Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 21, 2021

PSA or PSA Screening? – Gashouse 3/20/21

After warming up and we split off from the Pain Lab crew.  I mentioned that I would have a PSA during the workout.  Well, the PAX minds went directly to PSA Screening which is a blood test to screen for prostate cancer.  For some reason this didn’t surprise me.  So to be clear, I told them that I would have a Public Service Anouncement at sometime during the workout.  I’m glad we got that cleared up.



Seal Jacks IC x 25

HillBillies IC x 20

Don Q’s IC x 15

Eskimo Merkins IC up to 6.  What is an Eskimo Merkin?  An Eskimo Merkin is where you touch your nose to the ground.  The first one you just touch the ground once.  The second one is where you touch your nose once, then add a micro merkin and touch a second time.  The third is three micro merkins touching three times.  You get the idea.

Boot camp broke off for a Mosey to the school parking lot by the gym.  Here we did a Triple Nickle.  5 Backward Lunges, Bear Crawl the width of the parking lot and 5 CDD’s at the other side.

Mosey to Burtonwood Dr.  Do 5 Diamond Merkins at each pole until we get to the old PNG building.  There were more poles here than expected but we hammered them out.

Stopped in the parking lot of the white vacante building for an AB Blast.  We circled up and each PAX was instructed to call out 10 reps for an AB excercise one after the other as fast as possible.  We got through three rounds of this.  A lawn maintenance crew showed up as we were finishing and our final exercise was a hip thruster type exercise on our back.  I’m sure the lawn guys hoped we would move on quickly after witnessing this.

Mosey cross country to the side of the Parkdale Mills offices.  This wasn’t the building I was hoping for so we continued on up Cotton Blossom Circle.  I finally spied my final destination;  The Social Security Administration office.  Time for my PSA.  For those of us nearing retirement, here is the Social Security office.  Some knew it was there, others didn’t.  I didn’t know it was there until a few weeks ago when I ran by it during EC.

Here we did Flintstone 11’s with Backward Lunges and Jump Squats at one end of the parking lot and Reverse LBC’s and Flutterkicks at the other end.

We mosied along New Hope road to the corner of Garrison Blvd where we did 15 Monkey Humpers IC.  Much to our disappointment, nobody honked at us.

Mosey back to the start stopping at each corner to do 10 Merkins.

Time.  Thanks for joining us today.  We had 5 for the boot camp portion of the work out and the mumble chatter was good.




3/19/21-Tequila Sunrise

Two FNG’s made their way to Belmont Central to join us for a cool morning in Belmont.  Thanks to Vidal Sassoon for EH’ing these two FNG’s.  Flav Rogers has been named “Olsen”  for Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen because he has twin boys.  Chris Craft has been named Judge Judy because he is a Wells Fargo lawyer.

We reviewed the F3 principles and gave a long disclaimer for the FNG’s.


Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 25

HillBillies IC x 20

Don Q’s IC x 15

Merkins IC x 10


Mosey to the corner of Eagle Rd. and Blue Berry Street stopping at each corner to do 50 squats.

Flintstone 11’s running between the corner of Eagle Rd and Blue Berry St to the corner of Blue Berry St and Assembly St.  Reverse LBC’ and Flutter Kicks at the lower end and Backward Lunges and Jump Squats at the top.

5 Burpees for the train after the 11’s.

Mosey to the side of Belmont Central where we did Dips, Incline Merkins and Big Boy Sit Ups x 5, x 10, x 15, and x20.  Mosey to the sidewalk and back after each round.   I wanted to run these back down but we ran out of time.

We were a bit light in numbers because of all of the relay’s starting today but we had good time with those that showed up.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning,



Round Up at Crossroads

6 of us got some miles at Crossroads this morning.



Convergence at W A Bess on April 17th

PT test at Gashouse April 24th


Prayer Request

The Ballard family

Big Pappy family

Sister Act

All the pax traveling back home today from the relay and snowbird


I had the Q for Q source about the M


Always be accelerating for first the lord and then your M and never give up on her stay focused on what she needs and forming that unstoppable bond that we are able to have as long as we put forth the effort! Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning.


See y’all Tuesday at Folsom!

Round Up



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