Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2021 (Page 4 of 11)

Youth Movement

YHC had a weinke all prepared but when the PAX was ready to go a wild hair got going and things changed. This is what happened…


Warm Up – Goofballs, Don Quixote’s, Left Over Rights

Mosey to the edge of tomorrow, the back entrance to Cramer Woods. At each street light the PAX would do the following exercises.

Winder Trail – 20 LBCs

Old Towne Dr. – 10 Merkins

Old Towne Dr. Part Deux – 20 Monkey Humpers (this was hard)

Head back the other way on Old Towne –  Flutter kicks each leg

Right onto McChesney – something

Head back on McChesney – 20 calf raises

Right onto Old Towne – 25 Side Straddle Hops

Winder Trail – 10 Peter Parkers each leg, Omaha down to 5 for the last 3 for the sake of time.

Finish at the start for a few Goofballs IC for good measure.

Time, thanks for the opportunity to lead men.

Announcements – PT Test

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Our Police, GSM, Mt Holly family after son passed quickly from cancer

Which Way Should We Go?

9 HIMS came out for a nice morning run- before the cold weather sets back in-at Prison Break.


PT Test at Gashouse this Saturday 7:00. All other AO’s will be open.

Individual packs of Kleenex and wipes for Freight’s ministry.



Gumby’s Mom

SA and family

Big Pappy and family


Happy to sub for my brother and good friend, Roundup!

You guys continue to push and encourage me!


Frisbee in the Wind

It was a beautiful afternoon as I am on my way to Midoriyama when I get a call seeing if I will Q which of course I will. I roll up to see a good crowd and inform them of the Q change and 5:30 so let’s go!

Warmup: SSH x 10 IC, Abe Vigodas x 10 IC, Sargento’s allegedly patented Right Over Left leg stretch x 5 then Left over Right, Hillbillies x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw, Asssshhh Pond didn’t like it!

Let’s mosey over to the Field #4 parking lot for some 11’s. 10 Merkins on this side run across lot for 1 squat, then 9 and 2, etc.

Let’s mosey to the small soccer field for some Frisbee Football. It was very windy so the frisbee throw was very important today. Seems like Wojo and Boudin mastered the throwing and by some good fortune, they were both on my team! My team scored at will with everyone making contributions. Even Seuss who doesn’t care for frisbee stayed and played well and may have even liked it a little. Slaw and Haze’s team was slowly humiliated and by the end had given up as their countenance fell. The good news is we all got in a good workout and no one got hurt. It seems to go that way when a certain Canoe isn’t here. Back to the flag and Pledge.

Word: I read 7 Bible verses about anger and the point they were making mostly as a reminder to myself to always keep working on the anger issue. Here are the points from the scriptures.
Be slow to anger.
Anger keeps us away from where God wants us.
Anger hinders all of our relationships especially M and family.
Our response to anger can often control how a situation resolves.
Turn from anger toward forgiveness.
Turning from anger can often lead to turning away from other bad things.
Turning from anger shows wisdom.

Announcements: Remember the service project Items, individual tissues and wipes.
PT Test this Saturday at Gashouse 7 a.m. Other AO’s are still open.
Help out Site Q’s by picking up a Q at a different AO than your normal.

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Sister Act and family, Cougar’s grandmother, Livermush, Shook family, Lewis family, GSM family. Ash Pond took us out.

Crusty Vets

An absolutely beautiful 52 degree and dry morning.  A perfect opportunity to defeat the fartsack and shake off the crust…I mean rust.  All regulars at this morning’s edition of the Labyrinth although some not so regular to this particular AO.  It was great to see some of the Folsom HIM’s make it to the South Side for a visit.  Great to see Balljoint, Westside, and SA joint us for a little “buttermilk”.  All great guys.

After some hellos and good mornings the clock struck 5:30.

Pledge.  We had to use to the flags on the back of Watts Up’s truck due to the site flag being in Turtleman’s front yard.  All is good with that.

Warmup was some stretching.

Mosey down to the park parking lot for the thang.

60 SSH

60 LBC’s

20 Squats

20 Merkins

20 American Hammers

Mosey to top of parking lot and back


50 SSH

50 LBC’s

20 Squats

20 CDD’s

20 Heels to Heaven

Mosey to top of parking lot and back


40 SSH’s

40 LBC’s

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey to top of parking lot and back


30 SSH’s

30 LBC’s

20 Squats

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Big Boys

Mosey to top of parking lot and back


20 SSH’s

20 LBC’s

20 Squats

20 Plank Jax

20 Box Cutters

Mosey to top of parking lot and back


10 SSH’s

10 LBC’s

20 Squats

20 Merkins

20 American Hammers

Meander to benches for

20 Dips

Mosey back tp start

Upon special request for SA

10 Burpees

20 Flutters IC, DC




It was a real honor, privilege, and pleasure to lead this morning.  An outstanding group of guys, pushing hard, talking a little junk, and starting the day off right.




Doggin it

Rocks were being pushed today in the gloom at Bulldog.  9 HIM did work without kettle bells. This is what happened…


Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to YHC’s car trunk and pick up some bricks then mosey to the track. No lights here, no problem though, it’s Slowjangles Biscuit time! Lunge walk the track and do a burpee.

After a lap of that we mosey back to the starting point for some Lazy Dora 123. Partner up and do 100 Merkins, 200 Squats and 300 LBCs.

Mosey to the hill at the track to do our final routine, 12’s. It’s YHC’s 2.2’s birthday today and she’s…12 years old! At the bottom of the hill do 11 deltoid raises, at the top do 1 tricep extension. This was a good one to get the heart rate up. Most of us finished this routine in time but we pulled the plug a little early to make it back to the start on time.

As luck would have it we had time for a few extra Goofballs for good measure. Time’s up! Thanks for the opportunity to lead men.

Announcements – PT Test

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, GSM, Patty Faysoux (chorsu teacher at Cramerton middle school who has pancreatic cancer

4/20/21 National Marijuana Day

Did I get your attention?  I saw a headline that Willie Nelson wants the POTUS to declare 4/20 as National Marijuana Day.  With weed being legalized in more and more states, I’m sure this will be a reality soon.  April 20th has a more significant meaning for me.  April 20, 1982 was the day I became a father.  My oldest son, Jeffrey was born at 9:05 pm in Waterloo, IA.  It’s a day that changed my life.  On to the workout!



Statement on how The STORM shirt is the best design in all of F3, which in fact it IS!

Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins we worked up to 6, paused, then did 7 and finished with 8.

Mosey to the bottom of the practice field for the start of Four Corners.  Thanks to Breaker Breaker for giving me this idea as he did this a couple of years ago.

5 Burpees at the first corner

10 Merkins at the second corner

20 Dips at the third corner

40 Flutter Kicks counting one leg at the fourth.

Rinse and repeat x 5

Mosey to the bleachers at the ball fields for…… you guessed it DIRTY CALVES!

Calf Raises (double count) x 10, 10, 15, 15.  Watts Up wanted to keep going so we did a couple more sets of 10.

Circle up for a round of Circle Abs.  Each PAX calls out an AB exercise of 10 reps.  Each Pax calls the next one as fast as they can without a rest in between.  Lots of moaning and groaning here because we had a ton of PAX show up this morning.

Mosey toward the flag and stop short for 11’s.  Start with 10 Peter Parkers and 1 Jump Squat at the other end.  We got through the 8 and 3 round before time ran out.

Mosey back to the flag and arrive at 6:15.45.  Sorry I went over Gentlemen!

Pledge – Thanks for reminding me about this Pilgrim.

Good work today men.



PT Test at Gashouse on Saturday at 7:00 am.  All other AOs are open.

Dr Seuss purchased a new car.  Nice ride Seuss!



Prayer Requests:

Turtle Man

Dry Rub’s M

Hux Family

Folsom 420

This morning I had the pleasure to be the Q at Folsom.

Warm Up,
SSH 20, Nolan Ryans 20, Fire Hydrants 20, Knee Hold Stretch 10 seconds each side.

The Thang:
Mosey to the road close to the ball fields for some speed bump to speed bump sprints.
4x 10 merkins at each speed bump meeting in the middle for 20 squats
Like a callus Rabbit Ears rolls in just as we finish up and I call 5 burpees to welcome him.
Mosey to the Tennis Courts
Puff Puff Pass:
Partner 1 does the exercise partner 2 sprints to the end and back.
100 CDD (always thinking of you Def)
100 Mtn Climbers
100 Dying Cock Roaches
100 Raise the roof
20 Burpees together or split them between your partner
Once finished we did this:
Super Man hold for 20 seconds Iron man hold for 20 seconds then 10 merkins.
I lost count of how many times this went around.
Pledge and a fellowship mosey back to the parking lot.
We finished with 22 for the vets.

Announcements PT Test this weekend.

Prayer request: SA, our nation, each other, and celebration of T-Rons Moms birthday.
Prayed also for safety of the country should the verdict today cause others to lash out and riot.
Special prayer for Turtle Man, if you have never met him he is a good dude. We are always here for you Brother.

The BedPan is Full!

The 2021 Tronmoss 5k

Thanks to the 14 men who posted at Crossroads for the 2021 edition of the Tronmoss 5/10k. A bit of a Q fail in this one as I should have set an earlier start time for the 10k. We live and learn! The main thing is we helped support a young lady and family who has gone through an awful situation. Learn more about the story here if you haven’t heard it already.

The winners are as follows:

Overall: Ball Joint with a 5k PR and the win
Pax Division: Montross, running his first 5k in the 8s in quite some time
Respect Division: Oompa Loompa – the ol’ Marine represents for the silver tops
10k: Dr Seuss – technically Haze and Slaw were considered ineligible by the race committee since they left early, but we will make adjustments for an earlier start time in the future. Let’s be honest though, Seuss would have won anyway!
Also, special thanks to BOS, Pilgrim’s Progress, and Orangeman for making their way across the county to ruck the event.

We raised over $300 to contribute to Tori (the daughter of the victim). All in all, over 5k was raised and donated between F3 ENC, FiA, and a few other groups. Nice work men. I know this personally meant a lot to 4-Leaf and some of the other guys down in F3 ENC and it is cool to see guys from 250+ miles away chip in and help out other communities like you did. I appreciate all of you who came out as well as those of you who contributed online!

Prayer requests: There were many. Sister Act and other guys battling injuries, the GSM family and especially the families of Mr Lewis and Shook, Turtle Man, and several others (sorry, I didn’t make a list). YHC took us out in prayer. BTW, I really dig the prayer list channel on Slack. Props to whomever crated that. Check that out if you haven’t!

Birthday Bonanza

There were 11 HIM who showed in the gloom at Martha’s House this morning. No disrespect but apparently I’m an old curmudgeon and it’ll always be Martha’s to me. Memories. Here’s what happened…


Warmup – Goofballs, Don Quixote’s, R over L

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the center part of the baseball fields for The Thang

Birthday Number Thing

In recognition of my 2.0 Queso’s 16th birthday yesterday and my 2.2 Allie’s birthday tomorrow, I decided to do some stuff with their birthdates.

Karaoke out the left spoke and at the end do 18 merkins (Queso’s birth day is the 18th). Plank for the 6 then do 3 burpees (I have 3 kids).

Nur up the middle spoke and do 20 squats (Allie’s birthdate is the 20th). Plank for the 6 and the do 3 burpees.

Karaoke out the other spoke and do 24 LBSs (Feta’s birthdate is the 24th). Plank for the 6 then bear crawl around the middle building.

Repeato this 3 times. Bonus time was when we got to reminisce about the classic 80’s cartoon “Pole Position” AND single the unforgetable theme song. Good times! There were a couple lessons during this Thang.

  1. Don’t get so excited that you try to “thread the needle” between PAX when you’re karaokeing. This will almost never end well, just like today. Luckily, the only casualty was the temporary loss of a shoe.
  2. When everyone is going to the end point of a section to do an exercise, don’t be the guy who stops really short and makes everyone jump over or fall on top of them. Go a little further and help your brother out that way.

Mosey up the middle spoke for the next routine – 12’s

We made it 12’s instead of 11’s because dear Allie turns 12 tomorrow and, well, I’m Sargento. At one end do 11 V-Ups, at the other end do 1 WWI sit up. We made it about halfway before having to mosey back to the start due to time.

Thanks for letting me lead today men. Hope you enjoyed the push!

Announcements – PT Test this Saturday

Prayer Request – GSM, Turtleman, Folgers travelling this week, Roscoe’s father in law, JJ’s mom had hip surgery today, Mt. Holly teenage who passed from cancer this week

Sargento out!


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