7 Pax started the workout with one showing up later. 1 needed to run so Oompa took off wearing a Pink Floyd T shirt and some colorfully striped leggings that would have made Purple Haze jealous. Pockets showed up straight from working wearing steel-toed boots and still put in the work. I told the Pax there would be real options in this workout unlike when Freight says choose option A or B and then he does what he was going to do anyway. They were dubious about the options.
Warmup: SSH x 10, Cotton Pickers x 10, Hillbillies x 10, CDD’s x 10. Pledge.
Grab a block and slow mosey to the bottom of the Field #4 parking lot. The size of these blocks may not have been as large as some blocks, but I weighed one and it weighed 24 lbs. which is pretty good. I’m sure Rudolph would insist on 32 lbs. but we made them work. I’m sure Seuss will be upset that he missed this one.
The Thang: In seven parking spaces there was a very fancy creatively designed paper leaf with a “Block Option” written on one side and an ab exercise (without the block) on the other. It was their choice to make. After each “Block Option” you would have to rifle carry your block one lap around the parking lot and return to the next parking spot to choose your options. If you chose the ab exercise option, you then needed to run (without the block) the lap around the parking lot. It appeared as if most were alternating the “Block Option” with the Ab exercise option. The fancy paper leaves were labeled something like this:
30 Block Curls or 30 Flutter Kicks
30 Block Chest Presses or 30 Squats
30 Block Overhead Presses or 30 LBC’s
30 Block Swings or 30 WWII’s
30 Block Alpo’s or 30 WWI’s
30 Block Curls or 30 Flutter Kicks
30 Block Chest Presses or 30 Squats.
The rifle carry after the “Block Option” was tough. Most got through about a round and a half. Somewhere very near the end of this Montross showed up in an effort to receive full credit for a post but that is up to Watts Up to make the call. Some chatter about Freight’s love handles, Slaw’s toboggan size, Montross’s tights. Lil Sweet had a great story about them slinging Ash Pond up into the air about 20 feet with a bed sheet and when he landed the sheet split and he got hurt. Good times. Get your block and mosey back to the flag.
The point of the paper leaves was from a frequently used phrase around this time of year “turning over a new leaf”. When we each think of a resolution or a change we need to make, most of us immediately think of a specific area or habit we need to improve. I told the guys to make an effort to turn over a new leaf in that area or habit and make a solid effort to get better. It is usually up to us to make the change.
Announcements: Not much.
Prayer Requests: Lil Sweet and Slaw’s cousin, Gold Digger’s M and new baby and new grandson for Broke, our country and it’s leaders.
Freight took us out.