Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 5, 2024

If You’re Not Cheating Then You’re Not Trying

Day one PR challenge and I’ve got rep and count cheaters at the first workout. We did a simple WOD but it was a ton of reps.
Round 1 100 reps. each – Merkins, Squats, Big Boys, and SSHs. Rinse repeat but drop the reps. by 25 until you get to a final round of 25 each. This was very similar to our PT test with the exception of the useless running which I intentionally left out. There was however a timer and every 3 minutes we stopped where we were and did 3 burpees. Very simple but very effective. You’ve got to pace yourself in those first two marathon rounds so that your body doesn’t die before you get to the sprint rounds.

Well first thing I saw when we started was someone doing half reps.Then I’ve got Ball Joint and SA tag teaming reps looking like Midnight Express after the Road Warriors kicked the snot out of them at The Starcade 89’ Scaffold Match. Next I saw the worst version of face down arse up crawling on your knees Merkins I’ve ever seen. I guess that’s the version you want to practice if your boss has a tiny desk. I can tell you now that the things I saw out here today are burned into my brain and I can’t unsee them. I heard a hey man It’s You vs You. Well if we’re going to cheat that bad we need to change that motto to If You Ain’t Cheating Then You Ain’t Trying. It wasn’t all bad though I had guys pushing and grinding through the suck. On another high note I had the Peoples Champ back out here in the Gloom with us this am and he appeared to have picked up right where he left off before Lynn Good abducted him last month. Then there was Westside this guy is like the original Terminator literally said nothing just grinding through rep after rep with impeccable form and performance. He’s the only one to get through the all rounds from what I could tell. Dude went Beast Mode.

We finally got through that mess and headed back up for the Pledge and COT.

Folsom Winter Nationals 2/10 at 0630

There were several spoken and unspoken prayers. As always we’ve got way too many things to be thankful and give praise for.

Thanks For The Support and Opportunity.

Well that’s all for now I’m sure I will get the chance to critique more of you guys in the near future. Until then remember If You Ain’t Cheating then You Ain’t Trying.

Midoriyama 2/1/24

With pushing rocks starting we had a big crowd (15) at Midoriyama.  The days are getting a little longer and I felt like it would be a good day for some ultimate frisbee.  It was a really fun game but the outcome was the same. GOOD WORK LEPPARD!!!



Pushing Rocks

Canned food drive at Folsom nationals

Rice n beans 2/13



Wojo dad



Skeet family

Out of Range – Crows Nest – Lake Wylie 2.5.24

Out of Range Post & Q from Clutch – Alma Mater & Radar attended as well

AO/Region: Crows Nest – Lake Wylie


It was good to be back at the Lake this morning!

We started off with a typical F3 warm up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, Windmills, Produce Pickers, and Hillbilly Walkers.

Then we mosied over to the picnic shelter for a few rounds of work that included: 10 Step ups each leg, 10 dips, 10 split squats each leg, and 10 incline merkins. We followed each set up with a lap around the basketball court. We did 3 sets.

After that everyone got excited for an “Ab Destroyer” Dora. We did 100 in and out on the swings, 150 big boys, and 200 LBC’s

That left us just enough time to run a set of hillside 11’s, with CDD’s at the bottom and jump squats at the top.

We gratefully made it back to COT to meet up with the runners!


Thanks Sprocket for the opportunity to lead!


Lifeline 2/5/24

8 PAX came out to move with weight this fine morning!

No FNG’s, quick disclaimer, and mosey to the back of church


SSH, LSQ, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Brief Broga, Merkins.

Each PAX grabbed a block and we assembled at the field.

The Thang – All About the Benjamins

The main focus with everything was 100 (hence Benjamin)

PAX complete exercise called out by Q then lunge walk 25 yards.  R&R for 4 times = 100 yards

Completed 3 Rounds

Exercises included – Curls, LSQ, Overhead Press, Big Boy Sit Ups, WW3’s, Chest Press, Drag Throughs, Bent Over Rows, LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, Irkins,

Overall 300 reps of exercises and 300 yards of Lunges

Mosey to round about for Bear Crawl. In single file around the round about for 3 laps totaling 100 Yards

Moved on to “Need for Speed”

PAX split into groups of 4 and ran 25 yard sprints R&R for 3 Rounds totaling 300 yards

Quick 6 around the church with blocks to replace them at their original home

All you got back to the flag for MARY

Finished with WW’2s to the tune of Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


Need help for Rice and Beans (Check Slack)

Prayers for Cherie Berry’s Dad as he is in the Hospital with heart condition

Continued prayers for Montana and his recovery

Any and all unspoken requests

Pleasure to lead Gentlemen



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