Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2021 (Page 9 of 11)

QSource 2021 @ Crossroads

Guys, I would like to personally invite and challenge each of you to tackle a QSource QPoint one Sunday morning after Crossroads in 2021,  especially if you’re not from the Folsom area.  All the resources you need are located on the F3 Nation website.  I’ve attached the current list of QPoints and Qs that have stepped up!  Will you be one of them?  Please pick something you’d like to learn more about or share and contact me.  Thanks.  AYE! QSource 2021

QSource: Foundation / F1 Disruption

If you’ve been wanting to join QSource but not start in the middle, now’s the perfect time!  We will be starting fresh on the entire series this Sunday (1/10/2021).  Join us right after Crossroads for Qpoint “Foundation” presented by Broke.  I challenge all the PAXs to show & grow your leadership skills.  Hope to see you there!

Crossroads – He Didn’t Ask…

13 PAXs gathered for yet another wet run at Crossroads.  Sister Act returned for his inaugural “post-knee surgery” PT run… wait a minute, he didn’t ask his doctor if it was ok to start PT!  Oh well!

After the run we gathered for announcements, pledge, and the COT.  Big Pappy prayed us out.

Announcement:  Convergence at Folsom Saturday (1/9/21) @ 07:00.  Please fill the parking lot near the tennis courts 1st then overflow to the lower lot.  We will gather at the bottom of the lower lot for the workout.

Prayer requests:  Sheldon Christy (YHC’s neighbor) for speedy recovery from snow skiing accident / Gold Digger & family for a safe and healthy delivery / those with Covid  & vaccine success / YHC starting his new job

Easy as ABC

Good morning, chilly 17*,  Painlab work as easy as ABC

Pledge and warmup with Gashouse regulars.

Work 45 sec, rest 15, AMAP break 1 minute

A-Annie, B-Bobby Hurley, C-Copperhead squat

4 repeats

A-American Hammer, B-Box Cutter, C-Crab Humper or mod Crab Crunch

4 repeats

A-Al Gore, B-Bear Crawl, C-Carolina Dry Dock

4 repeats

A-Ass Kickers, B-Baby Crunches, C-Cockroaches, dying or resurrecting

Cool down stretching, hammies, quads, calfs. All to old fart Classic Rock and Roll from 70s and 80s.

What happens with double respected Q

The streak continues

5 burpees for the train I heard when I opened garage this morning ( EZ Rider admitted to hearing it as well!)
Toy Soldiers, Merkins, plank Jacks all in cadence x10
Very short disclaimer ( found out Folgers fairly new and working towards better physique and running …. chose shorter path to Robinson…
Along way stop for 5 hand release merkins near to Planet Fitness who exhibit small numbers …. I explain that on news spokesperson for them admitted to 50% lower numbers ….EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR EHing I TELL ALL ( And to those 1 1/2 readers of this post!!)
Continue on trek …nur from daycare to covered area
20 dips this side mosey to end for 19 step ups and back each time dropping a number … about halfway through use only 1/2 of covered area ( stop at wooden benches for dips) al the way to 1

Slow mosey to steps that Captain Stubing FORGOT to clean off!!
1 scorpion merkin at top and 1 merkin at bottom …. add 1 merkin at bottom until 5

Uh oh …. 4 for 4 ….. and the streak continues ….
step over ….. and…..
20 lbcs
Wall sits … add a March

train?? EZ Rider makes us do 5 more burpees


Mosey back and finish like we normally begin …
SSH iC x10

Time !!!

Convergence Saturday Folsom only 7am

Prayers for nation ,, those struggling with Covid ,,Folgers continuing to come and improve

Lastly I told all of book I just finished from Danish author Fredrick Backman … ANXIOUS PEOPLE…..this story is partially about suicide and how it affects those around ….this man writes amazing fictional stories that show us who we are deep down , makes you contemplate situations you may or may not have and look at things through another perspective … and his stories are so circuitous that you often wonder where this story develops next …. in fact Tom Hanks is rumored to play Ove ( Pronounced Oo Vay) in a screen version of A MAN CALLED OVE, one of his earliest most popular and critically acclaimed works.. look into it faithful reader. 

Merkins? Burpees? What?!?!?

It was another beautiful morning to push the rock here in God’s country. The usual dudes showed up and this is what happened.


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup – Moroccan Night Clubs x10 IC, Don Quixote x10 IC

Mosey to the back of the school and say hello to Rose the nice school sanitizer lady on the way. YHC was consumed with work and family the night before The Ricky Bobby and didn’t put together a new weinke. Thank goodness for the Deck of Death! That thing is a lifesaver when you don’t want to totally improvise but still want a solid beatdown. There are several ways to use the deck in a workout. Today we chose just to do the exercise listed on the card and do the number of reps it called for. Number cards would be the number plus 10 for reps, face cards are 25 reps and aces were 100 of whatever it said to do.

Unfortunately there were way too many merkin and burpee cards for YHC’s liking today. Clampett even told a fib and said his card was 15 burpees when it wasn’t! That guy’s BHC membership needs to be reviewed by Buckshot. Anyway, they got done along with all the other stuff and we finished as much of the deck as we could.

One of the highlights of the workout was the musical accompaniment and the fact that it wasn’t interrupted by Deputy Chief Roscoe. We missed him being there though! Here’s the playlist for those like Short Sale who care to give it a look.

Mosey to the front without getting hit by cars  because you ran into the street.  Thankfully everyone made it back to the start in one piece. Times up!

Announcements: Convergence this Saturday, Tiger looking to launch a Friday workout in Belmont

Prayer Requests: Our public safety officers, school staff and our country

Remember men, there is a huge need for what F3 can provide our community. Always be EHing!

PB Run!!

14 men out for a run this morning. Everyone was pushing the rock today! I can see a huge difference in some of the guys that are steady pushing right now and it’s encouraging to me as the site Q of this AO.

Men are getting better out here each week and it all starts with a little motivation from each other. Let’s stay in tune with each other because it’s easy to fall off especially when injury comes into play. It’s easy to get comfortable at the house and use that injury as an excuse!! Injury happens to everyone and sometimes you can’t get out but don’t get complacent! Be consistent wether you’re walking a mile or running 10 miles BE CONSISTENT!

Continue to push guys and continue to BE THE LIGHT. We desperately need that right now!!

thank you for the opportunity to lead it’s great seeing you guys

Gym Class Fun

It was a little on the chilly side but not much.  It was also a little on the rainy side but not much there either.  All in all a great morning to get up, get out, and shake a tail feather.

Keeping in mind the legendary Coach Byrd for back in the day when Grier was still a Jr High School we stuck to the basics.

It went a little something like this.

SSH x 20

Monkey Humpers


Mountain Climbers



Flutters x 10

Run a lap around the parking lot…

Rinse and repeat the above sequence x 15 and again x 20

Move to the benches for another sequence


Toe risers

Merkins all x 15) x 3}

Run a lap around parking lot

On your 6 for abs

LBC’s x 50

Heels to heaven x 25

{(oblique crunches each side x 20) x 2}

Run a lap around parking lot


Burpees x 5



Convergence Saturday a 7 on Saturday–Rumor has it that there will be a painlab



Prayer Concerns:

Les Nessmans Father in Law in Hospice

Dry Rubs Father in Law with his last round of chemo.


It was a great honor and privilege to be joined by such a great group of HIM’s




I signed up for the Q last week and the forecast said no rain! Well… it was wrong! But thankfully it wasn’t bad. Also, Allen Tate calls me yesterday and told me he had an fng coming this morning, a friend of ours, and AT was all excited and asked could he name him if he keeps it clean. I didn’t have to worry about it, Allen Tate was a No show! But his fng showed! Welcome f3 Ball Joint “ Micha Montaleon “! 530 hits and we get started!
Moroccan nightclubs – a lot

Toy Soldier’s- 15 ic

Everybody grab a block and head to the tennis courts! Line up on the edge of the first court, 20 reps of…

Shoulder press




then rifle carry to the next court, then 19 reps and so on down to 1 rifle carrying between every court, with some running along the way!

We finished on the far end of the courts, we rifle carried back to the truck.
Circled back up for a little marry which I let sister act call the first exercise and Wichita call the next, that want happen again!
announcements- convergence Saturday at Folsom, Men’s snowbird retreat in March

Prayer request- SA and family, MW, each other!

Thanks for letting me lead! Welcome ball joint!

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