Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 25, 2022

Backwards Toward the Bank

YHC has had a long day which started about 0052 this morning so this will be brief.

YHC moseyed to The Pub and found the PAX stretching and catching up, or getting in some EC.

Route was announced. Reverse route down Armstrong, left turn on Armstrong, left turn at the bank and onto New Hope, right on E Lee, left on E Perry, right on Armstrong.

The Pledge. And we’re off…

Some ran that route, some did another route, some got turned around. Good work put in by all.

PT Test this Sat at Gashouse
8/10 – 50 mile relay around the Gashouse AOs
8/17 – Skating w/ Mayor
8/24 – JJ5k

Prayer Requests
Breaker Breaker’s uncle w/ health issues
Jeff Gale
Breaker Breaker’s sister-in-law with back issues
Courtney, recovery after accident
BOS and family w/ dad’s funeral today
Waterboy’s trip out West

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Folsom 8/25

Rolling in and setting up the flags this am you can feel it won’t be much longer for cool mornings at Folsom, skunks we’re out in full force as the PAX rolled in.  5:30 and it’s time to get it on.

The Warmup

10 Gravel pickers IC

10 Moroccan Night clubs IC

20 Side straddle Hops IC

5 Burpees

Mosey to bottom of parking lot

Catch me if you can

Partner up, first partner does 10 merkins while the other partner NURS, when you complete your merkins sprint and catch your partner to release them from the NUR now they drop and do merkins. We’ll do this to the triangle past the upper park bathrooms.

At the triangle first corner 10 big boys, second corner 20 flutters (count one leg), 30 Jungle boys squats

Mosey to the Flag pole at AG center for pledge but on the way 2 burpees at the remaining light poles

Circle up and do 22 merkins in cadence for the vets

Mosey to AG center parking lot for a round of Dirty 11’s. The work is Mike Tysons and lunges with a burpee each time you pass the median.

Indian run back to the starting point. Man in the back does two burpees before over taking the line.

When we go back to the lower parking lot I felt the men did so good I’d take them on a little vacation to the BEARMUDA TRIANGLE. Three cones roughly 30 yards apart, 1 burpee at first cone with a bear crawl to cone #2 where we do 2 burpees and bear crawl to cone #3 and you guessed it 3 burpees. To round it all out a final bear crawl to cone 4 and the final 4 burpees of the workout.

Slow mosey to COT for some Mary and we knocked out some dying cockroaches, LBC’s, and leg lift spreads then TIME.

Paul Bearer sent us out with a Prayer



PT test Saturday GasHouse

Prayer requests

Jessica Beetle Baileys friend

Stripers Brother


Wire nuts family.

Bedpans wife

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