Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 31, 2019

Rice N Beans and so much more


An impactful night like we had serving with Rice N Beans certainly deserves a backblast, and from what I saw, the 16 HIMs and one M  were the ones who were impacted the most.  We went to serve hot meals to the hungry, we went to cloth those about to spend a night outside in 20-degree weather, and we went to share God’s love with those who needed to hear it the most…….and what ended up happening was that we were changed in the process.  Changed with a better understanding of the struggles these men and women face, a better understanding of how blessed we are, and a better understanding of our calling to serve our fellow man.

1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Thank you for giving of yourselves and being a part of this incredible night.



Diablo Sammich was pretty cold this am. We had 4 ruckers out there-I was likely to make it but needed backup just in case so Gastone was prepared to take over. Thankfully it was a quiet night in GasVegas and I made it there for the 2nd week of Diablo Sammich. Voodoo and Pedal were ready to go so the four of us started with the pledge then took off like greased lightning…..well, we took off like……hmmm, like……well, we started on time and we were walking. Yeah, we were walking, not too fast but not too slow…..kind of like……..walking…..with rucks and some weight. We talked about GoRuck and what they have done to elevate the popularity of rucking with equipment (all made in USA) and events. If you haven’t done so, look them up. Great quality stuff and the events are true endurance testers-ask Boudin or Freight about the GoRuck Tough event or any of the others that did the GoRuck Light event (I was not at the light event but a few of the Folsom regulars and I think JK2 were there). Before I knew it we were at Harris Teeter for the beatdown.

Circle up in the parking lot, strip down naked, then dump buckets of cold water on each other and see who can stand there the longest. Gastone cheated and peed on himself. It was great. After about 35 minutes Pedal’s nose fell off and Voodoo passed out. We took him inside Harris Teeter and poured some hot coffee on him. Pretty soon he was ok. We duck taped the nose back on Pedal and we were set.

We went back outside and continued with the workout. We circled up again and started back into the workout. We did about 15 minutes of AMRAP-turned out to be 4 rounds of the following: 50 flutter kicks while holding ruck in front over your head, 25 squats holding ruck over your head, then 10 Merkins with ruck on back. After each round, we swapped rucks so everyone had a chance with each other’s rucks. Gastone won the contest with the least-easy-to-hold ruck with his weighted vest. It actually was a good thing-it was uncomfortable and that is almost always a good thing. We saw some of the Pub-runners come by and yelled at a few of them but don’t think they heard us. Once we got back to rucking we passed a few-only one I could tell was Anthrax since I was not wearing my glasses and my eyes were cloudy from the cold water we had dumped on each other.

We rucked back to start for COT.

One of the side effects of F3 is you tend to pick up habits from the guys you hang around with. Probably the one habit I have picked up has been reading more regularly. I am currently reading a book that Jocko talks about often-About Face. It is written by Col David Hackworth (US army retired) and although it is very long, it has kept my attention so far. There is a quote from Shakespeare in the most recent chapter and it reminded me of F3 so I read the quote to the guys at COT. Here is the (slightly paraphrased) quote from Henry V:

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day who rucks with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition and the ruck shall strengthen his back;

And gentlemen now in GasHouse in their fartsacks

Shall think themselves accursed were they not here,

And hold their justifiers cheap whiles any speaks or reads thy backblasts

To those that rucked with us upon Diablo Sammich.”


We closed with announcements and quick prayer. Hope you can make it next week for Diablo Sammich. Don’t forget the hike up Mt. Mitchell on ? May 2 and look for some info coming soon on BRR and BRR-Ruck.



The weather warmed up for what turned out to be a pretty nice afternoon at Gastonia’s finest JV AO. Almost time to get to work and a shiny new Dodge truck rolls in. Could it be a FNG? Good guess (and some might say a correct guess), but no, it’s none other than the infamous Allen Tate. Now that all is right with the world let’s get started.


Warm up with SSH”s, Moroccan nightclubs and Don Q’s then head out for the parking lot at the back of the park. Once there we did the following…


Perfom max reps of two different exercises then complete a lap around the lot.

Set #1 – Merkins and LBC’s

Set #2 – Mike Tyson’s and American Hammers

Set #3 – CDD’s and Big Boy sit ups

I finally had to call a stop on Set #3 as Freight and Gold Digger had decided that they could do Big Boys for a few hours.  Also, at some point during this portion of the workout there was a Sargento sighting. Thanks for stopping by, but next time come ready to workout.


Head back to the lot at the horseshoe pits and partner up for some Dora. 100 Little Gumby in the Woods, 200 Mountain Climbers and 300 Seal Jacks.


After Dora we did some rugby sprints with Rosalita’s, Monkey Humpers, Flutter Kicks, Plank Jacks and Freddie Mercury’s.


Headed back to the flag and finished up with LBFC’s and 22 for the Vets.



When I put together my weinke last night I had some words I wanted to share with the PAX, but after reading the devotion that Sparky posted today I changed my mind. If you aren’t doing it already, I encourage you to take a few minutes each day to read the devotion that Sparky puts on Slack each morning. We spent a few minutes talking about suffering, struggles and other issues we face daily.



CSAUP Feb. 23rd – sign up ASAP

Rooster March 2nd

There were others that I forgot – Q fail


Prayer Requests

Allen Tate’s M – kidney stones

Pizza Man’s M

Paysour family

Mull Family – passing of Tracy Mull

Gumby – continue to get better


YHC took us out.


Great group of guys today with plenty of mumble chatter. What else should you expect when Freight AND Allen Tate are around. Welcome to Barry McCraw, now known as Snooker.


All 4 Respect

On a cold, clear morning beneath the moon and planets, possibly Mars and Saturn, 4 HIMS warmed up quickly.



ALARM workout: Arm, Leg,Ab, R, M exercise

Warm-Up: Mosey to gazebo

Alarm1: oyo

A- Pull-ups x5

L-Lunges x10

A-Jump Squats x15

R-Rocky Balboa’s x20

M-Merkins x25



Alarm 2: with partner: one pax does a lap, other performs the exercise:

A- Dips x100

L-Squats x150

A-Flutter Kicks x200

R-Russian Twists x250

M-Mt. Climbers x300


Alarm 3: with partner

A- Pattycake Merkins x10

L- Partner Squats x15

A- Partner Nolan Ryan or Side plank with rotation clap x20

R- Reverse Crunch x25 IC with partner

M- Moroccan Nightclubs x30 IC with partner 4 count


Mosey to hill:

Everest (Lunge, squat, lunge, squat) to top of hill for:

Bat Wings ( Forward Arm Circles x20; Backwards Arm Circles x20; Seal claps x20; Overhead claps x20 -all in 4-count.)


Mosey to bridge for “The Burn” Squats

Mosey and back to gazebo for one round of Mary.


Eph 6 10 Be strong in The Lord and the strength of His might.


CSAUP- February 23

Rooster-March 3


Tesla’s friend Tracy and his wife Holly who is in declining health.

Keep Anchorman in prayer as he participates in 180 Weekend with his youth group.


Great work today, guys! Thanks for coming out!

Always a blessing to lead and serve,



AMWRAPers Delight

Cold weather didn’t stop the pax from showing up today and YHC has a good plan to get the fellowship and workout going today I brought some tunes to get this going.
Warm up:
SSH, Nancy Karigans,then a short mosey turn around back to the tennis courts.
The thang:
AMWRAPERS 6 minutes per group then a lap around the courts. After each set high step to the end of one court then NUR back.
1.5 burpees,50balboas,20imperial squats.
2. 20 lunges,20merkins,20ssh
3. 50 shoulder presses, 20lbcs, 10 shoulder taps. Once all completed we had about a mile and a good sweat going on. All seemed to enjoy the tunes today we had a little OPP,return of the Mack, copper head road you name it!
Ab time Freddie M,lBCs,Flutters, and because I thoughtAT would show we did Rhonda’s. We finished with I am a real American and a round of squats during the song. 220 total I believe.
I thought this was good way to end today, we have some new Pax in the group and we do a lot of teamwork and individual movements. It is very impactful to be in a circle counting each exercise together and going after a common goal. It reminds us all that we are never alone in the F3 world.
Csaup, and Q source each Sunday.
Prayer request:
Rockabilly’s grandma, Montross’s Aunt, all of our M’s and each other.

The Bedpan is Full!

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