20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Air Press, 10 Waist Bends w/ KB, 10 Around the World, 20 Merkins, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 LBCs, 20 Flutterkicks, 10 American Hammers
30 Seconds: Goble Squats
30 Seconds: Monkey Humpers
30 Seconds: Merkins
30 Seconds: Tricep Extensions
30 Seconds: Flutterkicks
30 Seconds: American Hammers
30 Seconds: Freddy Mercuries
30 Seconds: Merkins
30 Seconds: Curls
30 Seconds: Shoulder Press
30 Seconds: Lawnmowers
30 Seconds: Halos
30 Seconds: Plank Jacks
30 Seconds: Shoulder Taps
30 Seconds: Dips
30 Seconds: Around the World