Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2021 (Page 6 of 11)

Turn Over A New Leaf

7 Pax started the workout with one showing up later. 1 needed to run so Oompa took off wearing a Pink Floyd T shirt and some colorfully striped leggings that would have made Purple Haze jealous. Pockets showed up straight from working wearing steel-toed boots and still put in the work. I told the Pax there would be real options in this workout unlike when Freight says choose option A or B and then he does what he was going to do anyway. They were dubious about the options.

Warmup: SSH x 10, Cotton Pickers x 10, Hillbillies x 10, CDD’s x 10. Pledge.

Grab a block and slow mosey to the bottom of the Field #4 parking lot. The size of these blocks may not have been as large as some blocks, but I weighed one and it weighed 24 lbs. which is pretty good. I’m sure Rudolph would insist on 32 lbs. but we made them work. I’m sure Seuss will be upset that he missed this one.

The Thang: In seven parking spaces there was a very fancy creatively designed paper leaf with a “Block Option” written on one side and an ab exercise (without the block) on the other. It was their choice to make. After each “Block Option” you would have to rifle carry your block one lap around the parking lot and return to the next parking spot to choose your options. If you chose the ab exercise option, you then needed to run (without the block) the lap around the parking lot. It appeared as if most were alternating the “Block Option” with the Ab exercise option. The fancy paper leaves were labeled something like this:
30 Block Curls or 30 Flutter Kicks
30 Block Chest Presses or 30 Squats
30 Block Overhead Presses or 30 LBC’s
30 Block Swings or 30 WWII’s
30 Block Alpo’s or 30 WWI’s
30 Block Curls or 30 Flutter Kicks
30 Block Chest Presses or 30 Squats.
The rifle carry after the “Block Option” was tough. Most got through about a round and a half. Somewhere very near the end of this Montross showed up in an effort to receive full credit for a post but that is up to Watts Up to make the call. Some chatter about Freight’s love handles, Slaw’s toboggan size, Montross’s tights. Lil Sweet had a great story about them slinging Ash Pond up into the air about 20 feet with a bed sheet and when he landed the sheet split and he got hurt. Good times. Get your block and mosey back to the flag.
The point of the paper leaves was from a frequently used phrase around this time of year “turning over a new leaf”. When we each think of a resolution or a change we need to make, most of us immediately think of a specific area or habit we need to improve. I told the guys to make an effort to turn over a new leaf in that area or habit and make a solid effort to get better. It is usually up to us to make the change.

Announcements: Not much.

Prayer Requests: Lil Sweet and Slaw’s cousin, Gold Digger’s M and new baby and new grandson for Broke, our country and it’s leaders.
Freight took us out.

Day One at Belmont Central

After much more discussion than was needed, the day finally arrived to test a new Friday morning option for Gastonia region.  Strong number of Pax came out to show support.

No FNGs, let’s get started.  10 SSH, 10 Grass Pickers, 10 burpees.  Mosey.

Track with play ground equipment is at the soccer field beside school.  YHC calls for modified Murph.  Run a lap, 10 reverse rows, 20 merkins, 30 squats.   10 rounds.  Track is .2 miles.

Few minutes remain, mosey to bottom of hill where YHC likes to stage Bo Dereks.  Do few step ups, back up the hill to the flag.  Pledge.

Moleskin:  YHC devotion yesterday was on being powerless.  Speaking of how things happen in life that we have absolutely no control over. Sometimes they are small things in life, but sometimes they are big.   How we respond can go long ways in defining success.

Announcements:  New Q source option also launching in Belmont on Saturdays.  After the boot camp, meet at Cherub’s at 8:00 for Q source discussion.  Breaker Breaker is putting this together.  Q’s will be needed.

Prayer requests: Tick Tock and family, Double Trouble from Metro, Nutria friend Pat that has cancer, Breaker Breaker niece with covid.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor


5 Suggestions…

With a soft launch of a new Friday AO in Belmont, YHC wasn’t sure what the turnout for today’s OG Friday beating was going to be.   Finishing a little EC with EZ RIder, two known trucks roll in.  Well, at least there will be four.  By the time 0530 arrived ten were gathered around YHC.

No FNGs, but YHC did advise this was a you vs. you day.  Modify (the 5 suggestions) as needed.

We knockout the Pledge of Allegiance and then move to warmup.


  • 10 SSH IC
  • 10 Merkins OYO
  • Mosey to parking garage via MLK


Perform a count of 2 each of the exercises listed.  Mosey to top of the garage via the stairs.  2 Burpees, Return to the bottom.  Increase count of exercises by 2 each round.  Burpees stay at 2.

  • SSH
  • Merkin
  • LBC
  • Squat

Hold after the round with count of 20.

15 Elbows to Knees IC
15 Flutters IC

Back to the regular program, but start to work back down…

Time started to get short, so hold after the lap for a count of 12.

Mosey back to flag the direct route.

Finish time with flutters.


Prayer Requests:

  • TickTock
  • Double  Trouble
  • Nation

Mayor took us out.


I hope we had a good group in Belmont this morning.


Until next time.

Watts Up Powering Down.

Ab Day, and Other Stuff Too

It was a cold 31 degree morning.  Happy to report that is was dry and the stars were beautiful.  They gave us something to look at while doing all of those Big Boys.

7 HIMs showed to the Snoballs parking lot and where gathered around Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha on YHC’s arrival.  We moved to a drier location in the parking for our good morning salutations and greetings and left the lake front for another time.

Clavin had the flag planted upon arrival and it was now nearing 5:30am.  Time to get busy and make it worth our efforts to rise out of the fartsack like a Phoenix and enter the frozen gloom for the impending beatdown.



SSH x 20 (double count)

20 mountain climbers (double count)

20 merkins (single count)

Mosey to the bank parking lot for a more effective warmup:

Triple Nickle– mountain climbers that side and squats this side x 5.  Much warmer now.

Mosey to the parking lot of the maintenance shed:

20 merkins

20 LBC’s

20 flutters (double count)

It was noticed that there may be several differing mathematical paths to count this.  This led to a discussion about how many legs to count and when to count them.  YHC threw out the veto Q card and defined “double count”.

Above x 15

Above x 10

Mosey to the clubhouse in the middle of the ballfields:

Partner up (one was a group of 3)

P1 runs down to the parking lot and does 10 merkins (there was quite a bit of discussion as to where the sidewalk ends and the parking lot begins.  We the think tank almost had it figured out by 6.  It was a hoot.)

P2 stays and does AMRAP of Big Boys.  The concrete was cold and the stars were big, bright, and plenty.  I think we almost lost EZ Rider to frostbite and Hypothermia.  I am happy to report that he was a trooper and narrowly pulled thru with very little medical attention needed.

This x 3

Rinse and repeat with CDDs in the parking lot (wherever we decided it was) and Heels to Heaven.

This x 3

Mosey to the lower shelter behind the turd shack for:

Step ups x 20 double count..same definition of “double count” as stated above after further discussion.

On the way back to Snoballs we stopped for

20 Squats

Was going to Monkey Humpers but was Omaha’d.

20 oblique crunches each side (after an excellent request from Stinky Bird)

Mosey back to flag:



Mortimer and P200 coming in the near future.

Prayer requests:

Country and leadership

People with Covid

Our families




It was great to see the regulars and to meet Folger.  All the guys were an awesome encouragement as I’ve come to expect but not taken for granted.  Everyone pushed hard, mumble chatter was ridiculous and fun, and it was just a wonderful way to start the day.

It was an honor




TRB Surprise!

A couple weeks ago, YHC agreed to let Watts Up take the Q for his Jan. 12 F3 anniversary.  Later we negotiated a trade for YHC to Q today at TRB. But we didn’t bother telling our award-winning Site Q, so Surprise!

The Thang:
Warm up with SSH, mountain climbers.
Mosey around track to north soccer goal “corner.” for a modified “4 corners” regimen:
10 Bobby Hurleys, lap
10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 dips at bleachers
10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 dips, 30 BB sit-ups at south-side goal
10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 dips, 30 BB sit-ups, 40 merkins across from bleachers.

Lap around track, then round 2 starting across the field from bleachers:
10 merkins, lap
10 merkins, 20 plank jacks at north-side goal
10 merkins, 20 plank jacks, 30 step-ups at bleachers
10 merkins, 20 plank jacks, 30 step-ups, 40 flutter kicks at south-side goal

Mosey to back parking lot for circle of “Bear Crawl around Mary” where one PAX names an exercise and calls cadence (or OYO) while PAX to his right bear crawls around the circle.  8-count Man-Makers, Merkins, LBC’s, Rosalitas, squats, imperial walkers, lunges, goofballs, SSH, Peter Parkers, etc.

Mosey back to flag just in time for pledge, announcements and prayers. Great start to a cold morning at the The Ricky Bobby!

– Nutria

Court Time

It was a great morning for an old school style Folsom workout. The Weinke was prepared and ready to unveil. YHC may have needed to bring it in writing. One thing about my medicine tapers, my mind gets foggy and I have a hard time thinking clearly and getting words out. Nature of the beast, nonetheless, it made for some friendly mumble chatter.

I see an FNG!



SSH, gravel pickers, toy soldiers all x10 IC
Mosey to the tennis courts.


Four corners. Each corner has its Assigned exercise and count. This time, you will mosey to corner 1, perform exercise and return to start for 1 burpee. Mosey to corner 2, but stopping also to perform the exercise at corner 1. And so on. Every time you go through a station you perform that exercise.
Station 1, 10 merkins
Station 2, 20 big boys
Station 3, 30 squats
Station 4, 40 lbcs
Some grab a breather and some pick up the 6. Grab a partner and Line up for some Dora. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 lbcs. The Runner takes a trip the the end of the courts and back.
One final lap and mosey to the flag.
22 for the Vets.


YHC took us out in prayer.

One way to be motivated to post is to volunteer or be voluntold to Q. I can’t remember if and when I was ever voluntold, but to avoid that possibility, you volunteer. Encouragement from your fellow PAX to just get out there one way or the other has been my driving motivation. 2020 sucked. It was hard enough to be fighting to free myself from a medication that has controlled my life for so long, but to add income loss, homeschooling, and other crap I don’t want to bore you with. Anyway, what I’m getting at, is that I need this group of men. My M even notices a difference when I’m posting regularly. I’m sure many of you share the same sentiment. I appreciate the opportunity to be part of such a great organization.

MDub out!

The Climb

7 on a Tuesday at Midoriyama is a little light. Where was everyone? Skeered? Cold? Who knows but the men that showed came to do work!


SSH x 20 ic Blart was doing a  lot of mummblechatter and grinning but wouldn’t repeat what he said.

Seal Jacks x 10 ic

Let’s mosey to one of the long parking lots.

The Thang:

Slaw’s WOD-Do the exercise and run a lap in between each one. The number is his age.

Squats x 47


American Hammers


Starburst (Dr Seuss tried to skip these)

Wide arm merkin

One legged burpee

Diamond merkin

After the final lap we did a round of Dan Taylors. Squat/Lunge at a 1/4 Ratio. Boy these are fun!

We took the long way back to the flag and called it a day.



Announcements-None right now

Prayer Request-The new baby on the way(it’s here now), Those that are sick.

Def took us out


I chose the Slaw Wod to honor Slaw a little. He suffered through a bit of leftover Navy injury a while back and it put him down in the valley. If you don’t know about the valley you’ve obviously not had to endure the Def Leppard ups and downs workout. We all go through ups and downs or peaks and valleys in life. I repeat we ALL go through them. It’s not just you. So Slaw was on the peak a while back, running faster than I’ve ever seen him. He wasn’t just flipping bats he was juggling them as he passed by people. Then this injury kicked him in the back and rolled him  hard down the other side of the Mtn. He spent his time in the valley but he’s making a  come back. I’ve noticed he’s posting almost everyday again and he’s getting his wind back. He’ll be juggling by me in no time. The point is we all get knocked down and the road back is never easy but we can get back up the hill again. It’s hard but it’s a lot easier when you have people to push and pull you on the way. So shout out to OL’ Slaw  for not only making the climb but showing the rest of us it can be done!



Running @PB

14 hammers out putting in miles at Prison Break!

some guys ran 3 some ran 5 everybody put in work though and it was great seeing everybody out.



Prayer Request

Gold digger M and baby

SA family


I took us out


Thanks guys for allowing me to lead another week!!

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