Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2016 (Page 2 of 5)

Goat Island BB 3/24-16



Hillbilly (aka Appalachian American)

Moroccan Night Club

Don Quixte



Mosey around 1 lap on sidewalk

The Thang:

start with “ring of TIRE”==circle around big tire==round 1-PAX flips while others Al Gore til all have flipped once==round 2-PAX flips while others plank til all have flipped once==rinse & repeat 1 more time

head to gazebo==round 1-3 PAX do pull ups while other 3 bear crawl to cone, then joe Hendrix back to start==switch==round 2-3 PAX flutter kick while other 3 bear crawl to cone, joe Hendrix back==rinse & repeat

Mosey to famous bank alley==round 1-backward skip to steps, mosey up, 3 burpees at top, mosey around building to start==round 2-vine to steps, mosey up, 3 burpees at top, mosey around bldg.==round 3-broad jump to steps, mosey up, 3 burpees at top, mosey around bldg.

mosey 1 lap on sidewalk back to starting point

mosey to center of bridge, 50 LBC OYO, mosey to picnic tables, 50 dips OYO, 20 each leg Step ups OYO, mosey to bridge, 50 flutter kicks OYO, mosey to start

line up on RR ties==10 mike Tyson OYO, Rocky Balboas OYO==rinse & repeat 1 more set



Great time VQing…hopefully enjoyed by all in attendance

Men’s Health

Wednesday night I was reading an issue of Men’s Health and found an article about how HIIT training came about. The article had some suggestions for some exercises to do and well…I couldn’t resist trying it. I scratched my plan and created a new one. Thanks Men’s Health and your welcome PAX!



Don Quixte X 10IC

High Knee’s

Flutter Kick’s X 15IC

Seal Jacks X 10IC


The Thang:

Start with a round of weight training exercises. Then 2 minutes of cardio. Then finish with a body weight exercise

Do one of three: Burpee Rows with bricks x 10, Squats with 30lbs slam ball x 20, Snatch and squat with 40lbs kettlebell x 10

2 minute cardio-Run for for 2 minutes at high pace and mixed it up a few times with 2 minutes of Burpee’s! (Crowd favorite) We needed burpeethon training anyway!

Finshed with pullups 10,8,6 or merkins x 15 IC

We did two rounds which equals 6 sets



Great work by all today. The PAX fitbit numbers say this was a good one! It must have been because as I type this the morning after I have hit a new low weight # my body fat and BMI went down and muscle % went up! It doesn’t and shouldn’t get easier but we will get better!

Sparky with the VQ #HIM #bb #Folsom

8 regulars and 2 FNG’s showed up in the gloom for the Sparky beatdown.


Warmup; SSH x 20 IC, LBC X 15 IC, Merican x 18 IC

The Thang;

Mosey to the lower picnic shelter and partner up.  P1 perform exercise while P2 travels about 25yds and back and switch keeping an aggregate count.


60 Burpees with Bearcrawls

100 Merican with Frogjumps

100 Squats with Crabwalk

120 Flutterkicks with Lunges

Run a lap around parking lot and back to the flag to circle up for Ring of Fire.

Moleskin;  Nice work men.  Hate I missed it.  Look forward to the next one.  Sounds like Sparky threw out a beatdown this morning.  AYE!  #DRP

COT; Namorama, Prayer Requests, Announcements, Dicussed 2Tim 2:4


Rock -n- Roll Express

The similarities between Marthas Blast(Co-Q’d by E4 and Spiderman) and the 80’s tag team sensation Rock -n- Roll Express is striking. Those who are familiar with both will agree. E4/Robert Gibson and Spiderman/Ricky Morton combined their exceptional ringsmanship to effectively lay the smack down on the 9 heels who braved the challenge.

Right away E4 let it be known, running was not an option. Bear crawls and burpees in tandem heated up the action with an intensity so strong, Bandit may have unexpected visitors on his doorstep.(had to be there)

After the first bell and sensing a shift of momentum, Spiderman began throwing foreign objects into the ring. Bricks everywhere! Luckily no fans were injured, just rotator cuffs.

5 more minutes of pre-planned maneuvers and taunting ensued. Suddenly out of the abyss of sweat and grunt, RnRE landed their patented finishing move, the wall sit shoulder press brick extension. The final bell sounded.

Rumors of high fives spread.

20 Side Straddle Hops
10 Merkins
10 LBCs

The Thang
Mosey To the Marthas

Pair up
1 Pax hits LBCs for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

1 Pax hits Flutterkicks for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

1 Pax hits Freddie Mercurys for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

1 Pax hits WW1 sit ups for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

To the Snow Balls, pop the trunk, grab the bricks < That’s right baby!

20 brick curls
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/ brick
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/out brick
10 Merkins
20 Bent rows w/ brick
20 brick curls
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/ brick
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/out brick

Pair Up
1 Pax runs around snow balls – brick included
partner does squats w/ shoulder press – brick included
200 aggregate

20 brick curls
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/ brick
10 Merkins
20 Bent rows w/ brick
10 Peter Parker

20 Wall Sits shoulder press w/ brick
20 Wall Sits shoulder externsions w/ brick


It’s an important week in the 3rd F of F3.  I can’t say it better than it has already been written, though I am constantly humbled in knowing that my/our endless calamities have been forgiven, all out of love.

Pizza Man’s A-Z Delivery

Mt. Midoriyama- 3 PAX showed up on this beautiful spring day for Pizza Man’s special delivery.  Nothing better then an A-Z delivery!!



Side straddle Hop X 20

Don Quoties X 10

Run a Lap around parking lot





A- Air Squat x 20

B- Burpee x 10

C- Carolina Dry Docks x 20

D- Dips x 20

E- Elevens (1 lunge 10 merkins, 2 lunges 9 merkins, etc.)

F- Flutter Kicks x 30

G- Gorilla Humpers x 20

H- Hillbillies x 20

I- Iron squat x 15

J- Jump ups x 15 (Bleachers)

K- Knerkin (Knuckle merkins) x 20

L- LBC x 30

M- Merkins x 20

N- Nolan Ryan x 10 each arm

O- One-legged lunge x 10 each leg

P- Parker peter x 20

Q- Quadraphilia x 7

R- Reverse crunch x 20

S- Smurf Jack  x 20

T- Travolta’s “Staying alive plank” x 10 each arm

U- Up downs x 5 with High knees between

V- V-up roll up x 10

W- Werkin (wide merkin) x 20

X- Xs and Os x 10

Y- Yul Brynner-Magnificent Seven Merkins. (Progress through 7 different types of merkins x 5 reps: Carolina Dry Dock to Wide Merkin to Merkin to Ranger Merkin to Diamond Merkin to Crucible Merkin to Chuck Norris Merkin)

Z- Zombie walks

*With a little time left, mosey over to the playground for 2 sets of 10 pull-ups then ran the long lap back to the flag to end with a “Mary” of planks.*


Thanks to all the men that showed up for Pizza Man’s delivery, we demolished it. 



#Folsom #BB The Mix Up

8 Men appeared in the gloom for The Mix Up.  YHC came in hot and began with an apology and the disclaimer.

Warmup; SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC


The Thang;  The pax took a short mosey to the lower parking and met at the far shelter and were told to partner up.  P1 wheelbarrow P2 25 yds, each partner 20 Old School Situps; P2 wheelbarrow P1 25 yds, 20 flutter kicks; P1 fireman carry P2 25 yds, 20 feet throws each; P2 fireman carry P1 25 yds, 30 sec plank.  Then it was time for the burpee lap.  Pax to run lap around parking lot and perform 5 burpees OYO at the each corner.  20 burpees later the pax planked waiting on the six and then moseyed to the picnic shelter to perform some Mary.

YHC; dips x 15 IC, squats x 15 IC; JK2, hello dolly x 15 IC; Allen Tate, LBC’s x 15 IC; Shingle, Ring of Fire 5 Mericans while pax hold plank till his turn; Garfield, Step ups x 15 IC; Medicine Woman, Freddy Mercury x 12 IC; Roadie, SSH x 15 IC; Huckleberry and Dolph, 10 box jumps OYO.  Then the pax took a final lap around the parking lot and back up the hill for the COT.

Announcements; Backyard Brawl 4-9, MudRun 4-30; JK2 looking for a team, Gaston County Run, Burpee Thon, BRR; Prayer Requests; Namorama; JK2 thanks for taking us out sir.

Moleskin; Nice work men; Huckleberry I apologize for the discomfort, I hope it doesn’t last long.  Keep us updated.  YHC tried a little of everything and did manange to sneak a little Q practice in for the pax which they handled nicely.  It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger.  Thanks guys always a honor to lead you men.  #DRP

“Just Leave Me There if I Die” – #TheStorm BB

This morning’s disclaimer was a little different than normal: in addition to what we normally say, I added that I was feeling terrible and that it was okay for the PAX to just leave me if I happen to cough up a lung and keel over. Surprisingly, everything we did seemed to clear out my system (at least for the time being). A pair of head lights eclipsed the hill just as we were about to start, so we started with Monk’s message for the week and pledge while waiting for the last straggler to join us. When everyone was present and accounted for, we began with:

Warm-Up (In-Cadence)

  • Side-Straddle Hops x15
  • Don Quixotes x15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30
  • Merkins x15
  • LBCs x15
  • Mountain Climbers x15

Partner Up

Dora 1-2-3

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBCs
  • Partner 1 exercises while Partner 2 runs down to the next light pole and does 2 Burpees, runs back, and switches with Partner 1 (Aggregate counting).

Mosey to Student Entrance of SCHS

  • Bunny Hops x30 (Aggregate counting) onto stone benches
  • Derkins x50 OYO on stone benches

Mosey to Traffic Circle

  • Hold plank while each man runs around the traffic cirle
  • Side Note – this was an awful idea after all those Derkins

Mosey to bottom corner of the SCHS Practice Field. Alternate between Zombie Walk (Lunge-Lunge-Squat) and Backwards Zombie Walk up the hill, switching at each light pole, until reaching the top. (Forward-Backward-Forward-Backward)

At the top of the practice field, we completed Burpicides down the hill and back. All-in-all, there were only five Burpees, but lots of running in between each.

Mosey back to Start for Mary

  • Flutter Kicks x15 (IC)
  • Freddie Mercury’s x15 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge Remix (single leg alternating)
  • World War Sit-Ups x10
  • Mason Twist x15 (IC) (‘Merica)

Word of the Week

“And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19

Announcements, Prayer Requests, Name-o-Rama, Prayer

BackBlast- #GasHouse: 1 Year Anniversary…. Mini Van Onlookers

29 PAX showed up in the gloom for the #GasHouse 1 year anniversary workout.

1 year ago I talked a few friends to go to this new F3 workout that was starting in Gastonia.  I was looking for something different than just weight lifting and thought this may be the change of pace that I needed.  The workouts were tough and a few guys that came with me that first workout have since not returned.  I looked back on the picture of the first F3Gastonia/GasHouse workout and there are only 7 guys who continue to post from that group (BA, Godfather, Squeeker, Wink, Rudolph, DaVinci, Linus). In 1 year it is crazy to think of the changes that have came to F3Gastonia both in the workouts and in the faces that come and go. Hopefully in the year ahead more guys who try a F3Gastonia workout will come back and become regulars.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 25
  • Merkins x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 15

Mosey to the flag pole

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the insurance buliding with the brick wall

In Cadence

  • Little Baby Dips x 20
  • Derkins x 10- Roscoe “lost a contact” and had to turn back…. or really just took a break…. he did return sometime later to rejoin the group.

Mosey to the church parking lot and partner up

  • 150 Merkins/Zombie Walk to Speed Bump
  • 150 CDD/Backwards Zombie Walk to Speed Bump

Mosey to the stairs in back of church, partner up, and grab a cinder block….about this time the sky opened up and it started to rain

  • 300 chest press/bear crawl up stairs
  • 200 bicep curls/run up stairs
  • 150 tricep french curl/run up stairs
  • 50 blockees/run up stairs

Mosey half way back with cinder blocks

Plank until our 6 reaches us

Mosey the rest of the way back with cinder blocks and deposit in BA and Dolphs truck

Circle Up

  • Sally Squats- at this point the Schiele parking lot started to fill up with mini van mothers and I believe they liked the view.
  • Sally Monkey Humpers AKA Jobu’s- at this point the above mentioned mini van moms didn’t know what we were up to and I believe became confused of what type of group we were. Some of the mini van Dads may have liked it….. I hope not.
  • 5 Burpees


Nameorama: FNG Huckleberry

Announcements: Mud Run, Relay, Burpee A Thon

Prayers: Requests by the PAX

Coffeeteria: 12 at Panera

As Always It Was A Pleasure To Lead


Recruiting Visit



YHC was first to arrive at the AO and noticed a performer on stage at the Pavilion.  As I walked closer, it was actually a guy sleeping in a blanket with a jam box playing some rock music that I couldn’t decipher.  When the PAX began appearing our friend must have heard the welcoming voices of our greetings and started his day.  After a brief disclaimer, I was getting ready to call for SSH when I noticed two gentlemen walking up from my 6.  A quick greeting to them and we started.  They began to engage our friend on stage.  More about that later.

We did:  SSH, Prayer Squats, LBC’s, Moroccan Nightclubs, Mountain Climbers, Merkins and then the Pledge of Allegiance.

We moseyed around downtown ending at the Antler “Art” and did some Mary on the front end of the workout.  We did LBC’s, Protractor, V-Hold, and then in honor of Bandit we performed the Dying Cockroach.  YHC was concerned he may wake up with the flu since it is going around the Roscoe household and I wanted to have a backup Q in case of acute onset overnight.  Bandit has work commitments that are keeping him from posting so far this week.  I told him to remind his employer that there is no “W” as in work in F3.

While on our 6 we also noticed that the “Art” moves like a weather vane which was great for taking your mind off the pain.  I also noticed a birdhouse with books in it.  Maybe we can read something next time I have the Q.  #Literacycounts.

Mosey around downtown a little more and ended up at the Pavilion.

Partner up for plank/burpees:  P1 holds low plank, P2 runs to other side of parking lot and does 5 burpees, comes back and switch; then does 4 burpees, 3, 2, and 1. The PAX were told to modify the run as needed but if they went to the far end it was a mile all told.  Spiderman claimed the running part was too far and in hindsight I tend to agree.  While a few of us were holding a plank, one our earlier friends began to engage us about whether we had boys at home.  This was an usual thing to ask, especially while we we were sweating holding a plank and because it was about 0545 in the morning in the gloom.  Some of the PAX didn’t know if he was a homeless outreach guy or a St. Paddy’s day reveler who hadn’t gone to sleep yet.  Not sure where this was going, he then said he is a football coach for a local organization.  We all agreed that if you want to engage guys who are holding a plank and generally suffering, your best bet is to hold a plank yourself and tell them you are a football coach before you ask about their boys. If you are ever recruiting for kid’s sports teams with strangers at 0545 Friday morning while they are exercising in a random section of Bermuda grass, keep these tips in mind.  We wished our new friend well and thanked him for his time.
We then moseyed to the “wall” and started with the people’s chair, marching, Derkins with feet on the wall, People’s chair with air presses, Mountain Climbers on the wall, Al Gore, and finally BB&T’s (Donkey kicks).  If you can’t do it, you can’t Q it.

Time was running short so we hit the bridge and lunge walked the entire length.  We actually hit time at the end of the bridge so we hustled back to the Pavilion for the COT.

Monk reminded us that the word (verse?) of the week is “Give thanks to him who gives me strength.”  1 Timothy

The Backwoods Brawl April 9th, Community Foundation Run the week after,

Continued Prayers for Outhouse and his family.  Great to see him Post again this week.

Prayers from Monk for an 11 year old who is contemplating suicide.

Week 2 of Third F Bible Study tomorrow at the picnic tables at the Schiele.

We closed in prayer.

It was my pleasure to lead this morning and great to see a new face among us (Guiness).  Keep EH’ing those potential FNG’s and keep the Gashouse growing.


Three Minute Intervals of Fun

MOUNT MIDORIYAMA GASTONIA — Two pax showed up ready to have a little end of day fun. With a mountain in the backdrop and the sun setting, it was time for the Thursday workout.

What is 2 + 2 yelled Floppy Disk, today’s Q. In unison, the men grunted four. Floppy retorted, NO! It’s three and I’ll prove it!

With a round of laughter, no one believed and they knew he was crazy.

Floppy took the pax to the ministry of love to prove to them that it indeed equaled three. Firing up a timer with intervals set at three minutes the first thang was yelled out. “Blockies”!

When that three minutes of horror ended, plank was shouted. Then squats, air jump ropes,  plank jack to sit-ups, star jacks, lunges, LBC’s, merkins and more. The onslaught of three-minute exercises didn’t stop until time ran out.

By the end, all were in agreement. “2+2=3” and love is hate.1

The Thang


  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot
  • Short break to fix the flag
  • Side straddle hop (20 IC)
  • Moroccan Night Club (20 IC)

The Thang

  • 3 minutes of blockies (30 second rest)
  • 3 minutes of low/high plank (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of squats (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of air jump rope  (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of plank jack to sit-up (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of star jacks (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of LBC (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of merkins (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of lunges (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of mountain climbers (should be renamed to Madoriyama  climbers)
  • 3 minutes of side plank alternating sides every 30 seconds.


Pledge, prayer, and while leaving we talked about some of the places in the bible that mentions the number three. Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days, Jesus’s ministry lasted three years, Peter denied him three times, the rooster crowed three times.

1. These events may have not happened exactly as described. 🙂

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