving it in good hands. Honor to Iead today.


Prayer Request


Sister Act

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