Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 23, 2021

Who’s in charge anyway?

Mystery Q. Only ? listed on the schedule. Wojo said that he didn’t know who asked to Q. Who is not a regular at the premium afternoon AO in all of the F3 universe? I see Boudin. Nope. Buckeye? Nope. Wet Nutz? Nope. Aw crap, it’s Oompa.

And he’s handing out flyers and telling 5 pax to run and place them in strategic places in the park. It’s not even 530pm yet. But. But.

Shut up and run there, drop the flyer in the appropriate place and run your whining arse back to join the warmup circle.

While the volunteers do their duty, circle up. All experienced PAX, no disclaimer other than I am an idiot, so you are too.

10 SSH in cadence.

20 Abe Vigoda in cadence.

30 flutters in cadence.

40 Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence.

Everybody’s back let’s mosey.

Hey, I skipped 50 LBCs in cadence. You won’t mind.

Run to the first light pole at the parking lot by the ball field on the right.

As usual no one is listening to the Q.

Way too much mumble chatter.  It’s totally fine if you want to do more exercise. And in the wrong order. Batflipper. Whatever.

5 eight count body builders.

Run to first light pole. Do ten of the exercise called out as the “OUT” exercise.  It’s not hard. Unless you don’t listen.

Run back to start point. 5 more 8 count body builders.

Run to second pole. Do ten of the exercise called out as the “OUT” exercise. Run back to start. Do we stop here? NO. Did the Q say stop at the first pole? NO. Do we do the “BACK” exercise now? NO. Just listen to the Q. Yeesh. What a cluster. Do more 8 count body builders.

Run to third pole. Exercise. Ten reps. Run back to start. About dang time everyone finally gets their crap together and understands the Q’s intent.

Run to fourth pole. Rinse and Repeat. Perfection.

Run to fifth pole. Rinse and Repeat. I love it when a plan comes together.

Run to fifth pole. Do the “BACK” exercise listed. Run back to start. 8 count body builders.

By now even the reader (meaning you) knows how this ends.

Finally all done. Shoulder taps, Freddy Mercurys, hip slappers, squats, dips, seal Jack’s, dying cockroaches, mountain climbers and little baby flutter crunches. Took forever.

Mosey to parking lot across the road for DORA. Pair up.

100 Def Leppard Pushups or Carolina Dry Docks.

Pax 1 performs exercise Pax 2 mosey halfway down the parking lot and back.

200 American Hammers. Count right side only.

300 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey back to flag.

Prayer requests.

Broke’s mom, Vanilla Ice’s parents, Def Leppard, Cougar, Sister Act, others.

Announcements if you don’t already know, read the old backblasts or get on slack.

Freight took us out.

If you didn’t get your money’s worth the First F is unavailable to withdraw funds for you.



Ode to Buttermilk

When BOS asked me to to Q the Yank, I gladly accepted. I told him put me down for Valentine’s Day weekend and I’d probably come up with a Q somehow related to love. Well, I didn’t. Anyone who has spent time on the local Slack channel or follow our local PAX on Twitter has likely come across Tesla talking about buttermilk. Frankly, I have no idea why he does it and I don’t know what it really means….. buuuuut I admit I sorta like it. So, since The Yank is Tesla’s stomping ground, I set out to create a buttermilk WOD…Ode to Buttermilk. The rain and cold was abundant this dreary February morning. Considering that and the Extinction Run later that morning, it was a rather easy (and popular) decision to spend the entire workout in the nice dry picnic shelter overlooking Stowe Park. 13 men posted to take a sip of the nectar of the churn. I appreciate Big Pappy, MW, and Oompa making their way across the county to join me today. Tesla was not there but buttermilk was served in his honor.


Jailbreak to the shelter. A quick round of Toy Soldiers and Grass Pickers.


Each exercise is 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. We did 4 sets of each exercise with 1 set of burpees between each letter.

B – Burpees
U – Up and Down (squats)
T – Mike Tysons
T – Tricep Dips
E – Elbow to Knee Crunch
R – Rosalitas (I tried to do Sandy Vs…Q fail)
M – Merkins
I – Incline Planche Merkins
L – Lunges
K – Kickstarters (we really did Big Boy Situps but I encouraged everyone to do add the extra leg kick in honor of Def Leppard)

That pretty much filled the whole hour. I sprinkled in some factoids about buttermilk along the way so that everyone better understood the greatness of this -uh- wonderful drink. Here are a few.
– Buttermilk doesn’t contain butter, it is actually the milk leftover after churning butter.
– Therefore, it has less fat that regular milk
– Most buttermilk in stores is made using bacteria cultures and is not a butter byproduct. Who knew buttermilk was cultured?
– Buttermilk stays fresh longer than regular milk. Insert freshness jokes here.
– It provides all macronutrients needed. You can survive on buttermilk.

Prayer requests: Stogie and is dad, Sister Act and family, Breaker’s wife, Sarah Guy and family (transplant), MW’s grandma, praise for Catamount being able to return to work (and continued prayers), Sprinkler. YHC took us out in prayer.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead. I think I brought a solid effort from a 1st F perspective and I hope everyone got some chuckles along the way. I need the bodyweight stuff to supplement the running I’ve been doing so, selfishly, I needed that type of workout anyway! Props to BOS for putting together the Extinction Run. It was a great event and I’m glad I was able to hang around for some running and 2nd F afterward!

  • Montross

2/23/21 – The STORM

Thirteen storm chasers showed up at The Storm to get in some good work in the pre-dawn gloom.  By the time we were finished, we could see the sky getting brighter on the east horizon.  It was a great start to the day!  EZ Rider, Watts Up, BOS and Dirt got in some EC before the work out.



Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Hillbilly Walkers IC x 20


Mosey out the back road of the school to Lakewood Road, stopping at each speed bump for 50 squats.  HALT….. Doodles is exiting his car late!  Stop and do 20 Monkey Humpers OYO with rear facing Doodles.  Continue on to Lakewood road after saluting Doodles.

5 Burpees at Lakewood Road

Mosey to the back of the school stopping at each speed bump for 15 Merkins.

Dora 1-2-3-4       PAX 1 runs to the stairs by the loading dock and does 20 Calf Raises while Pax #2 AMRAP’s the exercises.  Flap Jack when PAX 1 returns.

50 8 count body Builders

100 Merkins

200 dips (I wanted to Step Ups but the benches were icey)

300 Flutter kicks counting one leg

400 Air Presses


Mosey to the front of the school for Suicide American Hammers.  10 reps, counting one side, at the first line in the parking lot.  20 reps at the second line and back to first line for 10 reps.  30 reps at the third line and 10 reps back at the start.

Almost time.  Mosey back to the flag for more 8 Count Body Builders IC until time.  I think we got in 6 or 7 of them.

Good work today gentlemen!


Prayer Request:



3 Showed at the Dawg

I guess on the heels of what was a monsoon-like couple of weeks most of the dogs decided to stay in the doghouse for this chilly and dry morning.  However, as they say a small yet mighty group decided to get after it this morning.  It was a great way to start the day.

Here’s how it went.

We ran some.  There was some stretching, SSH’s, LBC’s, CDD’s, kettle bell swings, more running, squat to overhead lifts, more running, dips, calf raises, more running, tricep extensions, merkins, squats, more running, WWI’s, WWII’s, and more running.

It was a wonderful morning.  Everyone (all 3) was in good spirits.  We all 3 worked hard and had great conversation.

It was a real pleasure.

Until next time,



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