• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 02/20/2024
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Clutch
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Pony Boy, Ball Joint, Bed Pan, Volt, Paul Bearer, Band Camp, Stogie

We started out with the a standard warm up of SSH, Moracin Night Clubs, Overhead claps, Sun gods, and gravel pickers.

(Stogie Took off on a ruck)

After that we partnered up and ran “catch me if you can style” up to the flag while one partner did 5 merkins.

Upon arrival at the flag, we said the pledge then started our first “thing”. This was a 5 round set of 20 mountain climbers, 20 Rocky Balboas, 10 jump squats, followed by a lap around the island.

After completing 5 rounds of the above we circled up under the awning for a mini Q school round of Mary for the benefit of “Band Camp” a young PAX who has been posting the last several days. We started with LBC’s and everyone had a chance to call a 10 count cadence of their favorite ab exercise, then we ended wit Band Camp calling a 10 count cadence of LBCs to finish, he counted them better than some veteran PAX!

We worked the clock with a set of dirty 11’s, starting with 10 merkins hitting a burpee in the center (each trip) and big boys on the other end.

That left us just enough time to get back to COT to wrap it up!