Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2020 (Page 5 of 11)


It was 37 degrees at TRB this morning. That’s close enough to 35 for a triple-nickel beatdown. With a knotted left hamstring suffered during Watts Up’s brick-burpee torture at the Storm yesterday, YHC had trouble running but came up with some modifications. It went like this:

Warm up with 20x IC each SSH, Imperial Walkers, Nolan Ryans. Pledge.

Box cutters at flag, side-shuffle to gate, 4-count Derkins. Mosey to back lot.
Mike Tysons, Zombie walk across width (short way) of parking lot, 4-count Australian Superman flutters.
Plank jacks, karaoke across length (long way) of parking lot, 4-count diamond merkins.
Time left for half of another round: Big Boys, burpee-broad jump across width of parking lot, CDD’s.

It felt just a tiny bit warmer as the gloom gave way to daybreak on the horizon. Mosey back to flag for announcements, wrap up with prayer.

F3 Shelby Convergence

F3 Gastonia…here’s an opportunity to get out of our region and support another one.  On December 5th, F3 Shelby will be having a convergence from 7-8am .  In 2018, we ventured up to this region and it was probably one of the coldest and nastiest workouts ever.  64 PAX survived it and hopefully the weather will not be the same this time but if it is “OH WELL”.

Be on the lookout for more information on Slack and more details to come over the next couple weeks.



Diablo Sammich Squish Squash

I showed in the pouring down rain and rucked 1.6 miles up Union Road and turned around at Governor Square Sub-Division.  While on the hike up stopped at Banks, Grace Veterinarian, and the Gas Station doing 50 Squats, 50 Side Straddle Hops, 50 Monkey Humpers, 30 Merkins. This was a squish squash workout.

Werkin them sexy muscles

I was late for my own Q! But no matter we hit the ground running.

warm up:ssh,gravel pickers,squats,mountain climbers,merkins x10 all IC

mosey to flag 5 burpees at each light pole on the way,pledged it up

15 diamond merkins 15 reverse crunches lap around the island x3

15 tricep ext 15 heels to heaven lap around the island x3

mosey to back lot lunge walk to every 3rd line do 10 leg raises halfway across

back shelter pull-ups to failure then 25 calf raises x3

bear crawl to each 3rd line do ascending merkins half way across lot time up

Q shared a word from the word and closed in prayer. Thankful for the chance to lead good work was done by all them sexy muscles got a little sexier y’all’s wives will be glad you posted until the next time Westside out

Deck the Halls 2020 Christmas Party Preblast

Men – it’s that time of year again.  We will have our annual Christmas party on December 12th.  The location will be Lewis Farms.  330 Lewis Road, Gastonia 28054.   As a reminder, this is a grownup party, no 2.0s.  So bring your wife and/or girlfriend and join us for a good time.  The party will start at 6pm.  You are encouraged to wear your most festive outfit.   Please take a moment to complete the below information.   The cost will be about 10.00/person.  The final cost will not be known until we have a final count on the number of people attending.  We have signups for plates, cups, drinks and such… but the main food will be catered by the Country Kitchen.   Also, please take a moment to vote for the below awards.  In the mean time and between time, please let me know if you have any questions.  I (Huckleberry) can be reached at 704-914-5813 or at  Please RSVP by the 27th so we can plan accordingly for the food.


Signup below:

Laying Bricks @ The Storm

4 showed for EC.

As YHC was still trying to recover from that, 0530 sneaks up along  with 11 more PAX for a total of 15.

No FNGs, so only a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


11 Merkins IC
21 MNCs IC (was supposed to be 20)

The idea was to do today’s date, but that didn’t work out.

Either way,  let mosey around the parking lot and end up back at the flag.  Following Flintstone’s Q yesterday with bricks, YHC asked him to bring this morning.  So everyone grab 2 bricks from the “Foot-Mobile”.

Time for some more moseying… around the back to the parking lot for some Escalating 5 Quarters.

On End One:
5 Overhead Presses with Bricks
5 Triceps Presses with Bricks
5 Upright Rows with Bricks
5 Plank Flys (each arm) with Bricks
5 Chest Presses with Bricks

Mosey to the other end

On End Two:
5 Merkins
5 Squats
5 Plank Jacks
5 LBCs

Repeat, but increase the count by 5 each time.  The last set was 25 of everything.

Pickup the bricks and mosey around to the front/side for the next set of fun.

Three sets of Step-Ups and Dips…
15 Each Leg on the step-ups holding the bricks.
15 Dips – 1 footed with the 1 foot on the stacked bricks.

Meander to the parking lot for Brickee-cides.

Mosey to the 1st line, perform 2 Brickees.  Leave the bricks, return to the start for 5 American Hammers.  Retrieve bricks and continue to 2nd line for 4 Brickees.  Repeat the pattern until the last line for 10 Brickees.

All were between the 4th and 5th line when the 44 minute mark hit.  Omaha where you are and head back to the flag to reload the Footmobile.

Sorry, not sorry for the OT.


  • AO Shirts still available through this week.  Of the 4 available, only GasHouse has enough to print.  Get your orders in.
  • Over half way on the 40 day challenge.  Keep up the intensity.
  • Christmas Party 12/12.

Prayer Requests:

  • All of those listed on Sargento’s 40 Day Prayer Challenge.
  • Roscoe Safe Travels to PA
  • Roscoe’s 2.1 Surgery
  • Sargento’s M.

YHC took us out.


Thanks to Flintstone for providing the coupons for today!


It was an honor to lead.  I hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

You never forget your first

Great group of HIMs from all over the region converged on “Martha’s House” for a little nostalgic beatdown courtesy of the one and only — Outhouse.

YHC had been excited about this workout for days leading up to it, and the excitement was too much, as I was primed to start the workout at 5:27.  The PAX assembled at that time all noted that the flag and signs were gone from the bank across the street.  All signs (or lack thereof) pointed to it shutting down, and taking its flag with it.  5:30 came, and with it a couple more men to join the PAX, and we kicked things off with a disclaimer, but the pledge would have to wait.

The Thang:

  • 20x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 20x Plank Jacks (IC)
  • 25x LBCs (IC)
  • 15x Freddie Mercuries (IC)

To The Footmobile for supplies, in this case, bricks, then we moseyed towards the park, took the first road we saw and followed it through the dark to the rocks where we zigzag ran before heading to the center of the ballfields where a well positioned flag was waiting for us for the pledge of allegiance.

At this point, I disclosed to the PAX that all we had done so far, and the workout that brought out the bricks was from August 5th, 2015.  On that day, 12 men took a similar journey, with Outhouse the QIC.  All I knew showing up that day was I needed to bring gloves, don’t worry about the names of the exercises, just copy what everyone else is doing, and when it comes time say my hospital name, my age, and “FNG”.

The workout was called “Wheel of Bricks”.  Starting from the center of the ballfields for each spoke, we did the following exercises with a brick in each hand:

  • 25 Standing Chest Flys
  • Apollo Ohno halfway
  • 15 Chest Flys
  • Apollo Ohno to end
  • 10 Chest Flys
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Run out counterclockwise and down the next spoke to the center

  • 25 Bent Over Raises
  • Duck Walk halfway
  • 15 Bent Over Raises
  • Duck Walk to end
  • 10 Bent Over Raises
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Run out counterclockwise and down the next spoke to the center

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • Frog Hop halfway
  • 15 Overhead Presses
  • Frog Hop to end
  • 10 Overhead Presses
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Run out counterclockwise and down the next spoke to the center

  • 25 Skull Crushers
  • Zombie Walk halfway
  • 15 Skull Crushers
  • Backwards Run (NUR?) to end
  • 10 Skull Crushers
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Well right as we got started with the Chest Flys, Stinky Bird comes rolling in.  I have no idea how he found us, except just sheer luck, or lack thereof.  He ran back to The Footmobile for his bricks and caught up.

Lots of mumblechatter about Outhouse: why he made us do all that running (was it from his marathon training days?), what’s he been up to?, maybe we should just throw these bricks at his house as a sign of appreciation.

We rolled through the Wheel of Bricks, and moseyed back the way we came, zig zagging through the rocks back to one of the picnic areas.  This is the only place where my workout diverged from the original.  Here we did:

  • 30x LBCs (w/bricks OYO; from Outhouse’s workout)
  • 15x Step Ups (each leg, w/bricks OYO)
  • 30x Michael Phelps (count 1 side, w/bricks OYO)
  • 15x Step Ups (each leg, w/bricks OYO)

Mosey back to The Footmobile to restack the bricks, then 5 burpees to finish things off.


  • November Challenges
  • Christmas Party (Dec, 12)
  • Shirts (order them)

Prayer Requests:

  • EZ Rider’s family
  • Our country
  • Sargento’s Prayer List


It was great to see Cinderella back at it.  Y’all know I’ve not been a regular, so all I really knew about Cinderella was he showed to Buckshot’s VQ in a physical state that was obviously not cleared by his doctor.  That’s the kind of HIM I want to learn from.

It’s amazing how these mornings in the gloom leave their mark.  I can go on for as long as you want about workouts and how they’ve shaped me, whether it’s Wet Nutz bear crawls, Sargento’s bluetooth speaker, T-Square’s Memorial Day beatdown, Whoopee’s “NO RUNNING” workout, the Wolfpack Grinder, Roscoe’s 40 days of discipline, running the Hill at the Storm with JK2, Virus’s WOJ, Gastone’s Hill, the 5 mile loop at the Coconut Horse, or any other of the countless number of mornings (and afternoons at Midoryama) that I can recall by how it felt to be there.  It’s the best remedy for Sadclown Syndrome, and I’m just glad to get to be a part of it.

Last, but not least, thanks to Outhouse.  For the beatdown, sure, but also for the name.  It coulda been a lot worse.  Been proud to be “Flintstone” ever since.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Goat Site Q’s First Q as Site Q – 11-5-20

Well I do not quite remember everything we did as I used the force to lead me in the Q. We started with a mosey around the downtown. Then we ran up 8th Ave for an exercise at each light pole. Once we got to First Baptist parking lot, we did a triple nickel with some ab work. Then it was off to the Cramerton community center to sit on the wall and reflect on politics and the world. You sit while your partner went up the stairs for a set of burpees, squats, and abs. Did that 3 times…I believe. The next round was feet up on the wall while your partner ran around the building. Did that 3 times…I believe. Then we moseyed back to the church lot to start our lunges at every other light pole on the way back. Wrapped up with some stretching with the time remaining. Pledge, Announcements, Prayer Requests, and COT. Lesson learned to write down your workout after the workout.

Prayer requests – Our nation, Breaker Breaker’s family, Flintstone’s sister with COVID (She is doing better), my father in law.

Thanksgiving is at 7am at The Goat

The Sword – 11/16/20

The Sword is a special challenge to Q. As a running AO, there is no weinke to plan, but I always feel more pressure than a regular AO. This is 3rd F…the truly important stuff! Like many things in life, I like to keep my eyes open for a sign or other “clues” as to what is the “right” verse to share (not unlike the story I told Tool time and Sarrlac Saturday morning). While perusing Facebook this weekend and navigating the political/election posts and pics of everyone’s life highlights, I saw this cool pic that immediately caught my attention. 2 Corinthians 7:14 appiles to our country now more than ever! I knew this was the one!

Before the discussing the verse, I had a great mosey with Purple Haze. My running is pretty bad right now and I appreciate Haze hanging out with the six! Better late than never, Sparky joined us around 6 a.m. for the message.

Prayer requests: Sparky’s injury, parents and co-worker, Wichita’s parents, Purple Haze, Montross, Sargento’s prayer list. YHC took us out in prayer.

  • Montross aka Tronmoss aka T-Ron

Hold the Line at the Horse!

A nice morning for a run but it seemed warmer than the temperature indicated.  Breaker Breaker had committed to me via text that he would be running five miles early and then join the rest of us at the normally scheduled start time.  He can check that November challenge 10 miler off his list.  Defib can do the same as he ran six before the regular run.  Stroganoff appeared just before the start with a ruck so he got some EC as well.  Pockets was there and was ready to run.  Flintstone showed up at 0629 ready to run as well.  It was very foggy so a disclaimer was given before we left the parking lot.

Defib set the pace.  Whoopee was keeping up with him and I was starting to fall back around mile 2.5.    Whoopee started playing music on the Greenway.  The first song was Toto’s “Hold the Line”.  It was a good song to help motivate oneself to keep the pace.  After that song, something else was played but I couldn’t hear it because I was dropping back.  Needing that extra something, I took my shirt off and put it in my pocket.  This was the boost I needed and was soon on Whoopee’s heels as we started the gut check.  However, when I caught him he took his shirt off and then proceeded up past the armory and was breaking away!  When I caught him the next time he was playing beach music as I recall.  Anyway, we all finished up and Whoopee announced a PR at the Horse.  Good work!  Never underestimate the power of running with a faster man, and if you need an extra something, play some music or take your shirt off.  (Someone may want to share this with Runners World Magazine as it is great advice.  You’re welcome)

After the run, Short Sale showed up for Q-Source, Breaker had to leave for church, but Hush Puppy showed up after OYO running so I gave him credit.  Whoopee bought the coffee (I guess if you PR it is like hitting a hole in one…drinks on you?  Thanks Whoopee!)

A solid Q-Source on Team Development.  I am pretty sure that is what this F3 thing is about.  Even though we try to get better individually, we share the trust, equipping, accountability, and Missionality as we lead with virtue among each other.  I learn something every post from the men of F3.  I can remember several years ago thinking there was no way I could run 5 miles.  I came out anyway and have made it part of the routine.  Fortunately this good habit is hard to break.


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