• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 02/05/2024
  • AO: Mt. Hollywood
  • QIC: Wirenut
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Blueprint, Pillager, Freon, Red Ribbon

I’ve been working on making it out to each of our regions weekday Bootcamp AOs. I am waiting to see new faces and workout in new places. So when it was put out on the ol’ interwebs that Mt. Hollywood needs a Q this week I was like why not. As fate would have it I’ve never most of these men and I’ve never been there for a workout let alone a Q so no better time to go right.  Once there I knew mostly what I wanted to do and I’m pretty good at making things up as I go along.  So after a good warmup we were off heading straight into downtown. We stopped at each pole along the way in for 10 deep squats. We then stopped at the intersection Main St. to stretch and workout the stiffness in the lower body. All limbered back up so we’re going head down to 273 aka Highland St. this time stopping at each decorative light pole along the way for 10 HR Merkins. We headed back up to the CBD shop for some more recovery work this time focusing on the upper body. We then cut down the back alley behind the downtown businesses where we finished things of with a little DORA  core work. 100 Big Boys, 200 LBCs, & 300 Flutters. We’re now pressed for time so with a quick dash between the buildings and back up Central to the Flag. With perfect timing we rolled into the parking lot just in time for the Pledge and COT only after I catch my breath that is. I’ll tell you what trust me when I say these Men of Mt. Hollywood ain’t no joke. I was the lead but I spent much of my time chasing these guys down. I’d give them a task and they’d attack it like a swarm of angry yellow jackets. Great work men and thanks Blueprint for the invite.

Folsom Nationals 2/10 – 0630

Many Prayers Spoken and Unspoken