Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 19, 2022

Last Minute Shopping

Time is short before Christmas so let’s get straight to the details.

The Pledge

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Pain Lab split to do their thing. Boudin went mall walking due to an injury.

Bootcamp moseyed for some last minute shopping, but stopped by Grier for some quick work. YHC had planned on this being a faster stop, but the Q’s little elves help set up traffic cones so we stayed a little longer in recognition of their effort. Four cones set up 5 parking spaces apart. Suicide runs to each cone. Exercise, then off to the first cone. Exercise, then back to start line. Exercise, then off to the second cone. Rinse and repeat for all 4 cones.

Round 1 – Suicide Straddle Hops
Round 2 – Suicide Squats
Round 3 – LBSCs (Little Baby Suicide Crunches)

Mosey on towards our shopping destination. First stop, Ollie’s for a 6-pack. One group ran to the other end of the parking lot row while the other group did AMRAP exercises. Stop at the light pole in the middle for a burpee going out and coming back.

1 – Crunchy Frogs
2 – Seal Jacks
3 – Freddie Mercuries
4 – Squats
5 – Moroccan Night Clubs
6 – Reverse Crunches

Mosey to Gabe’s/Conn’s to pick up a set of 4-corners.

Corner 1 – Burpees x 10
Corner 2 – Merkins x 20
Corner 3 – Squats x 30
Corner 4 – Flutter Kicks x 40

Run it back with half the count but unstacking the exercises

Corner 1 – Burpees x 5, Merkins x 10, Squats x 15, Flutters x 20
Corner 2 – Burpees x 5, Merkins x 10, Squats x 15
Corner 3 – Burpees x 5, Merkins x 10
Corner 4 – Burpees x 5

Mosey back to Grier. Lunges and Karaoke through the parking lot. Mosey to the flag.

Stroganoff Christmas Eve Q next Saturday
Gashouse Site Q Swap (potentially 12/24)
Pushing Rocks Challenge

Prayer Requests
Praise – All the PAX that set up the decorations at Turtleman’s house

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

The Sword – 12/19/22

It was cold and a very small group of PAX this morning in the gloom.

We ran 2-3 miles.

YHC gave a devotion based off of Titus 2: 11-14

11 For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. 12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, 13 while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. 14 He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.

The Pledge


  • Announcements
  • Prayer Requests

YHC closed us in prayer

Remember the reason for the Season!

Merry Christmas!

Breaker Breaker

January 1st New Years Day Q-Source Pre-Blast

Okay F3 Gastonia,

This year New Years Day falls on a Sunday.  There was talk of a possible convergence but with church and Sunday obligations it may be difficult for some to travel too far from home.  Instead, we will be doing a personal development exercise.

The 1FQ’s (Flintstone for those that don’t know) “Push the Rock” challengei is a perfect way to start off the first day of the year with a Sunday post at Member’s Only, Crossroads, or the Coconut Horse and stay for Q-Source and start your year off on the right path with two points towards the challenge.

What is on tap for Q-Source you ask?  We will be doing the 8-Block.  Those that have followed CSPAN and the weekly roundtable call (the first F3 podcast), may be familiar with it.  The 8-block is a worthwhile personal exercise to set your goals and priorities for the year.  More information is linked to this podcast….

You will also need your “one Word”.   What is a one word challenge? Essentially, a one word challenge involves choosing a specific word to guide you throughout the year as you make decisions, pursue goals, and try to become the human being you want to be. It’s part compass, part motivator, and part mirror.

That is it.  Show up on New Years Day at one of the three Sunday AO’s.  Get a run, ruck, or other exercises of your choice.  Bring a sheet of paper and a pen to Q Source in case the Q doesn’t have one.  We will all complete the exercise and then share with your peers and go over it again and again all year.

You will be amazed how some of your blind spots disappear and your priorities will be clearer.

Purple Haze is the Q-Source Q for 2022.  He will be leading the way at Crossroads.  YHC will have the Q at the Coconut Horse, and Tiger will be leading Member’s Only.

If you have questions feel free to contact me.



Mt Hollywood – 12-12-22

Disclaimer – may have happened, may not have. No FNGs, no problem…

The Pledge


Mosey to elementary building of knowledge

Triple Nickel

Diamond Merkins x 5

mosey around parking lot

Plank Jacks x 5

Rinse and repeat 5x

Mosey back to Shovel Flag

Four Corners around the parking lot.

Corner 1: Jump Squats x10

Corner 2 Jump Squats x 10

Corner 3; SSH x 10

Corner 4; Mountain Climbers x 10

Rinse and repeat 3X, adding 5 reps each round

Move up by the building and grab a bench

  • Dips x 20I/C
  • Flutter Kicks x 20I/C
  • American Hammers x 20 I/C
  • LBCs x 20 I/C

Round two

  • Dips x 12I/C
  • Flutter Kicks x 12I/C
  • American Hammers x 12 I/C
  • LBCs x 12 I/C

Back to Shovel Flag for COT


Prayer Requests

YHC closed in prayer

Light crowd this morning, no worries, we put in some tough work….


Over and out,

Breaker Breaker

Tippman went MIA!

I haven’t been posting as much lately due to my wife’s work schedule much less Q ing so when I saw the Q open for downtown 1 week away I pounced on it. It’s great to have options in this region to hit a boot camp almost any day of the week. But here’s what went down downtown during this workout.

warm up: ssh,air presses,gravel pickers, merkins, mountain climbers, squats all x10 IC

mosey to the church stopping at every third pole for 3 kraken burpees I love these cause you get a break between hopping up and you slack rascals can’t cheat on the merkins 😁 there was some discussion about wich poles counted I informed the pax that only city poles mattered 😆I thought this would get wirenuts panties in a twist and it did good times. Once at the church we did 11’s derkins and v ups jumping a short wall in the middle of the parking lot.

we moseyed to the radio shop next , on the way we continued with the krakens at the radio shop we did Route 66 lunges and squats I asked pax to touch the ground with fingertips on each squat to ensure proper depth was reached I see squats shortchanged a lot and it’s bothersome honestly to see other pax charge ahead of me when their half repping but I know in the end it’s you vs you🙄😁. After that up the stairs doing 3 calf raises on each stair once everyone reached the top we headed towards the bridge stopping at every third pole for 3 big boys. We made it to Franklin when I saw some pax double back . 🤔what’s going on? They said Tippman is missing last time we saw him was at the radio shop. So those pax went back to look and never returned. So half of us backtracked towards the radio shop the other half circled the other side of the block heading towards the same destination but still nobody found 🤷‍♂️ I was wondering who would abduct a handful of sweaty ugly men at 6:00am but stranger things have happened. So we headed towards the COT when we got close we found all the missing pax including Tippman 😅 he lost sight of us after the calf raises and headed back to the COT. So now that we were re united we celebrated with triple nickel on the bridge with pull-ups and box jumps. I know the box jumps can be hard on the knees so I told the pax if needed modify with step ups. Slaw said what if we don’t want to do pull-ups 🤨quit being a puss Mr pick up the 6 😆 it looked like he was cranking them out just fine to me I always try to work in some pull ups cause not many do they’re an awesome exercise for lat development something we can all use. Times up we headed back to the cot we pledged thanks to captain stubbing for the reminder then I shared a word and prayed us out. We prayed for wirenuts dad and daughter and easy riders father in law. It was a pleasure leading this morning like always thanks for the opportunity and next time I’m sticking close to Tippman so he doesn’t get lost 😁

The Storm – 12/6/22



Mosey to the school building for the THANG!


Burpees x 5 – Run to the front of school entrance and back

Burpees + 10 Lunges – run

Burpees, Lunges, + 15 I/Ws – run

Burpees, lunges, I/Ws, +20 Merkins – run

Burpees, lunges, I/Ws, merkings, 25 Plank Jacks – Run

Burpees, lunges, I/Ws, merkins, plank jacks + 30 Squats –

Rinse and repeat

Finish off with a few core exercises and then mosey back to Shovel Flag for COT.


The Pledge


  • Announcements
  • Prayer Requests
  • YHC closed us out with a prayer

Thanks for allowing me to lead you this morning! As always, an honor!


Over and out!

Breaker Breaker

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